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Is the emancipated woman the bane of modern man?

In our society there seems to have been a simultaneous masculinization of women and feminination of men. The woman craves strength and independence and to dominate her man and the man has largely lost his warrior spirit and God given determination to lead. So I'm not blaming women alone nor am I saying they should be oppressed as they have been in times past. But all around me I see miserable men and women living their lives together or going their separate ways, tearing families apart. The woman seems to be a conflicted soul. She wants independence and to dominate yet these very things make her miserable and she becomes consistently angry and frustrated as a result because she can't help but despise the creature she has created (the weak, cowering man she has put under her thumb). There is another sided to her that craves a strong, chivalrous knight in her life but the dark side will seek to conquer him and turn him into that which she hates.

Is the happiest of women that which allows herself to be led by a strong man (not because she is weak or less capable) or is the woman with the iron fist the happiest?


@Eliot K THis is a ponderism, not a result of some personal busted relationship..more of a result of everyone around me seeming miserable in their marriages.

Update 2:

@YDdraig I believe you underestimate the pervasiveness of the situation. Almost every couple I see there is an angry woman and a man who doesn't fulfill his duty as a husband. Its sad.

Update 3:

@Narathzul..interesting perspective. Sounds like we're somewhat on the same page except for our idea of the source behind male and female roles. Thx for the book recommendation.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    It would be presumptuous of me to talk about anything but my own experiences in this, I don't know what other people have gone through. And it would be presumptuous to try to generalize them, but personally I've also noticed that a woman is the happiest when she is somewhat 'submissive'.

    Yes, women will say they want equality and that's fine but I feel that in a relationship evolution-wise that thinking stretches only "a couple of inches deep into the brain". She does want equality and the chance to follow her dreams and she should be given them, but what she really wants is a mix of the cad and the dad: A man who's strong, determined and masculine yet one who shows signs of a willingness to invest in her exclusively. That's actually predicted by evolution, you know :)

    The most profound realizations of gender that I've ever had hit me when I was reading my favourite scientist the Harvard psychology professor Steven Pinker's book "The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature" where he explains how evolution has made us not blank slates but pre-packed us with all sorts of attitudes, modes of thinking and intuitions some of which can then be affected by society. The accuracy of the predictions of evolution are simply stellar, after you've read the book, especially the chapter on gender, you'll never look on the dynamics of the sexes the same way again.

    I can recommend the book, very relevant still today.

  • 5 years ago

    Yes men and women can just be friends. I am witness to it every day. My husband has a very good woman friend, more like a sister separated at birth. There have been times that I have felt like the third wheel but I have worked through these issues with my husband.

  • 8 years ago

    Biblically the woman should take care of the home and family and the man should be the leader. Prayer got kicked out of schools in the 60's and then we had the women's movement, and things have definitely gone downhill since.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Your just looking for the wrong women. "Liberated" women will either spend their lives alone and like it, or get desperate in their mid 30s. And men who are that feminized were never real men to begin with.

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  • 8 years ago

    Yep, I too was in seventh grade once. It gets better. Just work on not being judgmental.

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