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Lv 4
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Do you support spending cuts? If so which ones?

It is easy to say, "Cut spending!" It is much more difficult to specify what to cut and how much, because cuts have very real consequences. If you are for cutting welfare and entitlements, by how much? Do you think the people affected by this will have to resort to criminal activity to gain money? If 9 people are honestly benefiting from welfare during hard times, and one person abuses it, is it fair to cut the welfare for all 10 of them?

If you are for military cuts, how much? Can we cut military personnel and offer them jobs in other fields?

I wanna know!


johnnyk, thanks for the detailed answer! But, I have two jobs and I am a full time student, so your comment is irrelevant.

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd up social spending and start a massive public works program ala the WPA to jumpstart growth in the middle class. So no cuts there. What I'd do is cut the military by 85%. We could consolidate our armed forces rather than running five parallel bureaucracies. We could close EVERY foreign military base and bring our defensive perimeter back to our own borders. I'd have no problem retraining military personnel for moder-era jobs, but a lot of their military training would transition easily into either the private sector or a government infrastructure project. Remember, only 1 out of 10 soldiers fights. The rest are trained in support stuff.

    We're going to have to do this sooner or later anyway. All empires collapse from imperial overreach. It's been demonstrated time and again throughout history. The big question is, how much worse does the economic situation have to get before the American people wake up to their imminent collapse?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I noticed your question never mentioned the pain caused to those who work and pay those taxes.

    You seem really worried that so many takers will lose their free stuff, but you forgot to ask- is it immoral to spend a child's money? Several generations of children, born and not born, forever stuck with huge interest payments?

    Government spending doubled from 2007 to now, what did all those people, who benefit now, do then? They are new to getting government cash, so what is so hard with losing your new income source, millions of us who work have?

    Well your almost out of money now, so what do you think? Let it go till everyone freezes, until every business is dead. Then try to save it?

    Maybe you don't believe it has an end, you believe this can just go on?

    My humble thought is this, everything government gives to one person, is taken from someone who created it. That process of creation is hard, and will slow and die when rewards stop flowing.

    In short, those who work need to eat and be warm, they deserve your respect and your concern even more than those who take. We have been doing it your way for 100 years, it is killing freedom.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Military for sure. The military supposedly exists to protect our freedoms but as the military spending goes up, we lose more freedoms in the name of keeping us safe, like the patriot act (privacy) and the NDAA (due process) and all the various unconstitutional civilian gun laws.

    Bailouts and loans to big banks and big business is a huge one, trillions have been put on the backs of US tax payers to bailout banks, corporations, and dictators in socialist countries. Americans need to stop falling for the fear mongering that the economy will collapse if you let a bank fail after they purposely handed out bad loans to make a ton of money and then force the tax payers to take on their debt.

    Those 2 things alone would save countless trillions.

  • Chuck
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Start by slashing the salaries of congress, the president, and vice president by 50%.The vast majority are millionaires and wouldn't feel the cut anyway.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Cut Foreign Aid by 100% , Welfare make them work for it instead of just paying them for nothing, leave Military alone. Cut all DC and WH salaries in half and force them unto Obamacare

  • 8 years ago

    I don't support spending cuts. They take money out of our economy just as much as tax hikes do. I think we should stop worrying about cutting deficits and worry about growing our economy instead. We need to help get more Americans working and less dependent on government assistance if we are going to succeed at paying down Debt anyway.

    I don't think Republicans are really so naive or stupid as to not see these facts. I think they are so focused on cutting spending because they don't want the economy to recover while Obama is still president. They are more worried about their own political future than they are about the country's future.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I agree with anyone who thinks the military budget should be slashed.

    Who us our biggest security threat?

    Nobody on the planet compels us to have such a large and powerful military.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The easiest spending cut is closing a lot of the overseas military bases we have. Bases like Diego Garcia and our 50,000 troops in Germany are relics of the Cold War. Camp Bondsteel does the US no good. (In fact, they provide a lot of terrorist targets, and make our forces less flexible, which makes us weaker.)

    And they are expensive to defend, supply, maintain, and pay for.

    You don't have to cut troops to do it. Just bringing those soldiers home and closing the bases would save money. And take those 50,000 troops out of Germany, station them on the Southern border, and that:

    1) Helps Border security (maybe enough that you can cut back on Border Patrol - Bam, additional savings)

    2) Gives some city 50,000 new government employees who will spend their pay in town. (Why pay Americans to shop and drink and rent in Germany?....that's cash we just toss out the window.)

    66% of discretionary spending is spent on's obvious that if we seriously want cuts...THAT'S where we have to start.

    (Even if you cut ALL foreign aid...that's 1% of the budget.)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Boehner says he'll give up Tanning, if Obama gives up golf.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The fact is there are 10s of thousands of stupid little programs that could be eliminated entirely totally aside from taking 5 or 10 % off many if not all expenditures .

    Source(s): I say slashing foreign aid and welfare is good for billions if not trillions in savings.
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