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10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That demotivates the answerers IMO. If one fails to understand which answer is best from multiple BAs then I think he/she should read/analyze all those answers again tills he reaches a firm conclusion. And if asker don't like any answer then too he should select one answer because YA asks for "Best Answer" Not for "Satisfying Answer"

    PS: I am not hungry for BAs because they don't have ant significance is real life or spiritual growth but when someone don't select a BA then a mild feeling comes in heart that "My long answer which took so much research on my part wan't appreciated" or something like that more or less. That's why I rarely leave question for voting, you can say my one in 100 goes for voting.

  • 8 years ago

    when a question is ashed and response is received, prima facie the questioner should decide whether any of the answers satisfies the inquisitiveness of the questioner. If the choice is not made due to ignorance or carelessness or indeciveness of the questioner, the answers are referred to for voting.

    Sometimes questioners have certain pre-conceived notions of 'desirable' answers to suit the answers expected by the person rather than trying to learn the unknown or little-known subject. So, the choice made by selecting the best answer might be a wrong decision also.

    For example some years ago, a question was asked by a questioner about the use of 'gm' sound in some vedic mantra, as in 'Purusha evedagm sarvam' in Purusha Suktam. The sound was mentioned in the question as 'gwam'. Several answers were received varying from 'cow' to 'wealth' with the Sanskrit word 'go' as the basis. All were wrong. There was only one correct answer that the rules of Vedic grammar applicable to Yajurveda only (both Krishna and Shukla), in the Praatishaakya, that the 'm' sound preceding 'ra', 'sa' 'Sa', 'sha' and 'ha' will undergo change to a gutteral sound approximating 'gm', which can not be written. (I think it is like the alphabet 'ghain' in Urdu/Arabic as in Ghalib, galat words, the sound of 'g' gutteral can not be wriiten.

    But the questioner chose a wrong answer as the best answer.

    To err is human.

  • Yamini
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Freewill is the gift of God to the humans.

    Freewill is the gift of Yahoo to the members.

    A member is his right to choose a best answer if he feels an answer as Good. Some members will feel it not a good answer selected by the member who floated a question. But, it is unquestionable since the asker has full right to resolve his/her question.

    This kind of choosing best answer or let it for voting is there in all categories and R.S. one of the ''all categories''.

    An answer should be given on the expectation of the questioner. But, this questioner's answers are highly valued, and mostly highest educationists, prominent scholars alone can understand. It is difficult for a member to understand.

    1. Benefits of chanting Purusha Suktam:

    The asker is asking the benefits. It is the duty of members to give member asking about the benefits. Instead of giving benefits of Purushasuktam, there are more other details such as significance, details about vedas etc.,are given.

    2. Author of 'Srivenkateswara suprabhatam and Gadya':

    May be the asker of the question expecting about the author of Srivenkateshwara Suprapadham, but not other details. May be the asker did not have patience to read or have some personal work for not showing much interest.

    3. Is taking oil bath to head inauspicious and hence prohibited on an Amavaasya day:

    May be the questioner expecting a clear cut answer. If you gave this answer, it is enough to satisfy the asker.

    As per sciptures ''If a person takes up oil / woman / meat on Purnima (full-moon day ), Amavasya (new-moon day), Sankramanam (solar month beginning), Chadurdashi or Ashtami , then he is bound to become a Chandala in his next birth.''.

    If the asker asking for source, then the answerer is bound to give.

    Everyone knows well, the asker of this question ''Is opting to vote.....'' is a great scholar, a great knowledgeable, a well versed pandit and a capable of giving answers on any subject.

    A scholarly member can understand a scholarly answer. The asking members simply wanted the reasons on some subjects. It is good if a member gives answers in an ordinary level in order to understand by a lay man. There is no need to quote vedas, scriptures, texts etc.,since the answer is coming from a great soul.

    I believe the askers of the above three questions used their right in floating questions, and also used their right of freewill.

    Please excuse me if i exceeded 'Lakshman Rekha'.

  • me thinks

    questioner has a moral duty

    to choose the B / A under normal circumstances.

    He could however, let others vote

    when there are many (even two) good answers,

    and he is unable to decide which deserves to be treated as the B / A .

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 8 years ago

    Respected Vidya Sir

    My humble Namaskarams

    It is NOT the prerogative of the questioner in any section to allow for voting; however, when the questioner is not able to select the BEST ANSWER within the time, it is automatically put to a vote by the community, along with a No Best Answer choice.

    Here is the Referance:

    If one or more answers are collected, the Asker can either pick the best answer after 1 hour or extend the open period for four additional days to allow more time for answers to be posted. If the Asker takes no action to resolve the question, the answers are automatically put to a vote by the community, along with a No Best Answer choice.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I agree that sometime people do not need to use this prerogative, however use it for unknown reasons.

    I would do this sometimes despite of believing one answer to be best only not to have my prejudiced views impact this. Or I genuinely believe that it is difficult for me to choose one.

    Another reason I have done this is for larger audience to read these answers and that way question is extended giving greater benefit to voters who would get a chance to read it while voting.

    Nothing special about it being R&S category.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes, it's the questioner's prerogative to choose a Best Answer him/herself or leave it up to a vote, and that's in any category.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes it is , everyone can vote Y/A gives that prerogative to all . its alone for R&S category ....

  • 8 years ago

    Yes. The asker is ready to sacrifice 5 points if there is not a satisfactory answer to his question.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Bus! girl !rape @murder,Delhi,

    Proud be a hindu,

    All hindus are not rapist But hindus are rapist and killer,

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