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Is the NWO plan to remove small military arms from civilians then redistribute food and other resources?

I suspect idealistic do-gooder world leaders, particularly in the UN, see themselves as heros with a mission to redistribute resources, first and foremost food. They would take it from the less overpopulated nations and give it to grossly overpopulated ones impoverishing themselves. They usually assume they can break very long traditions of uncontrolled human reproduction and so avoid the redistribution only fueling another population explosion. That would ultimately bring the desperate impoverishing of the entire world.

Do enough do-gooder world leaders have such a plan and is it so ridiculously naive as I believe it is?


De Patre Vostro: At least you think about things but I suspect you are trying to excuse your overpopulating relatives, judging from the Latin avatar label. I don't excuse my (formerly I hear) horribly overpopulating Irish relatives who flooded into North America, crashed economies by undercutting wages thus pressing the tariff threat that initiated the secessions in the 1860s, and led the other British and European hordes swarming west who swept away Native Americans and Hispanics.

Update 2:

Diminishing population usually elevates the prosperity of what remains. That happened when the plague epidemics nearly halved Europe's population.

Only if the elite control education, like the Roman Church once did, will the elite be able to rule the ignorant common classes. Otherwise they will learn skills and make the elite pay lucrative fees for the services of the common people. Long lines of them desperate to work for tiny wages like there are again now won't exist.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not convinced there is a NWO cabal. People are greedy, self-centered and shortsighted, all these traits prevent a NWO cabal from organizing. Don't get me wrong, There are people that want a NWO. My question is, are they strongly organized, large enough, influential enough OR are we just seeing the inevitable evolution of society, population as it grows?

    Through out history people fled from one geographic area to another for whatever reasons. Then they started a new government based on what they wanted and lessons they learned up to that time. Every time a group fled they were initiating a new evolutionary step in government. Today there is no place to flee to (ignoring off planet or undersea options)., no place to create a new government without encountered another government. With the running away option removed what is the next release valve? NWO? More fragmenting of nations? My logic thinks the latter.

  • 8 years ago

    One can only speculate about "their" plans.

    But taking from the producers and giving to non-producers destroys incentive to produce.

    If poor Nations are getting free food, it puts their local farmers out of business. How can they compete against 'free'?

    I have always wondered why there are so many poor nations. Their cultures have been around for many thousands of years. Why don't they know how to improve their land and grow food? Why have they not thrown off their Tyranny and established decent governments? USA did it starting with almost nothing.

  • Whatever you think of Bill Maher, he made a good point on his show last night.

    He said America has become like a strip club with a ton of bouncers and no strippers. By that he meant that we're armed to the teeth, but have no freedom left to protect.

    An interesting idea, I think.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The plan is to reduce the earth population to under 500 million, then the elites will have the serfs to toil while they live in palaces of splendor.

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  • Wiz
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It has nothing to do with helping other people, it is only about total control of the world's population. They have to remove defensive weapons from everyone so they can feel safe as they cause everyone to fall to the lowest level of living, while they maintain their high standard.

  • L.T.M.
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

    C. S. Lewis

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