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Do you think Iran is ruled by madmen?

First they state Jesus and Moses were Muslims,yeah right and now they are saying the Israelis are responsible for the Sandy Hook murders,what a shower of deluded idiots.

By the way,I have just read on the Jihad Watch site that four more Muslims (Pakistanis) in the London area have been arrested for child prostitution,diversity and a multicultural society is not enriching anyone.


A,Israel have not publicly declared to wipe Iran or any other Arabic country of the map but Iran has threatened Israel with total destruction,I don't think I am the fool,think about the recent Hamas attack on Israel,Israel could have cleaned their clocks but stopped for humane reasons ceased fire and the idiots of Hamas treated this as a victory for them,like all Muslims they have a strange concept of reality.

Update 2:

Plenum 22.are we talking about the same country or are you living in an alternate universe but I have to say Obama is a bit of an idiot to as he is very pliable towards C.A.I.R and the devious Muslim Jihad merchants.

Update 3:

Last Brit,Obama is actively anti-Israel to the point of open hostility so that part of your answer fails but I agree with you on your other points.

Update 4:

Last Brit,Obama is actively anti-Israel to the point of open hostility so that part of your answer fails but I agree with you on your other points.

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course.

    Worse are those who believe the garbage they spout.

    I have heard the foolishness about Jesus before...

    Source(s): Also heard ( yesterday) that real Muslims never leave Muslim why so much fuss when they can't get special privileges for being Muslim then? As for the latest batch of child gang rapists....something else that the BBC missed? I disagree...the multicultural dream is enriching those who target the west for benefits and who take advantage of liberal do holders who cover up their crimes or excuse them as 'cultural' differences.
  • 8 years ago

    Some of them are nuts, plain and simple.

    Others, just like those in the crusades who weren't actually religious, use their religion because the people around them are brainwashed, brainwashed brainwashed!! Brainwashed people are as useful as sheep. All they can do is follow each other and bleep.

    All I know is they love to be cruel and unjust, I'm unsure if it says in the Quran to throw acid in the face of non-believers and girls who won't marry you because you're an asshole, or that it says to stone people to death because their husband was cruel and a rapist, and you ran away from him.

    I think they are just power hungry and bloodthirsty, just like many savage humans have been before them. It's not even just the religion, although I think it helps, so much as the willing ignorance of many people, and the psychotic power seeking of some people at the top.

    They just make it very hard for muslims to be welcomed into the western world, especially when some of them run around telling all their muslim buddies that it's okay to cheat an infidel, and befriend him, only to betray him in the end because he is a sinner. Whether or not that is in the Quran, it's NOT okay.

    I obviously know muslims who are not like this, but many of the powerful ones overseas seem to think they channel "Allah"

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The problem is that America wants to attack Iran because Iran is an enemy of Israel. As we all know by now America is ruled by the American Jewish lobby, the same Jewish lobby which caused America to attack Iraq. So the Jewish controlled American media are pumping out stories that Iran is 'Mad' so they will have an excuse to attack Iran .

    I am against the large Muslim 'community' in the UK and as you know I am against mass 3rd world immigration into the UK. However I am also not blinded by Jewish america's desire to attack Iran. If any country is 'mad' it is America.

    America is run by madmen because America allows Israel to use American forces and lives to fight wars to expand Israel

    Source(s): <~Jewish Lobby In America <~~Iraq: A War For Israel
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Both top leaders believe we are living in the end times,they believe the 12 th imams is among us and will lead the world into a holy war ending with the destruction of all religions except the Muslim Crazy fruits

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No madder than any other Nation.

    Madmen Blair/Bush invaded Iraq and lied about WMD to do it.

    Madman Sadat is watching his country destroy itself.

    Madmen Blair/Brown/Cameron are sending their youth to Afghanistan to fight and be killed in a war that is untenable

    .The whole World is run by madmen who never go near any of the carnage they cause because theyreps cowards..

    Madman Obama sends Drones to kill hundreds if not thousands of men, women and children;, and eeps over 27 kids being shot by a fellow madman.

    Madman Mugabe kills his own people to stay in power in a "democratic" country

  • 8 years ago

    Shaddup. They've been around a lot longer than ANY Western Civilization. I suggest you look and find out who has been trying to corrupt, dominate, influence their leadership and government for the last 150 -170 years (particularly the British, but more recently the Americans) BEFORE you call them names like "madmen". They fight fire with the idiotic fire that comes from the Western media. Rarely do they INITIATE - most often they are rather slow, and RESPOND to accusations. They exist and live in a world in which the predominant powers are Western, duh...


    How would you characterize the corporate influence on the American political system? As others do? "Fascist"? If not, it should be time to do so, and regularly...

  • 8 years ago

    No more so than the country we are living in

  • IVOR
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    No !! The rulers of Iran are people out of touch with reality, and this can be very dangerous.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you scanned countries for madmen and missed Israel then I AM REALLY SORRY FOR YOU. You're hopeless.

  • Canute
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Clearly, yes.

    Time we heard some of our Muslims say so.

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