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Lv 4
? asked in SportsWrestling · 8 years ago

So is there anyone who doesn't want The Rock to win at the Royal Rumble against CM Punk?

I like The Rock, don't get me wrong, but I really don't want The Rock to beat CM Punk.

Tell me your opinion and thoughts on CM Punk vs The Rock.

Knees 2 Faces or Boots 2 Asssess?


@Nathan : Yes I agree with you. At one point The Rock was charismatic and entertaining. Now I really don't buy into what he does or sell any more. I was excited when I seen him at Raw 1,000 but even more excited when I saw Punk attack The Rock. You're right though. Punk is the only person who is still entertaing in the WWE,

Update 2:

@TheBigD : Lol it sounds like it's in the WWE's worse interest to let The Rock win because it looks like they will loose alot more views and ratings if they let The Rock win instead of CM Punk. Just like Nathan and You I will also stopp watching if he wins.

Update 3:

@TheHeartBreakKid : Yes it would be predictable but it wouldn't surprise me that the WWE would try and pull some sh*t like that. Trust me nothing that the WWE does any more surprises me and I don't even need to look on the internet to know how it's going to end.

Update 4:

@ℓąïℓą : I hope they let Punk win too. I doubt it will be clean just because The Rock's selfish @ss won't help put talent over, but my opinion a win is a win for Punk and he needs this victory more than anything.

Update 5:

@John R thanks for half way answering my question. I see where you are coming from with every thing you're saying. I do believe Punk has gotten boring and stale since being heel. His face run was cut way to short and I believe if he would have stayed heel he would have been one of the best, biggest, and probably most popular star right now. In my opinion his crowd pop might have been as big as Stone Cold or The Rock if the WWE hadn't found a way to ruin him and screw him over again. I don't care how funny The Rock is. I do NOT want Rocky to win. I won't let him win. The people better not let him win. The WWE better not let him win and CM Punk better not let him win.

Update 6:

@Brandon : I know right. If their first match they had at Wrestlemania sucked, throwing in the WWE Championship and letting Cena win won't make it suck any less. Now that leaves room for a feud and part 3 of their feud at Wrestlemania 30 that I just refuse to see.

Update 7:

@TheAnnounceTable Yes I feel you. I would like to see The Undertaker vs CM Punk at Wrestlemania for the WWE title. Streak vs WWE Championship. It has the making of a good match, but with Punk's heel turn and he can no longer get a clean legit victory and no longer stepping up to the challenge I don't think he will have what it takes to win.

Update 8:

@BestInTheWorld : That's very true. Part timers should not get championship. In my opinion it's worse then regiving Cena the title because not only will we not see the title for God knows when, but the story line will become crappy and waiste of talent and space that someone else could be using to make a name for themselves. That could be the difference between someone having a main event career or being future endeavoured.

Update 9:

@LFC Fan I feel you. It's one of the biggest slaps in the face. One of the biggest insults. Even bigger than a Bret Hart screw job for someone like The Rock no matter how popular he is to just come back and win a championship when people like Tyson Kidd, Chris Masters, MVP, Kane, Christian, John Morrison, and even Zack Ryder bust their @sses off to do what ever it takes to get noticed and get pushed only to be ignored for The Rock to make a quick draw and leave after he gets millions of dollars for doing nothing but talking sh*t and barely defending his title.

Update 10:

@Raw I see where you're coming from and you have the potential for a good story line. Even though it was used last year with Punk being victorious of the feud. I still like your creativity. Here's the thing this M.I.T.B. brief case that Ziggler has is not like the one used at Wrestlemania years ago where you can cash in your contract on any superstar of any brand at any time. The contract he has is only valuable to cash in on a Smack Down supersar like the current Intercontinal champion or the current World Heavy Weight Champion.

Update 11:

@Metalingus Everyone is entitle their own free opinon but I think I speak for all my peeps out here when I say that Punk title reign is not stupid and it's not overrated. Punk is literaly an under dog who scratched and clawed his way to the top of his WWE corparate structure. Instead of waiting around on his @ss waiting to get fired and hoping for a break out opurtunity he took the microphone and made a name for himself. At one point he got so big that he was out doing Cena in the merchandise department so they had to turn him heel (Make him a bad guy) to keep Cena in the spot light. Here's the thing. If Punk would have stayed face (A good guy) it's probably a good chance that you would want Punk to win and Rock to loose. That's how I see it.

Update 12:

@DKingz Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Don't you ever say your opinion doesn't matter in wrestling. If your opinion didn't matter wrestling would not be around. If the people didn't care for your opinion they would shove three times the sh*t down our mouths. Your opoinin is what keeps the WWE in business. If everyone was to skip an entire week of Raw the WWE would have to change their product because you just cost them millions of dollars because you said their product sucked. Yes I feel you, but Vince doesn't know what's good for business. Vince has gotten so off fetched when it comes to money it's redicoulous. He'll rather make all of his money at Wrestlemania giving us some random match and hope to make his Christmas sells then to make his money and give us good entertainment through out the year and really do what's good for business.

When you have stars like Zack Ryder with his huge internet base that could make so much money for Vince by getting a decent p

Update 13:

@RayvanChain1: You're right. I never ever ever thought that I could get tired of the people's champion, but my God I am really tired of the people's champion.

Update 14:

@TheIrishCurse : I know right? Fan or not though no one should want The Rock to win no matter how popular he is.

Update 15:

@TheIrishCurse : I know right? Fan or not though no one should want The Rock to win no matter how popular he is.

Update 16:

@Rusty Steele: Dogface

I know right. I couldn't have said it better myself. Even if Rock did return full time I just don't think he needs to be WWE champion for a while. Yeah he can be main eventer but he hasn't done anything lately to make me believe that he deserves to be WWE Champion. As CM Punk said his hands are fallng up to short to be boxing with God.

Update 17:

@Metalingus Let me tell you something brother and let me tell you something real well. When I give facts you best better believe that they are facts that are like law from the bible. The WWE does things like make people heel or have Cena over power people just ot keep Cena in the spot light to make him look like the hardest and toughest worker when in reality he's not. Zack Ryder at one point took the WWE to new levels. I remeber when the Ryder Revolution got so loud that it even cut off The Rock and yet the WWE still ignored what the fans said. So don't ever tell me that I'm wrong when the proof is in the pudding and we watch it every week... Pipe bomb!

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't want The Rock to win, I hope Cm Punk retains, I wish they would just let him win cleanly.

    Yep your right about The Rock being selfish, I just really hope wwe surprises us for once and let Punk retain, The Rock gains nothing from winning, he's still gonna leave again, and return and ruin another talent.

    Source(s): Knees 2 faces all the way
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    God i'm hoping not. the only way CM Punk will win is that if there's a interference, that's extra advantageous than probable what's gonna take place. BQ- approximately 10%. exceedingly unlikely that WWE would placed that plenty attempt into them. BQ2- Rosa Mendes purely does like one dance flow so Cameron and Naomi.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My opinion wouldn't matter because we all know it's gonna be Rock vs Cena for the WWE championship at Wrestlemania. But in my opinion NO I do not want The Rock to win I know he's a major draw for the WWE but what makes him deserve to be WWE champion? How would he fit that into his schedule? He wouldn't wrestle on a Raw he wouldnt make house shows so what will WWE gain with Rock as WWE champion? Money money money. Rock winning the WWE championship is good for businesses and what's good for businesses is good for Vince McMahon. As much as I am praying that Rock won't win it is more likely to happen if you ask me Vince has a fetish for Wrestlemania rematches.

  • 8 years ago

    I wanna see him win. Hate punk and his title reign is boring and overrated.

    Boots 2 Assess

    No, I still wouldn't like whether he is heel or face. I've always found Punk really overrated and one dimensional. The shoot promo that he done that everyone ranks so highly isn't that good. All he done was tell the truth and that's only because WWE allowed him too. Anybody could have don't that promo, not just Punk. And as for the WWE turning him heel so he wouldn't out do Cena, I have no idea where you got that information from because Cena was outdoing punk long before his heel turn. Punk was only bringing in more money for about a month after his shoot promo and then it pretty much when down hill from there. Get your facts straight.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    That depends

    If Cm Punk could face The Undertaker for the title at Wrestlemania then I would want Punk to win

    If not then I would want The Rock to win

  • I don't think Rock should be the WWE champion. As others have said, he's just a part-timer, so it'd be kind of stupid to have a part-timer be the WWE champion unless he was going to return to full-time. I like Rock, of course. I just don't think he deserves to be champion. Plus, I love CM Punk. He's the best in the world and deserves to be on top.

  • John R
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    At this point, I don't really care.

    Punk has had a great reign as a face. Since he turned heel, his matches have sucked. His promos became repetitive. People still don't want to admit how bad of a champion Punk is right now.

    As for Rocky, well, his schedule is enough to predict his win/loss ratio for the upcoming months. Adding in all these "hilarious" promos, I couldn't care less about him.

    Hopefully the title vacates somehow, because I haven't been interested in the WWE title for a while now.

  • 8 years ago

    If Rock wins I'm done watching WWE for good. CM Punk is the only wrestler I actually like now. WWE is getting so boring. I only watch it for CM Punk himself, so if he loses I'm done with WWE. They make rock extremely over powered. Like beyond over powered. He only knows about 4 wrestling moves anyways.

  • 8 years ago

    Cm Punk fans don't want Rock to win!

  • 8 years ago

    That would be horrible WWE Needs something new . If rock wins will see cena vs punk vs rock which would be just a sad day . .

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