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Are there other Sims games like the Urbz?

I liked the Urbz sims game where you could dress your person, have to take care of it plus had missions to do. Are there other Sims games like that one?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, it depends what you mean by "Mission".

    In Sims 3, you create a character, and they give you "missions" to help your character have a fulfilling life. They are things like "Tell a Joke to _____" or "Get a job in the Criminal Career". You don't really have to do the missions, but if you choose to ignore them, your sim's happiness meter goes down.

    There is also the "Sims Stories" series. That game makes you follow a set story line as a predetermined character. They force you into doing certain actions that help progress the story lines.

    Source(s): I play sims
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You can play any of the Sims console games and it will be pretty much like that. You can also try the Harvest Moon series or Animal Crossing.

  • 8 years ago

    try kudos and kudos 2 these re turn based real time strategy games really good.

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