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For those who voted for this president, what do you think when?

the US is on the brink of going over the fiscal cliff, victims of Hurricane Sandy are without homes and are getting no help from FEMA, their homes are being torn down without their knowledge, more and more people are unemployed and without trying to fix the problem Barry plans a three-week vacation to Hawaii. Do not give the knee jerk reaction that Republicans are not considering his policies because even the Democrats do not like his plans. He wants free rein over spending, which is like giving a kid the keys to a candy store, that would be a disaster. So now we are saddled with this campaigner in chief, we heading for that fiscal cliff and he goes on yet again another vacation. Are you happy that you voted for him and if so, WHY?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have asked the same question several times, and yes they are proud of getting the vote of the free cell phones lady.

    They just don't care. All they want is power. Total unstoppable unlimited power.

    One shudders to think what they plan to do with all that power... images of Stalin, Hitler, and Mao spring to mind.

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    First, the alternative was Mitt Romney! the only candidate the Republicans could have nominated worse then Romney would have been any of the others that were in the clown car called the Republican primary field. The Republicans running for President were a bunch of people that only appealed to the nut job extremists within the party. Any serious potential candidate either didn't run or couldn't gain any traction in the dysfunctional republican party.

    As for FEMA, I don't know if you live in the Sandy impacted area or if you are just blowing smoke, but many of us have been helped by FEMA. It has been a tough process and there are those that you Republicans hate...people that refused to get flood insurance to take care of themselves and expect the government to bail them out. FEMA has been on the ground and have distributed funds from thousands of claims so far.

    Even Chris Christie has praised the Federal Government response to the storm. Things could be better, but Republicans trying to make Sandy the Presidents Katrina is just lame. Bush screwed up the Katrina response and you are just trying to make President Obama look bad in the same way, but compared to Katrina the Sandy response has been terrific.

  • 8 years ago

    When you see responses like ...

    "you are upset that the president hasn't done much, but you don't want him to spend money doing more? what's he supposed to do? pray?" can't help but realized just how messed up things have become over the past four years nor worry about how much worse it will get in the next four years.

    It's not about "not spending money" it's about "spending money PROPERLY."

    The liberals wanted to see AIG...Solyndra...GM...and other major corporations bailed out...but when it came to the sudden need to bail out Hostess...well there went 18 thousand jobs down the drain.

    Personally...the President should have let capitalism done it's job. Those companies would still be in business and people would still have jobs! matter what you ask an Obama supporter...they will defend his actions to their death. Why...because they really have no clue what the "entitlement" style expenditures will do to this country!

    California overextended itself with entitlements and look where that state sits economically now!

    Source(s): PO
  • 8 years ago

    The "fiscal cliff" was the result of Congress being unable to do their job, so they designed a punishment for us all in case they couldn't do their job, and then they didn't do their job, and they're not doing their job now.

    In case you don't know, the President can only PROPOSE spending. Congress has the ultimate responsibility and authority to ENACT it.

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  • 8 years ago

    I didn't vote for him in 2008 or 2012. But I will say this, his followers sure love the way that he is leading us down the path of destruction. He is acting a lot Morsi in Egypt lately by trying to completely take over. I think Obama will become 'President for Life', just as soon as thee Liberals can enforce their power over us 'little' people.

    For 'mr. dangerous', lets see what obama says in his closing lines of his swearing in oath on January 22.

  • 8 years ago

    Wow, for a minute I lost it I thought I was listening to Rush Limbaugh or Fox news.

    I'll be glad when you run out of sour grapes, looser.

    Yes I am ecstatic that I voted for him. Why, because he was the best candidate for the job.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The modern American Presidency is a 24/7/365 job and as such the President is never on vacation

    What do I think ?

    I think that you guys made a fatal mistake when you guys demanded that all of your candidates must first pass a religious test as a condition of getting your nomination.

    Your Bible has cost you the WH two times in a row so far : keep using it and it will keep costing you

  • 8 years ago

    My suggestion to you would be to turn off Faux "news" and quit swallowing the bile-spews and pimple-pus regurgitations of the hidden-agenda far-rigthwing extremists in control of the GOP so that you won't keep taking the bait they use to keep you neocon wannabes on the hook.

    The words "fiscal cliff" were hatched by Frank Luntz and Karl Rove in true corporate collusion to falsely depict the effects of an expiration date for the NOT PAID FOR and DEFICIT-EXPLODING Bush/Cheney tax cuts for the wealthiest 1.5% of Americans and the tax-dodging trillionaire or multi-billionaire corporations who have not been paying their FAIR SHARE in nation-sustaining taxes since 2001 and 2003. There is no actual "cliff" when the BILL CLINTON ERA tax rates return to the very same 39% rate that brought us eight years of PROSPERITY...the ones who got these idiotic nation-destroying tax cuts did NOT create jobs (supply-side economics DOES NOT WORK) and, in fact, moved their jobs operations to third-world nations while also putting their multi-billions and multi-millions in OFF-SHORE tax-dodging ACCOUNTS (shades of Trump and Romney!). The return to this 39% rate will GENERATE REVENUES in the area of $800 BILLION that will help PAY DOWN DEBT and DEFICIT caused by Republican-controlled Congress and a lawless Bush/Cheney regime.

    Republicans, by the way, want to inexplicably keep these budget-busting deficit-mushrooming idiotic Bush/Cheney tax cuts in place perhaps you can surmise that you are backing the pimple-pus-regurgitating elephant here.

    President Obama has submitted his proposal for a MIDDLE-CLASS tax exemption that will keep consumer spending in place in order to GROW the Republican-shriveled economy and keep our slow-but-steady RECOVERY in place. The GOP and the FISCALLY ILLITERATE teabagging evangelical extremists have been trying to HOLD THE U.S. HOSTAGE like spoiled-brat tantrum-throwing toddlers, in their ongoing misguided efforts to keep the RICHEST-FEW tax cuts in place---and President Obama has told them a resounding, "NO!"...something his re-election confirms is what the American people want him to say. The "spending" to which you erroneously refer is being threatened by the Republicans---what do you call an UNPAID FOR TAX CUT FOR RICH PEOPLE that steals our nation's revenues and infrastructure-sustaining funding if not SPENDING?

    The expiration date for President Obama's tax cuts for 95% of working Americans expires on December 31 along with the $800 BILLION in Bush/Cheney/GOP tax cuts for the richest few, so the paychecks of these working Americans will be decreased, producing less money for consumer spending---the spending that helps maintain our Democrat-generated slow-but-steady RECOVERY and helps accelerate that recovery.

    To learn the details of FEMA assistance, try going to for the most current and factual details. The people whose homes have been destroyed, many of whom had insurance that will assist in rebuilding or relocating, have received rental assistance along with other help. Even though Storm Sandy did cut down on jobs in the states hit, you are going to find that President Obama's slow-but-steady recovery for the GOP-damaged nation is still on track and that there is a NET JOBS GAIN in the private sector---the 34th consecutive month of jobs growth.

    I am extremely PROUD to have voted for our excellent leader, President Obama, and would vote for him again if he could run a third term. Read Michael Grumwald's "The New New Deal: The Hidden Story of Change in the Obama Era" if you want a more accurate perspective.

  • 8 years ago

    So let me get this straight, you are upset that the president hasn't done much, but you don't want him to spend money doing more? what's he supposed to do? pray?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm happy I voted for him because he's an idealist who fights the good fight rather than drastically cutting spending, leaving poor people high and dry while alienating minority groups. Who in their right mind could be proud for voting for any of that Republican retardation?

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