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Christians: What does it mean "the wages of sins is death"?

Of course, Catholics included

Who is paying the wages? Who require and When is it paid? Are all sins paid by death?

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Christians: What does it mean "the wages of sins is death"?

    It means that death - mortal, human, physical death - is the result of sin. Death was the "wage" that Adam earned for his sin, and all of us also earn "death" as the "wage" of our own sin.

    2) Who is paying the wages?

    Every human who sins.

    3) When is it paid?

    At the end of mortal human life.

    4) Are all sins paid by death?

    Sin is the "labor". Mortal death is the "wages" - but not the full wages. In the afterlife, God's judgment and forgiveness deliver true (or "absolute" or "eternal") justice that mere bodily death cannot.

    - Jim,

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm not too sure but here is what I understand from church: It basically means that the punishment for sins is death. And by death, it's not only the physical death, but the spiritual one where Heaven becomes offlimits. All sins are punishable by death because any imperfection cannot be brought before God after death and therefore if we are imperfect, we'll go to hell. When Jesus died, He took our sins upon Himself so that we would not have to suffer in the eternal fire. Basically, He died and paid for our sins and cleared our debts so that we don't have to. Hope that helps! :)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    WOW!! so many different answers from so many sinners, and all are hopelessly wrong. Its likened to the blind leading the blind. Follow them and you'll sure to fall over a cliff and be destroyed.

    This verse simply means that if you still have sin, and die in your sin, then you yourself will be paying for it forever in hell separated from God. And the reason why you still have sin is all because you failed to realize and believed in the true gospel of the water and the Spirit recorded in the Bible. This gospel says that Jesus took all our sins away when He was baptized in water by John the Baptist, the last OT high priest, and the Spirit means, God Himself. Only once this act was fully completed could Jesus walk to the Cross and pay for them instead of us. He died this death for the wages of our sins, and He became our sin sacrifice. This is how much God loves us by sending His own Son to die for us.

    So to recap. If you wish to escape the punishment for sin, you must meet this true gospel Today.

  • spider
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Once we fall asleep in death we have the ransom sacrifice of our Lord Christ Jesus to loose us from death and have the opportunity to live again. Our lives is the highest price one could pay for sins. When we die debt is paid in full.

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  • 8 years ago

    Simply stated....before Adam&Eve disobeyed God by partaking of the Fruit - they were NOT HUMAN or mortal - they were innocent, immortal beings. WHen cast from the garden they became human, mortal beings subject to DEATH. Thus the wages of their disobedience became the fact that they would then suffer death as would all humanity that followed them.

    Mortal life brings about DEATH to all - eventually.

  • 8 years ago

    That means when you wager goodness against sin you will always end up with death

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The Judeo/Christian Bible has always used extreme fear as a tool to keep people away from the occult, sorcery, “witchcraft,” and workings of the mind. In the article below, the reasons are obvious. In order for a spell to succeed, the victim must lack the necessary knowledge, be a good sheep, and just “believe.”

    Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

    The JoS Ministry has kept certain knowledge private owing to its inflammatory nature. Satan informed me 4/30/05, no more knowledge regardless of what it is, is to remain secret anymore. He especially mentioned the knowledge in this article to be open to the public. At his insistence, I am going public with this:

    “YHVH” aka “Yaweh” “Jehova” is nothing more than a system of Jewish magick. “YHVH” known as the “tetragammaton” represents the four corners and elements, as does “INRI” along with the four gospels; these represent the four corners of magick and the four elements that are so important in any magickal working. “YHVH” is used extensively in (Jewish) magick. The Jews stole the Kabalah from the Egyptians and corrupted it. It is mainly chanted- “Yod Heh Vau Heh” in different combinations.

    The Gentile people have been force fed Christianity in order to strip us of all knowledge and power. Those at the top play both sides against the middle. What this means is the enemy works from within both sides- each side bashing the other while they both move ahead. This is analogous to a cop who is heavily involved in an open and public anti-drug crusade and secretly sells and pushes drugs unbeknownst to his family and community.

    Following the Roman sacking of the Temple of Solomon 70 CE, Christianity was invented by the Jews the best known is (Paul aka “Saul of Tarsus) so they could control the world using the ancient known powers of the mind and the soul. The Jews themselves know the Nazarene is a fictitious character based upon some 20 crucified heroes from Pagan pantheons. With the centuries of devout belief in this entity and the psychic energy poured into him through prayer, he has taken on a life of his own. See Thoughtforms. For example, Odin hung from a tree, Set was crucified on a furka, Buddha sat beneath the Bo (Boa- again the serpent) tree for enlightenment; the list goes on. Most of the character of the Nazarene was stolen from the Persian God “Mithra.” In working a spell, it is always important a connection be made.

    In the case of Christianity, all of the former Pagan (Gentile) Gods were bound and replaced with fictitious Jewish deities. The Hebrew Virgin Mary replaced Astaroth, the Hebrew Moses legend was stolen from Sargon (both were born in secrecy, left in a reed basket to float down the river and adopted by royalty), Hebrew Abraham was stolen from Hindu Brahma. “Brahma in Sanskrit means “many.” The endless list goes on and on. See Exposing Christianity There isn’t anything in the Christian religion that hasn’t been stolen from Pagan religions pre-dating it from hundreds to thousands of years. The Pagan Gods, being a powerful racial memory in the minds of Gentiles were replaced with Hebrew characters to be slavishly obeyed and worshipped. This set the stage for immense power and control.

  • 8 years ago

    Its talking about the second death, eternal death.

  • 8 years ago

    wages are what you earn when you work.....if you work in sin....then the wage is death....

    not just physical death....but separation ......from God....not that He turns from us when we sin..

    its the sowing and reaping thing

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