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Why do I see so many Christians who positively revel at the idea of people going to hell?

You see it on here and out and about -- so many Christians not merely telling people that they're going to hell, but seeming to be genuinely delighted at the idea of someone suffering in agony for all eternity. So much for Christian love, eh?


@MOMMAH -- Making up stuff? Are you serious? Just look at Westboro Baptist Church for the most extreme example, but they are far from the only people who do such a thing.

Update 2:

Seriously, MOMMAH, if you think WBC is the only example of this, then I can only say that you are completely blind. It happens all the time, often right here on this forum.

10 Answers

  • Ryenic
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel your pain and am definitely following your logic. For a Christian to blissfully dream of heaven, while believing their mother, brother or their own child is roasting in Hell, as God burns and torments them, is just God awful!

    If I didn't read and study the Bible for myself and I listen to false Christians spewed out "you're gonna burn in Hell" as they laughed, I'd hate God and not want anything to do with him.

    However, I am a Christian, and I know the notion that the devil is red and carries a pitch fork or that he lives in Hell awaiting souls sent by God to be tormented for eternity is an absolute lie and is not found anywhere in the Bible.

    Also, plain ole common sense and good logic dispells this lie. Think about it: If God keeps people in hell alive and conscious for eternity for no other reason than to suffer unimaginable agony, then God would also have to protect them from burning to death (fire disintegrates) and He would have to give these undeserving souls his greatest gift; everlasting life (the same gift He's giving to those who praise Him). Why? Because to torture them forever, he would have to protect them (a loving thing to do) and keep them alive forever (give them his greatest reward; everlasting life). So, he would be loving and cruel at the same time? That just doesn't make sense!

    Also, keep in mind that they would have to be immortal souls/spirits (flesh and blood would just burn and disintegrate). Well, Spirits are not affected by fire, fire is earthly; it needs oxygen to survive just like we do; fire doesn't affect the spirit realm! (Read the account in the Bible of how a spirit protected Daniel and his companions from burning in a fiery furnace (Dan. 3:1-28; particularly verses 26 and 27); not even one hair of theirs was burned.

    Also, a study of the Bible clearly reveals that God's personality wouldn't even included burning people in a Hell for eternity. He even said this to a nation who were burning their own children: "And they have built the high places of Tophet, which is in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire; which I commanded them not, neither came it into my heart." (Jeremiah 7:31)

    From the very beginning God told Adam: "For dust you are and to dust you will return.” (Genesis 3:19) He never told Adam he would be going to Heaven, nor to Hell, but back to the dust where he came from. The scriptures also state: “The wages sin pays is death.” (Romans 6:23) So, the punishment for sin is death, not burning in Hell.

    The Bible also states that: "For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing." Or, as another translation puts it, "...the dead are unconscious." (Ecc. 9:5) So, those who die wouldn't even know they were being tortured if they went to a burning Hell. Once again, just does make any sense.

    Please do the research and seek truth.... God DOESN'T torture people! The eternal Hell fire doctrine is a lie and ploy to keep the masses down and a tool of the Devil to keep people from wanting to worship God, and its working like a charm. Many, many people don't believe in God or want to worship God, because this false doctrine makes God appear to be cruel, unloving, and sadistic.

    Please learn the truth, and the truth will set you free from this outright lie...

  • 8 years ago

    Then God said to me, “There will be times that I will speak to you in

    the Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek languages.” God began to speak to

    me in the Hebrew and Greek languages. He said to me, “There are

    four words that I am going to use that are throughout the Bible to

    describe Hell. The first is a Hebrew word, Sheol [sheh-ole’], which

    is the world of the dead or the grave. This place is where the souls of

    the ungodly and the godly men and women came when they died

    centuries ago. The second is Greek—Hades [hah’-dace], which is

    the place of departed souls and spirits, or where a sinner goes after

    death. However, before my crucifixion and resurrection, Hades was

    divided into two sections that were separated by a large impassable

    gulf, which I created. The upper right side of Hades was called both

    Abraham’s Bosom and Paradise. The Room of the Cursed is a portion

    of what once was Abraham’s Bosom in Hades. I will allow you to see

    the Room of the Cursed before your tour comes to an end in the

    Outer Darkness of Hell. In the cursed Paradise of the Outer Darkness

    of Hell, it was very pleasant. It had streams of water running through

    it, and green trees. It looked much like a beautiful well-maintained

    park. It contained the souls of all of those persons who had died and

    put their trust in me as God during the Old Testament period, up until

    the time of the death and resurrection of your Lord and Savior Jesus

    Christ. All those human spirits that were in the Paradise of Hades

    [Hell] were very much conscious. They were not soul-sleeping. They

    were quite alive. After the crucifixion, I spent three days in Hades,

    preaching to the spirits that were there.”

    The third word to describe Hell is also a Greek word, which is

    Tartaros [Tar-tar-os’]. Tartaros is this portion of Hell that I want

    you to see specifically. This is the reason why I brought you here to

    Hell: so you can be a witness to all back on Earth, testifying that

    there is a place of severe punishments and judgment for those who

    disobey my Holy Word, which is called the Holy Bible. This place is

    called the Outer Darkness of Hell. Tartaros has many jail cells. I

    spoke of Tartaros in my Holy Word. This portion of Hell contains the

    angels who sexually sinned with the women of the Earth before

    Noah’s flood. I only mentioned Tartaros one time throughout the

    entire Bible: in the book of 2nd Peter, the second chapter, verse four.”

    “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down

    to Hell [Tataros], and delivered them into chains of darkness,

    to be reserved unto judgment;” - 2 Peter 2:4 KJV

    “These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a

    tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved forever.”

    2 Peter 2:17 KJV

    While Out of My Body, I Saw God, Hell and the Living Dead

    Jesus is the only way.

  • 8 years ago

    If someone revels at the idea of another going to hell, then the one rejoicing is not a true Christian.

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We here don't. But we do love God's righteousness and his justice. It's our just compensation for our diligence and persistence.

    I would do anything I could to keep others out of hell. Trouble is that so many of you accuse me of "shoving my religion down your throat."

    We can't help but wonder what you are thinking

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Christians don't believe in Jesus. They believe in Saul, alias Paul, the false apostle.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What's the Alternative ? Spend Eternity in Heaven with them ? Now that would be "HELL"

  • 8 years ago

    I would like to see child abusers go to hell as they deserve to burn for all time.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Perceived moral superiority

  • 8 years ago

    I know what you mean. It's a little contemptible really.

    "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." -Ghandi

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    STOP making up stuff.

    But, YOU are naming ONE CHURCH!!

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