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3/4 twist punch vs full twist punch. Which is better?

I thought we could get a lively debate going about this. Lets hear your opinions on which is better and why!

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was originally taught the full twist punch, but done so that I did not lock my elbow. (Locking the elbow will get you hurt quickly by anyone that knows what to do.)

    About 20 years into my training I converted to the 3/4 twist punch. It allows me to hit two pressure points at the same time on any of several different areas on the body. Again the elbow is not locked. One of the advantages of the 3/4 punch is that in the full twist the bones in the forearm will cross each other near the end of the punch. The arm is more easily broken when this happens. If you rotate only to the 3/4 point the bones do not cross each other. It makes the arm strong and the arm less likely to be broken.

    You did not mention the vertical punch. There are two different ways to do it. The most commonly known is like the Isshinryu students use. They do not rotate the wrist at all. when punching from the hip the fist is held vertical from the beginning of the punch to the end. They strike with the two large knuckles just as the other punches mentioned above.

    Note: in all three types of punches I have mentioned so far the two large knuckles are used. To punch properly and avoid injuring your hand or wrist the fist must tilt so that the bones in the hand that the punching knuckles attach to are also lined up straight with the bones of the forearm.

    The other version of a vertical punch is used often in Chinese style like wing Chun. Th punch does not rotate/twist as it is executed. But, the wrist starts out so that the knuckle of the index finger is leading. Just as the punch starts to land on target the wrist is snapped up so that the little knuckle strikes as well. At the end of the punch the little finger knuckle, ring finger knuckle, and the middle finger knuckle are all hitting the target. Again if done correctly the bones n the hand that support the three striking knuckles are lined up with the forearm bones.

    None of the punches is better. Each has its on uses. bottom line is if a punch does what you intended it is a good punch.


    Source(s): Martial arts training and research over 45 years, since 1967 Teaching martial arts over 39 years, since 1973
  • possum
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Application is important. In punching a soft target such as the abdomen, it is expected that the abdominal muscles are tight. As such, a punch will have difficulty getting through. A twist in the punch disrupts the muscle alignment, and allows the punch to penetrate. The more twist, the better the penetration.

    On the other hand, the punch is backed by the ulna and radius bones, and with a 3/4 twist, there exists the maximum amount of strength in foundation for the punch. A full twist actually yields a very weak foundation for the wrist.

    Therefore, whatever your application - choose your method wisely.

    This link offers interesting detailed information as well.

  • Kokoro
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The three main types are vertical, 3/4 twist and full twist,

    I use the 3/4 twist as I feel it is more powerful.

    Put as Jim r says, pugpaws will have a great answer for this. He can explain it much better then I could



    You missed the point.

    It's not the twist that creates the power, it's the alignment of the muscle groups and bones that add to it. It has to do more with body mechanics and positioning then the twist.

    The cork screw motion servers a diffrent purpose then power

    Source(s): 30yrs ma
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    A lot of people feel twisting creates more power And I know there's going be a lot of people disagreeing with me. But it's a waste of energy and it puts you in a position where you could hurt your wrist. Why weaken the punch by twisting, keep your arm the same as if it was one single part. Your Wrist is much weaker than your elbow and if something is going give during a punch gone wrong its going to be your wrist. Your energy should be moving forward through your punch by twisting and sending your energy off in all different directions taking away the power of the punch. But if you feel you have to twist when you punch I suppose up to the individual some people might feel more comfortable with more or some less of a twist it's all up to the individual like any other technique or style. If you're going to be twisting when you punch make sure you doing plenty of wrist exercises to keep it strong as possible. Actually should be doing that regardless. The answer is ultimately up to you.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Get a "Perfect Push Up", the idea is that you're engaging different muscle groups at different distances. The position of your hand at these ranges demonstrates the strongest muscle / skeletal alignment.

    In this regard, the full rotation is not the farthest distance your arm can strike the target, rather it is the position your arm may take on a fully committed follow-through.

    Many Okinawan masters in Mark Bishop's book decried the full-rotation, however it seems that even among their styles they did not strive to shake it out of their kata. However, this leads to the possibility that the technique has legitimacy or simply the lack of refinement by a number of teachers.

    Which is better? Whichever one you're using correctly.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    If it lasts any more simply go to the surgeon considering that it might be a serious main issue, if no longer, it coult be a completly unrelated drawback. Are attempting typing the symptoms on google, you would to find some good data but ensure that you've a excellent supply. As one other comment: your gf is definatly out of line... Ive went through the identical a few times, identification say give her a bit flick on the chest and shes calm down, nothin to mean although lol.

  • Jim R
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I have used most kinds of punches, and have settled on the three quarter rotation for most applications. It works better for me.

    Hopefully pugpaws2 will comment on this, I have read his comments on this subject and agree with him. His technical explanation is beyond what I could tell you.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I dare not touch this topic....Pugpaaawss!!!! (He'll be with you shortly.)

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