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Why is a child killing Muslim barbarian being treated as a hero?

Mohammad Merah is considered a martyr of Islam and a hero by the Muslims who were his neighbours and why is the New York Times defending this murdering scum bag,I am baffled by anyone glorifying this type of animal.


Michael,we may not have the luxury to wait for these people to leave the 7th century and join the 21st.I consider them a threat to future.

Update 2:

David ,thanks for the link,I do not know how to provide one and my last note should read future peace.

Update 3:

Exactly Last Brit no asked us if we wanted a potential enemy flooding in to many western countries,check out sited like Jihad Watch it will horrify any sane person.Religion of peace yes the peace of the grave.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A question with an easy, but most disturbing, answer.

    He was a sincere Muslim who truly believed what his religion (the Koran, the Hadiths, Mohammed's life) told him. He therefore accepted as a duty (among other things) the need to kill Jews. Young, old, male, female - it did not matter. Jews were cursed by God and no better than vermin; they were better dead. When you put poison down for rats, you harden your heart to the suffering of the poor innocent baby rats; in fact you are glad they die - each dead baby means so many fewer rats in the future.

    We used to have this problem among Christians - those who took the Bible seriously (and literally) were just as prone to cruelty: to put each other on bonfires, to torment Jews, to execute 'witches.'

    All we can do is to wait for the Muslims to grow up and learn tolerance, as the rest of the Western world is slowly doing. It cannot come soon enough.

    Hope this helps.

  • 8 years ago

    Because this hatred of Jews is at the heart of the cult they follow.

    This 'prophet' they revere hated Jews and made it part of his wicked doctrine.

    Brainwash and keep them and Ignorant and even in 2012 they will act like stone age barbarians

    Letting them Into the west in their millions was beyond stupid ... Look how they live in their own countries and then expect instant civilisation?

  • 8 years ago

    Tillan2k- that's a load of bollocks. When have christians ever colonised? Countries that have christianity as their main religion have colonised and may have convinced people to stop believing their old religion but their is no imperialism to it. Saint Paul didn't go around and start forcing people to join him. He only convinced. Prophet MOhammad however did go around intending to build a 'muslim empire' Islam has been an imperial idea since it's origins. And to answer this question they don't want to scare the muslims who are the only religion that actually get angry if someone says one thing bad about them (can't take it) along with the odd few jews.

    Source(s): People in my school
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because the west made a mistake when millions of Muslims were allowed to settle in the west. This was a mistake and not fair on the indigenous population, also not one person voted for it

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    is he that french guy who killed those jewish children in school and french soldiers by a cash machine.. i'd be really shocked if anyone but a psychopath regarded him as a hero..

  • 8 years ago

    What christians did in Asia an afrika in early days of colonisation muslims are doing now . a gap of 400 years in development

  • _
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Islam is a territorial culture and arabs are now in cotrol of western countries who have chosen to bow to and serve them to be pc, sensitive, multicultural et bs. Arabs are also expert at playing victims of western countries, but this is factually untrue yet reported as truth.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    This is just what muslims are like and yet still we let them in.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The asker has not given members a link to his story,..I have selected one for you.As you say, we cant understand any one treating such a person as an hero (more on my link)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The TRUE and REAL cost of oil.

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