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senior citizens!, why, where and when, after 2 years on this site, my questions are being reported, Why?,?
I fully understand, that most of you are having the same trouble, and find it irritating and humilitating, that this state of affairs should spoil this Forum,what can be done about it?, you ask a question and receive 2 points, you are reported, you lose !0!, hard earned points. Since last november I have lost hundreds< and will lose another 10 now, so what!. I have had enough of this childish reporting....
32 Answers
- SallyLv 58 years agoFavorite Answer
Where you're concerned, I believe it's jealousy. Interesting you should ask this question as I was thinking about this very thing yesterday. You are well liked and appreciated by many others here and somebody is jealous.
I always look forward to seeing you here. As they say is AA, "Keep coming back".
Oh, here's one for you. Yesterday I had a 'Best Answer' which is very rare for me and somebody deleted the question.
Maybe the individual will be reported and momma will take their keyboard away.
- 5 years ago
I am a senior and a real one. I like any types of questions as senior residents have inquiring minds. Some q's I simply bypass but i"m nonetheless completely satisfied they are here. We have so few on this site. Unless the question is only for kids then all questions are o.Ok. Here. There are seniors who're new and have just come to this website for the primary time. I don't know how you may discover their age until they started to ask and reply q's. What i do not like are the people who make a decision what questions are o.Okay. And do not ever ask any themselves. I assume they think they are above us and can not slash themselves to place up or shut up.
- SnidLv 78 years ago
I agree that it's happening site wide. I got violations in three categories last week. All three were valid answers. I appealed them all and lost all three. I stay way from some categories for a few days when a "war" is going on. That was happening in Football (American) and Basketball last week.
When you see some of the questions and answers that DO seem to get through it gets very frustrating.
I think your questions have been great. Sometimes people don't ask really questions and then wonder why they get reported. It's all in the wording/ Same with answers. if you want to say how you feel about something you first have to give a short cut and dried answer.
Yahoo read all three of my appeals and gave me answers.
I loved the duffle coat question, too. I had to look it up because I wasn't sure what it was but I DID have one once.
- 8 years ago
I finally found another senior citizens forum. Discussions are allowed, even encouraged. As soon as I get settled in there I'll spend less and less time here until one day I'll just disappear.
I will miss a lot of you but I sure won't miss yahoo.
BTW for any of you who haven't guessed I was a level seven. I canceled my account and started over with a new name. I never had any use for all those points anyway.
Now that the reporters know I guess my answer won't be here long.
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- i'm nice guyLv 58 years ago
Thomas, i lost a ton of reasonable questions not to mention points over christmas and was well scundered off. The points in my book dont make prizes and i couldnt give a fiddlers about them. The answers on the other hand mean lots to me, as answerers have given considerable thought and time in typing them in relation to my questions. Questions regarding favourite christmas stuff from carol singing to vintage decorations. Surely this couldnt upset folks too much. I totally sympathise with you but to be honest don't know what the reason is behind such stupid behaviour.
- sophiebLv 78 years ago
Within the past 25 minutes my questioin was deleted that had over 32 responses and 2 stars. It's a problem with some individual's ocd or something wherein they feel they run the game so can have fun using the report button. It has nothing to do with your question or answer. How can we halt this? Well if it weren't in a game, if it were in reality we'd call a shrink for them. So the question is "how can you control someone else's free choice when they violate your free speech". This is one for the court system. The response I'd say is for all of us to continue reporting to YA and demand their account gets deleted, and the rules for free speech stand.....except for certain bad words which is illegal here on certain media.
I haven't played the game for points for years now. So when they delete my Q or answer it's more of a free speech violation for me and I consider that illegal.
- PeggyLv 68 years ago
I guess somebody is new here and does not know that Yahoo are not reading emails from us anymore. They suspend us automatically but it takes a real person to read an appeal and I think that the site is run by robots now because all the real people have gone AWOL.
T - you've been around long enough to know that trolls abound and have recently been breeding. I think they have all given birth to octuplets. They must have done so through interbreeding because such offspring often lack brain cells, which is the case with these enemies of ours. One thing that they do not have enough brain power to work out is that 'ONE DAY THEY TOO WILL BE OLD.'
Spell checker could also do with in intelligence injection. It wants to change my word octuplets to 'catapults' !!!!
I needed a laugh after all this.
- Marilyn TLv 78 years ago
I wish I had an answer for you, it is getting tiring to be reported over nothing all the time.
Too many overfeed ,bored kids on answers it seems or some silly old goat who hates everyone reporting for the slightest mistake in wording or whatever.
Hope you don't give up on us, we would miss your down home sort of questions and your honest answers.
We have already lost many here and don't want to lose more due to silly reporting.
Hopefully soon the trolls will move on in their lives and get out and do something positive other then being tollies.
Makes you sort of wonder doesn't it, do they not have anything better to do with their time.
It must be terrible to be them.
- ?Lv 58 years ago
Someone here thinks that this is funny. Perhaps he should go back to Biology questions.
Those of us using S.C. regularly are all aware of the problem and this has nothing, whatsoever, to do with what level we've reached, how many best answers we have had or even the quality of our answers. Trolls report for the pure fun of it and they delight in knowing that they have upset some senior citizens who come here regularly for pleasure - not aggravation. By doing so, these sick people display their lack of intelligence and decency.
I've been a victim many times in my short time here and almost left. Now I feel - "Why should I?"
- PowerLv 78 years ago
I don't think people higher up really want this site to be filled with anything of a high value. If intelligent, successful people came to this site they would eventually take over. If you notice what remains not being reported it shows that some really poor questions & ones that REALLY break the rules & offend people will stay.
Why would that happen unless they wanted to keep the crowd here at a low level. In the USA there are show like Jerry Springer & Maury Povich that remain on the air while shows like Oprah were discouraged by many of the churchs. It does seem that the churchs don't want people learning how to manage their minds & this site doesn't like that either.
Insanity is doing the same thing over & over & expecting different results. I stop in & answer what I want & have moved on to places that feed my soul. If you think after all this time that yahoo is going to encourage decent people to stay here you are really in denial about this.
I started out here in the political section. I wanted to learn about American republicans cause I couldn't understand them. I never did learn anything from them or about them except that they are followers who go along with the churches, drug companies, advertisers for the most part. History is more important that the divine intelligence that flows through us in the present moment.
I learned that if someone came to this site & was highly intelligent & an excellent teacher they would lose their account. So I watched the democrats who were able to really very clearly explain things lose their accounts. Look up Armchair Goddess on the internet & you will find her answers. She just got a notice one day that said her account was suspended. She came back & has been writing but she is the only one I know of who has remained because the others that I know of left the site.
This site is not for people who know they are capable of helping other through raising their awareness. My husband turns on Family Fued each night. I watch how disgusting that family show can be. They act like it's normal to disguss subjects that were not on tv during dinner hour when I sat with my family. It's digusting but they want to digust people cause the lower the class of the slaves the more power to the corporate masters.