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Why would I want or allow (if it's in my power) a angry person to own a AR15?

Or any weapon in it's category.

I find that about 8 out of 10 people who are arguing for owning this type of weapon can not argue the merits of these guns without being angry or paranoid or both. This presentation of defending these types of guns is making such owners look frankly loony in the tune of Ted Nugent and Alex Jones loony.

Let me be very clear too, I own a handgun. I have been in a family that has served in the USMC and the US Army. I have friends who own guns and have relatives who are in law enforcement and carry side arms for at least 40 hours a week of their existence. I am not against guns but I dont see the logic of owning a military style weapon. We already ban switchblades in every community I know of. Why? Because they have no purpose but to stab human beings. The AR15 is not a efficient weapon for hunting and it certainly doesn't give the animal a sporting chance.

I stress again the citizens who are demanding that they have a right to own a gun like the AR15 seem more and more unhinged. I don't want crazy people to have guns but I certainly don't want angry and paranoid people to own them either. You people arguing for it are making angry arguments and using threatening language. Read your comments and maybe you should start changing your tone.

For those who believe the US government will be a tyranny and the only thing that is stopping them is their fear of the populace that owns these weapons: bullshut. They would have already taken you down. They would not fear you if they even cared to turn the nation into a tyranny. They were not afraid of taking out David Koresh and his followers or the family at Ruby Ridge. Our federal law enforcement agencies and our military is extremely disciplined and much better equipped than a handful of guys with Bushmasters and a six pack of Coors Light. It mistime to grow up and face reality. You still have the right to own a firearm but maybe it is time to give up this idea that owning a gun designed solely to take human life at a accelerated rate is maybe NOT your right after all. There is a reason why we don't allow citizens to own RPGs... there is certainly a reason to consider that assault rifles should be banned.


Kathy: there is nothing wrong with ever being angry but your side, with all due respect, is not smart about the timing of showing your anger on this topic. Your side showed anger right out of the gate after the tragedy. Your side has been preemptively angry before any legislation was even proposed. That is what I mean by appearing unhinged. Your side, for the most part, slams the doors for any compromise even before anything is tabled AND your side shows anger that any question can even be voiced. That is what I meant.

Update 2:

@dr Atticus: your brother's resume has nothing to do with owning a gun. I don't care to know it. It is irrelevant. What is relevant is why does he feel he needs to own such a rifle? If your answer to that is simply because he has the right to own it then do you feel private citizens should have the right to own RPGs also?

As far as if I am a calm sane person you don't know that. You have the right to question that but please tell me in my arguments above where I appeared less rational and respectful than Ted Nugent and Alex Jones' arguments who has often been threatening and hostile to the other side. My point is that these people, for the most part, who defend owning military style rifles have not been able to articulate their arguments without anger and/or paranoia. I don't think you can find any arguments above I made with anger or unmeasured anger... or paranoia. You can disagree with me but i am pretty confident that you would admit that I am coherent an

Update 3:

@Kathy: I NEVER said your side can't have a argument or input. Did you actually read my response to you? Arguments don't have to be sharpened with anger, especially after a tragedy and before ANY legislation was proposed. Yes, you should debate and I welcome it. This is the problem for your side: it is apparent that thus is very personal to you and I fear that it maybe is so personal that you are caring less for the community than yourself. I mean that as respectfully as I can but I am sure will sound insulting. I just can't think of a better way to express my concern here.

Update 4:

@Kathy: no one I know publicly or privately have demanded for a ban of all guns. Please argue current facts and not with your expected fears.

Update 5:

Yes, I am wanting a ban on military style rifles... and I argued why. I have the same positions on that as General McChrystal and General Powell and countless other military and law enforcement personnell. All I am asking is why the hostility towards logical arguments against what you are trying to defend? I honestly see much more spite anger and paranoia from your camp that can not really argue with us without showing your teeth and paranoia. I am sorry but this emotional defense is really turning off most Americans. Look at the polls. I expect you people will win in the end because the gun lobbies have more influence over our Congress than the people.... but THAT is even better reason to show some restraint of angry incoherence from your side.

Update 6:

@oldandtired: who am I arming??? Criminals and authorities? Yes, I want the authorities to be armed. I believe in law enforcement and the US military. I don't know of many TYPICAL crimiinals using assault rifles to mug people or do armed robberies with. The only type of criminal who has been using the types of guns I want to be banned are mass murderers. I have never heard of one armed private season with a assault rifle who stopped a mass murderer with a assault rifle... not one. I am using logic here but you insist on making me out to be someone who actually wants criminals and tyrannical authority figures to be armed. Let's play fair here and drop the theatrics of making me some kind of push over.

Update 7:

Also, are you arguing that there should be no laws or regulations on weapons? That people could own RPGs or build bombs or grenades? Your argument is vague to me and very general. If you don't have a line then fine but if you do then you would have to accept that a lot of Americans will want to argue where that line starts and stops.

Update 8:

**armed private citizen instead of season (my auto spell shows my mistypes sometimes.. Oh well)

Update 9:

@Kathy: ok then, do you think average citizens should have the right to own a RPG? We'll start there then. I don't know why no one will answer that simple yes or no question.

BTW, I am not calling for every gun to be banned. That's the difference here. You are acting like I want all your guns to be taken away. I suspect that is why you ate much more angry then I have ever been on this. I am not even angry at all. I simply don't understand why we can't restrict such guns when we restrict much lesser weapons like switchblades. Why is your argument full of personal venom towards me personally? Why can't you concisely explain why a weapon like that is purposeful to a private citizen's life? I understand the purpose of a handgun or a shotgun or a hunting rifle.... I just don't with a AR-15 style weapon. If you can explain that to me then I would appreciate that. I may see your point or maybe not but I will listen. I just don't see why none of

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    You have many opinions.

    First and foremost we live in a country where weapons are legal to own. Therefore criminals own them as well. Law abiding citizens should have the right to protect themselves because of this fact.

    You base your question on the few people you've encountered on the internet who rant and rave. Those who happen to claim that they own an AR15.

    Ok, do they really own an AR15? How would you know this? What percentage of the AR15 owning population do these paranoids actually represent?

    Are you certain that most AR15 owners aren't quiet about owning such a weapon? For example the type who wouldn't speak about it knowing they will be quickly ostracized by those who would not understand their reasons for owning such a weapon?

    By the way what are your intentions? To demonize those who own an assault type rifle? As if all those who do are ruthless, paranoid killer types?

    Concerning switchblades ... yes they are used to stab people. Have you ever lived in a low income neighborhood having the need to protect your life while running simple errands such as grocery shopping or walking to and from work?

    Do you not believe that one should have the right to defend themselves with a weapon if their attacker possesses a weapon as well?

    What leads you to believe all switchblade owners are the so called "evil ones" and not those wanting to defend themselves from the "evil ones" if need be?

    Do you know the statistics on switchblade deaths and injuries?

    You see my friend everything isn't cut and dry in this world. In fact if you pay attention and look deep enough you'll find the edges are quite blurry ... quite often.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yes! I am convinced that there can be an invisible connection between some people who are very far away from each other. Think about how we can sit in a movie theater before the lights go down. I've focused on the back of someone's head and delved deeply into myself while repeating a message in my mind. The person always turns around and looks at me (most often after brushing their hand over the back of their head). I always got the same response, and it made me nervous, so I stopped doing it. Another example is when something tragic happens around me (nothing that is media worthy), something like sickness or an accident. Out of the blue my father phones (from interstate) and always opens the conversation with, "Are you alright?" Other times, when he just wants to chat or feels a duty to call he opens the conversation with "Hello! It's Dad here!" I always listen to my inner voice. Somehow it tells me who needs me at that moment. Some of those people are on other continents. So, yes I believe it. Poll Answer: Antique shopping :)

  • 8 years ago

    So you are saying that you and no one in your family EVER get angry? What are you a family of monks or something?

    Please differentiate between someone who is understandably angry at having the rights trampled on and someone who is "unhinged." I think most reasonable people can agree that a description of "unhinged" takes the person's mental status to an entirely different level.


    So WAITING until a law is passed and we can't have any input into it is your idea of logical? It was YOUR side that immediately started yelling for gun bans. Were we supposed to ignore that attack on our rights... I don't think so.

    And BTW, guns are not the problem. Check out this website that makes a powerful connection to mood-altering drugs and violent acts. This list is HUGE and doesn't even include the attacks of 2012, but indications are the connection is just as strong in most of these attacks as well.


    Yes, I did read all your comments. If you wonder where all the public anger comes from, it's the immediate attacks on gun owners by the anti-gun activists that were EVERYWHERE after each attack. And if you can't admit that YOU GUYS started the angry attacks you are in total denial. You say no one is wanting to ban all guns, but no one is saying... so far... just how far their ideas of gun control are going to go. Once again, they are attacking semi-automatic weapons for no other reason than that they are scary looking, because there is no LOGIC in trying to lump them in with assault weapons.

    " arguing that there should be no laws or regulations on weapons? That people could own RPGs or build bombs or grenades? Your argument is vague to me and very general. If you don't have a line then fine but if you do then you would have to accept that a lot of Americans will want to argue where that line starts and stop..."

    BTW, Such sweeping generalizations as this are one of the reasons we get so angry.

  • 8 years ago

    Taking control of another person’s life, freedom, or property is a perversion of natural law, yet this is the profession of both criminals and authorities. The only difference between the two is authority is performing a criminal act that is approved and protected by laws created by men who want to force their will on others without receiving the punishment they deserve. This is the fountain from which all corruption flows. I suppose you agree with arming these psychopaths?

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Why should you be allowed to own a handgun since we don't know if you are always a calm, ration and sane individual?

    Source(s): My cousin is a gun enthusiast and owner of an assault rifle, law student, former military intelligence, speaks five different langauges and totally sane to where I'd trust him to take my children to a shooting range.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    why would you want an ar15 anyway id plumb for the H&K G36

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