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I'm into Rock&Roll, Metal, Blues, some hiphop and used to rave out. I've been told I can dance when I'm motivated. I play Hockey and Paintball, I can fix my own car, split wood and still get around in Boston. I built a log cabin up in Maine with my father. I like going to concerts. I drink a little a lot..and drink a lot a little. Used to smoke, but gave that....and many other bad habits up long ago. I like to keep in shape, but I'm not a gym-rat. I'm into tattoos, riding my bike and just living life.

  • Who has the better defense, the Bruins or?

    Timmy B defending his virginity with false claims of two kids?

    True or False?

    Anyone who defends their virginity online is a virgin.

    2 AnswersHockey8 years ago
  • Do you agree only one PURE race belongs in the NHL?

    Come All-Star weekend, once the lockout ends, should the NHL limit the race to the old school normal lap around the rink...or do you like the goalie and backward D-man races they've been doing as well?

    3 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • Brad Boyes back to Boston Bruins?

    So, with Peverley's knee, and Horton's health being uncertain....could reuniting Bergeron and Boyes be a good low risk trade acquisition for the Bruins to pursue? Bergeron and Boyes had great chemistry back in the day, I could see it working again.

    What would it take from the B's to pry Boyes away?

    2 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • It's been too long, I think it's time for a new hockey movie....?

    Who do you think would make for a believable hockey player as far as current actors?

    Steve Carell can skate...fairly popular, funny....

    Anyone else come to mind?

    7 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • Suspensions in the NHL....still fair and consistant?

    OK, so a few questions/comments around Ovi's suspension have come up. Michalek also put up a big boarding hit that game...but didn't get any games. Subban doesn't get games for repeated slew foots. Consistency seems to have slipped to me....

    And then there is my boy, Andrew Ference, getting 3 games for a first time offense, no injury and no malicious intent.

    Now, you want to suspend Ference, fine....what he did was against the rules, and so be it. I was figuring a single 1 game for it. He gets three.

    Now Ovi a repeat offender gets 3 for what I see as just as bad, if not worse of a hit.

    To me...if Ference get's 1 and Ovi gets 3...that's just. If Ference gets 3 and Ovi gets 5 plus...that's just.

    But a hit of the about the same danger level, no injuries, one by a 1st time offender and one by a 3 time is this the same amount of games?

    9 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • Just for LOLs and cuz the world can't get enough of him...(hockey)?

    Bizzaro world.

    Tim Tebow was born in Canada instead of down South. Same basic person, but Hockey instead of football.

    What position does he end up playing?

    Would he have been a better hockey player, than a QB?

    Would he ever drop the gloves, or simply ask WWJD, say 'nice hip check brother' and skate away smiling?

    Would you want him on your team, or would you not want the distraction?

    For the record, I'm not a huge Tebow guy, pro or con...seems like a good kid, and I could care less about anyone's faith. But the question came up at lunch, I thought it was interesting, so figured I come here for more input.

    8 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • Forget the Ice...I want a Summer Classic?

    It'll never happen....but mid summer Roller Hockey Tourny/exhibition game for the NHL stars would be a blast to watch. Break up the some of the summer baseball lazy nights with a nice outdoor roller hockey game.

    That way Tampa, LA, Carolina and other warm climate markets could get a taste of the spotlight.

    Plus, I'd get a nice taste of Hockey in like July or August to tide me over while I'm sleeping thru the baseball season.

    Who's with me?

    3 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • And the award goes to...?

    So first off...I've been gone a long time, but thanks to my works new site blocking program, I'm allowed back in here. A big hello to anyone that remembers me, and also to anyone in the Y/A fantasy hockey league.

    Anyway, Do you feel anyone is a clear cut winner for any particular trophy so far? Who would your favorites be if say, awards were given out at the all star break?

    I'd say Selke to Patrice Bergeron.

    No one really jumps out as the MVP to me.

    Lady Bing....well, I'll be honest I don't care.

    But that's just a few to get started, what do you think?

    4 AnswersHockey9 years ago
  • Does the league need to call diving more? Hockey?

    The diving of many players this season and post season has gotten out of hand. The league needs to take a serious look at players falling and faking injuries to draw a call.

    If it's an unsportsman call in the game, or a review and a fine after the fact, something needs to be done.

    I'm not going to single anyone out, or site specific plays, we've all seen them in every game of every series. It's always been a small part of the game, but seems to be a growing problem.

    The NHL needs to address this, because it's starting to look like soccer out there.

    11 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Titanium hockey sticks....anyone try one of these yet?

    I've heard of them, but haven't seen or used one. I imagine they'd have to be pretty expensive, but would last forever.

    Just looking for any first hand experience from anyone.

    1 AnswerHockey1 decade ago
  • What is going on in the Hockey section answers?

    Jamal Vai and Babu Vai are just spamming repeated answers from other questions into other questions that just don't make sense. Is this a case of a bug in Y/A causing problems, or just the two most worthless least funny trolls on the internet?

    6 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • If there was a fantasy draft of Y/A Hockey section contributors....?

    After LITY, who would your top five picks be?

    Lets say an answer is worth 2 points. A best answer is worth 10. Thumbs up or down count as a half points either for or against.

    Questions asked, that get 5 answers or more will be awarded 2 points, and .2 points for ever subsuquent answer, or minus .5 points for every answer under five. So, 10 answers to a question is worth 3 points...only 3 answers is -1 point.

    Every star for a question is worth 1 point.

    Now, I'm not trying to start a game/league or whatever...just set some basic guidelines that could help determine someones basic worth.

    So....who would be your top pics for the Y/A Hockey - Section Fantasy draft?

    2 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • Bruins have signed Seguin...or so says the word on the what do we do?

    OK, so the Rumor Mill is stating that we signed Seguin with a deal similar to Hall's. 900K for 3 years, plus bonuses that could push him into the 3.75 mil area.

    I'm not a big cap guy, so I'm looking for thoughts and potential clarification.

    Right now, we're about 2 mil over the cap. If we demote Ryder, or trade or release him, that clears up 4 mil, giving us 2 mil of space.

    We have Sturm, on LTIR with a hit of close to 4. So if he comes in for half a season that puts us about at the cap limit.

    So where is the room for Seguin? Will we need to move someone else?

    Also, if we take Sturm out of the situation, how does Seguin's bonus potential count? Will he be a hit of 3.75 mil off that bat, or does the bonus only get added on if/when he earns it?

    7 AnswersHockey1 decade ago
  • What is the correct word for a female dog?

    I'm not asking because I don't know. I'm asking because that work gets turned into asterisks most of the time on this site. But being as it is a correct term under the right conditions, would it get *****'d out then.

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Who is your favorite musician/band...outside of your usual tastes?

    I for one lean more towards rock and roll, metal, punk, ect...but i listen to a lot more than that.

    I'd say outside my usual tastes, Bob Marley and Tupac would be near the top....maybe even Mylo....

    So, how about you guys?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I was in the best mood I had been in for a while yesterday...?

    Now, due to many circumstances beyond my control, I'm about as miserable as possible....and just before New Years. So do I say screw everyone and everything, and go rip it up like a mad man? Or do I try to figure out what is going on with my multiple issues first.

    I have someone that lied to me...about important things, and it was brought to my attention by a third party, who doesn't want me to tell the first person...but of course I have no way of knowing unless I out the third party for telling me. I can either swallow what I've learnded and let the person continue lying to me, acting like I don't know or care (which I suck at) or tell my friend the third person, sorry, but I'm throwing you under the bus to confront the liar. Who, for all I really know could just be lying to the thrid person.

    Then I have someone very VERY dear to me, going through unimaginable and difficult issues. I love her, but am being pushed away suddenly. And while part of me understands it, most of me doesn't because I disagree with it....I'm not sure if I'm full of myself in thinking that I'm good for her....or if I just want to be with her for my own selfish reasons....

    Most likely a combination of both.

    The fact that both hit me at almost the same time is driving me nuts. I have little to gain except self satisifaction and a nice "F-YOU" to confront the liar...but this person was once very dear to me as well....and to know I've been lied to really hurts, especially considering the subject.

    And to the girl who got away...or may be getting away...hopefully, she's just overwhelmed with other things, and realized that we really are good for each other. I think giving her, her space may be the best route to take for now....

    I know non of this is really a question....but I needed to vent somewhere. Thanks to whoever has something constructive to say and bothered reading.

    And cheers to whoever trolls me with horrible comments, you people make me laugh.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is there anything less attractive a girl could do?

    So I was at the gas station the other day, just filling up. I go inside and while in line waiting to pay, the girl in-front of me, who wasn't an unattractive girl, gets a tin of chewing tobacco. My first thought was, this has to be for her, uncle/father/boyfriend.....but then she pulls out an empty can that she apparently uses for her coin purse....pays, and starts packing the can....flashes me a none-to-pretty smile....and walks out.

    Now, I'm not the kind of guy into prissy girls. I like a girl that'll go camping, ride a quad, get dirty, whatever....but this, well, let's just say I wouldn't be asking for her number.

    Smoking doesn't bother me, even though I've quit....hell I can't think of much I'd take offense too....but yeah....any thoughts on what is worse?

    19 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I'm due for a vacation....who's got some good ideas for me?

    I think I know what I want to do already, but just curious what other people have in mind that I haven't thought of.

    I always like to try new things and go new places, meeting new people, so let's see what Y/A has to say.

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • Do you have a special person that can make you smile...?

    Even when they are calling you an @sshole, or otherwise busting your balls?

    Call me weird, but sometimes compliments can be over-rated.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago