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Has the "sort search results by rating" feature been disabled by youtube?

I can't seem to find it since thier latest "upgrade"

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Seems like it :(. I mostly used the Most Recent sort to find recent videos for events like Sports.

    For your case, a workaround is to add the following at the end of the search URL:


    And to sort by upload date: "&search_sort=video_date_uploaded". For this second one you could also use a Firefox search engine from (unfortunately there's currently none available for rating sorting).

  • 5 years ago

    Excellent question. I used to delight myself on being very advised and in the present about every predicament. I've determined that I've backed off relatively slightly extra and feel a extra comfortable man or woman since of it. Ny instances Week in evaluation tells me what I have got to know. I take a everyday look at headlines, probably skim the article but in finding that nothing quite alterations whilst you get right down to it. Additionally, as a result of the field I are living in right now i am unable to watch television and the pricing is outrageous for cable. Nevertheless, i have a feeling if I used to be ready to observe it then i'd at least hear what the most important experiences are. Instead of that, it can be paper and on-line

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Looks like you can install a Chrome Extension here that puts back in the sorting options.

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