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I'm back and so is Hockey?


1. Do you think the NHL could possibly have any players that were smart at cheating like Lance Armstrong was?

2. If you found out your favorite current player was cheating......would you give him a second chance?

3. Every Hockey fan is Obviously allowed to like other teams and not just their Home Team. For Example my back up team has always been Philadelphia. But is it possible to like SIX different teams? I just feel like that would be WAY to hard to be a fan of SIX teams with 90+ players all together on those teams. Would You agree?

4. Is Scott Gomex really going to be a San Jose Guppies?

BQ* Name the biggest Cheater you can think of in all Professional Sports.....Cheating as in, cheated to gain points and stuff! :)

Great to be back!


Actually I do have a mental health issue. It's called "I'm onto people's bs"". And why call out K Fleur on my Question, maybe I am his B*tch what's it to you? Also I never said any names.....just going to point that one out there :)

Sticks and Stones will break my bones but at least I'm not a cheaterrr

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1.There are probably some form of performance enhancing drugs in all sports, Sad. There is a webiste called world timeline or something like that, adn they said in a few decades these PEDs would be accepted and there would be leagues for natural competetion and league for "superhuman" competetion. Just educated ideas, but interesting

    2. Depends how they handle the situation. Other sport, but Melky Cabrera handled his pending 50 game suspension horibbly, trying to get out of it. He is on the Blue Jays now, so I don't hate him, I really liked him before, but I hope he can play clean.

    3. To LOVE that many teams is weird. My "backup" team would be Nashville. But I like to know what's going on with every team. I only dislike 3 teams

    4. Aside from Wingels, their bottom 6 is pretty weak. With him, they can bump down Hanzus and have Gomez center Galliardi and Wingels. They have offered hima contract from what I have heard so he could be with the team within a few days

    BQ* Barry Bonds

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    1. Do you think the NHL could possibly have any players that were smart at cheating like Lance Armstrong was?

    If there was we dont know about them yet they have to gain a bunch of fallowers using false hope first.. i know ovechkin used to get accused of blood doping.

    2. If you found out your favorite current player was cheating......would you give him a second chance?

    Im a scum bag.. It wouldnt phase me in the least..

    3. Every Hockey fan is Obviously allowed to like other teams and not just their Home Team. For Example my back up team has always been Philadelphia. But is it possible to like SIX different teams? I just feel like that would be WAY to hard to be a fan of SIX teams with 90+ players all together on those teams. Would You agree?

    I like all 29 of the NHL teams.

    4. Is Scott Gomex really going to be a San Jose Guppies?

    He is so small im not even sure what we would call him...

    BQ* Name the biggest Cheater you can think of in all Professional Sports.....Cheating as in, cheated to gain points and stuff! :)

    Easliy has to be Vince McMan...

    real answer ill say bill bellicheck

  • Wow everybodys showing up today who's next lity?

    1. Do you think the NHL could possibly have any players that were smart at cheating like Lance Armstrong was?

    I wouldn't doute it.

    2. If you found out your favorite current player was cheating......would you give him a second chance?

    The only thing fans love more than a star player getting caught in a scandal is them coming back when it's all over and winning a championship

    3. Every Hockey fan is Obviously allowed to like other teams and not just their Home Team. For Example my back up team has always been Philadelphia. But is it possible to like SIX different teams? I just feel like that would be WAY to hard to be a fan of SIX teams with 90+ players all together on those teams. Would You agree?

    no comment

    4. Is Scott Gomex really going to be a San Jose Guppies?

    Hell im more surprised there were teams interested in him

    BQ* Name the biggest Cheater you can think of in all Professional Sports.....Cheating as in, cheated to gain points and stuff! :)

    Eddie Guerrero he lied cheated and stole

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1, 2) Yes, either tough guys or really young players who need the boost. If i found out Sidney Crosby was cheating (although he is not my favorite player, I would be devastated.

    3) Ya you can always have a back up team. But six? too much! Although you can pick out six teams who you would not mind to see win. This year, I would like to see florida go far.

    4) I am a habs fan, and for the sake of montreal, I would hope he does. That way both teams only pay half his contract. I now believe gomez is not even good enough to play in the nhl. He would be someone who should be in the ahl like souray did. Only time will tell what the sharks will do.

    BQ. Smmy sosa and a couple of other baseball players.

    I do not believe Lance should get as much punishment as he did. Every other Biker did the same

  • Chuck
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    1. I think most hockey players are good natured. It doesn't breed that kind of mentality. You can be a great player, even without having the best stats, so cheating isn't as necessary. That being said, I don't think there are no players in the league on juice or anything.

    2. My Fav player is Patrice Bergeron, i respect him because he plays good clean hardworking 2 way hockey. If he was cheating, it'd bum me out, and he'd no longer be my favorite.

    3. Just LOL

    4. I have no real love or hate for him or the sharks. They're pretty much non-factors for me, so him a guy i don't care about going to a team i don't care about....well, that's just fine by me.

    BQ* not a player, but the dirtiest guy i can think of in sports would be Don King....he ruined Boxing with all his bullshiz and fixed matches.

  • 8 years ago

    1. No, but if it were to happen the player would be from an original six team one near Connecticut.

    2. Most likely no, but it would depend on the circumstances, and severity

    3. Yes, my 2nd team is whatever team Teemu Selanne is playing for, but that is it no more.

    4. Well he's practicing with the Sharks. I honesty have no idea. I think Gomez's NHL days are most likely done.

    BQ: Lance Armstrong has taken the throne. Also the Bill Belichick for Spygate.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    1. Don't think there are any steroid or HGH juicers in the NHL. They would have been caught.

    __Alcohol juicers maybe, but that is legal

    2. Cheating at face offs or embellishing, sure. Doping, not so much.

    3. The Jets are my second team, unless they are playing the Caps.

    ---Six teams, no, but I am on good terms with that user at this time.

    4. Gomez is a sad case. He won the Calder trophy and hoisted The Cup.

    ---May be through in the NHL.

    BQ I nominate Roberto Alomar - he denied using performance enhancing drugs

    -----after endorsing Viagra!

    Source(s): Welcome back!
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    2. I would forgive him

    3. That's a bit much, I have 2 main teams that I'll always cheer for and a couple other teams that I wanna see do well but having 6 favorite teams can probably get a little out of wack especially with rivalries.

    4. I guess so, he'd be a decent fit. Hope to see him get back on track after all that's gone on over the past few years

    BQ: BILL BILLICHEAT of the New England Patriots. Oh yeah and CHEAT Carroll while he was at USC

    Source(s): ya boy
  • 8 years ago

    Ahhh, the section's finally back :')

    1. There are always cheaters, even in a sport like this. I just hope there aren't as many and roofs, doping, etc. is on it's way out.

    2. I dunno, it would be pretty hard to believe Matt Bradley or Matt Hendricks would cheat, but it all depends on the level of cheating and what went down. It's hard to say.

    3. Hahaha ohhh gosh. I'm keeping mum except to say I like a handful of teams (Caps, Kitties, Jackets, and Rangers) but I have two I really follow (Caps and Kitties) so...

    4. Lol why would anyone even sign him? I mean DJ King (bless his heart I love him) has better value and scores more

    BQ* that baseball player who hit a crapload of homers on roids and denied it forever

    Yay for being back!

    Source(s): ROCK THE RED!!!
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    1. Well we haven't seen it yet. If one person gets caught, then others may start confessing and then accusing others. Then it will be just as bad as baseball's jucing era.

    2. Not likely

    3. Well that wouldn't work too well.

    4. I'm not too sure yet, but I don't want to rule it out.

    BQ: I think it has to be Barry Bonds. He was a good player before, then he cheated for the records.

    Source(s): Good to see you back, Kay!
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