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Is the weather in your area now very different from the weather 10 years ago?

It seems to me that our weather has changed drastically and I'm wondering if that's just here in the Midwestern United States or if people in other areas are noticing the same phenomenon.

24 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Season timing seems to have shifted somewhat - I think there is some natural climate change - not (necessarily) man-made.

    And . . . I think there's a tendency to look at historical data and expect an "average" day, but for example, the average temp for a location on a particular date may be 65 degrees - that could half 55 degree days and half 75 degree days - not necessarily any 65 degree days at all !!

  • DeeJay
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Here in our neck of the woods - it's about the same.

    Now is our coldest time of the year and as always our night time is below zero.

    For me - the problem is the change in my body and not being able to tolerate the cold - like I once could.

    Through out my life - I have noticed - a change from one year to another.

    Some winters are colder - some with more snow - some with little snow.

    It has seemed to be the same - where I live - for the 78 years of my life.

    We do have enough snow pack in our mountains - which means we will have enough water for the coming year. Too much snow - means floods during the run off.

    DeeJay - I'm guessing - it's what part of the country we live in.

  • 8 years ago

    I wasn't here 10 years ago, but, from what people tell me (and the records that I looked up), yes.

    I live in the Klondike, Yukon Territory. Global Warming is real, and easy to see here. The land is Permafrost, but, it is beginning to melt. It cost me $5000 to fix up my house, which had been sinking into the melting ground underneath. We are seeing deer here now, which did not happen before, as it was too cold.

    We track the break-up of the Yukon River, and have done since 1896. The timing is critical, because we bet on it! So, the time, to the minute, is known for all that time, and, it breaks up now one week earlier then it did then. There are variations over the years, but, the long term trend is that we are slowly, but steadily warming up.

    Weather trends do come and go, usually in sync with the 11 years sunspot cycle of the sun. You have to look longer term to see real trends - I'll bet if you looked at the averages for the past 100 years where you are, you would see a real change.

  • 8 years ago

    In Missouri we had record highs this summer and a drought. This happens every 5-6 years, but ws a little hotter this year. So far the winter is about usual. It's in the 20s today and we are hitting the average for this time of year all week. I see no significant difference. We're a little low on having snow, but that's part of the drought. Should be fine this year if we follow the pattern.

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  • Jeremy
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Yes, here in the U.K. we rarely have a decent Summer and this year was dreadful - non-stop rain, or so it seemed. We used to have snow virtually every Winter when I was a kid and a lovely Summer when on holiday from school. Now Summer can vary from scorching (just and now and then) to having floods and we rarely have a lot of snow in Winter now with the exceptions of 1981, 2008 and 2009.

    Even Autumn and Spring are not like they used to be but are slightly more predictable than the other two. At least we get to see the new leaves appear in Spring and then change colour in Autumn.

  • Nancy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    YES! I live in NE Ohio. WE used to have brutal winters but not so much anymore.

    When I was a kid in the 60s the high would maybe 78 in the summer. 80s was really something.

    And it would be snowing sometimes in October off and on. But spring would come in mid February. The crocuses and daffodils would be up. The other day I was at the ATM machine and I saw daffodils coming up and it upset me. It's WAYY too early for that.

  • 8 years ago

    Yup - big time. I'm in Los Angeles, California and we're experiencing record lows. I know people who live in cold regions laugh at us because we complain when it's below 40 degrees, but that's what our bodies are used to. So these drastic colds are something us California sun lovers don't tolerate well. It's true that our weather fluctuates all the time, in fact there is a saying here in Cali that goes "if you don't like the weather, wait a minute!" But in this case, I've never experienced a winter so cold and I've lived here my entire life. Come to think of it, this summer was extra hot too.... hmmm.

  • 8 years ago

    We humans live on Earth such a short time. We may perceive difference that truly do not exist. That being said and to answer the question, no. Not ten years but further back. When I first moved to this area Canada geese arrived about the middle of September and there were few snow geese. Now, the Canada's do not show up till November and there are millions of snow geese. Yes, the weather is somewhat milder than it was 30 years ago. But not much different than it was 10 years ago, in my region.

  • RB
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    I can't say that the weather is much different now as it was 10 years ago. But it is different than it was 50 years ago. 50 years ago where I live in the Mid West (East Central IL), planting on the farm started in May, now April. Harvest went on until Thanksgiving, now it is done by early October.

    Yes crop varieties have changed, but also fall tillage. You leave black dirt, it absorbs the sunlight better, and thus it is warmer.

  • 8 years ago

    I live on the Gulf Coast in Alabama and although we don't get severe winters or snow, it usually will get cold to some degree for at least a couple months. It's definitely getting warmer. The last two winters, we've only had (altogether) perhaps 2 weeks of coldness. I had to turn the ac on today to get the humidity out of the air in my apartment.

  • 8 years ago

    have been in FL about 28 years and when I came here and was applying for work and had to do a lot of walking to get from one place to another it was always raining (everyday) around 1PM or 2PM so I always got drenched. That doesn't happen anymore. And I think we're in our 8th year of drought. Here we are in January, winter here and the other day we had 83 degrees and that's not normal. We enjoy the weather but are skeptical.

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