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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 8 years ago

How to tell if a religion is a hoax? Will you follow these guidelines?

Here are some simple yet effective guidelines that will help you tell a real, genuine religion, from a false one;

1 The deity that all members pray to, never makes an appearance, and is "untestable". In fact, the simple act of testing whether or not the deity exist, is actively discouraged.

2 Miracles and supernatural events are claimed by membership, yet do not stand up to even casual scrutiny, let alone Scientific inquiry.

3 Praying to the deity has no measurable effect.

4 Belief in said deity promises a reward after death, and non-belief promises a punishment. Even though neither can be proven or hold any evidence whatsoever.

5 Holy text makes unsubstantiated claims, describes historical events and characters that cannot be verified by any contemporary text or account, and there is no evidence that said text is of divine origin.

6 Regular 'groupthink' meetings are held. One or more high ranking members of the religion are always on hand to interpret the holy text, and to collect donations.

7 Followers are given justifications for all of these failings, and are not only encouraged to believe nonetheless, but are threatened with punishment if they do not.

These simple rules, when applied to your religion, should give you a clue if you are following a false religion or not.

I hope you use them with a clear, open and logical mind. I think you'll find the results surprising.



Well since atheism has no deities, no prayers, no dogma, no rituals, and the ONLY common thing among us is the realization that ALL gods are equally imaginary, I'll let you make that determination. If you can...

Update 2:


"There is no contradiction or errors in Quran unlike the Bible."

Really? Then you can point to the muddy puddle that the sun sets into then?

Come on man, you can't be THAT gullible!

Update 3:

James, yes that's exactly what they do.

Whenever Science reveals, yet again, that religion is nothing but a childish fairy tale, they change the story or the interpretation of the story.

Update 4:

Um, Yes it does, specifically;

18:86 Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun, he found it setting in a muddy spring, and found a people thereabout. We said: O Dhu'l-Qarneyn! Either punish or show them kindness.


12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The results are predictable: everyone else's religion is a hoax, theirs is not.

    Edit: Gregory is discovering the truth stings badly indeed.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I believe you have the right idea to question the written word of any reality other than history and stories by powerful human rich leaders remember the religious world claim man is is not very old Adam and Eve but if you accept the Archeologists and other scientific studies you different also remember society must be controlled and laws made to maintain justice so Man (and only men) wrote the story books of what we continue to use to maintain But you seem to also forget the entire Asian religions - - they got the same laws and religious stories So I believe if you look - You Have Free Will - - if you lead a good and fair life and see - Acknowledge His benefits in this life - why would God reject anyone - religion and churches are just man's money Keep thinking Good Luck

  • 1. Torah tells of people testing G-d.

    2. Show me a supposed Jewish miracle and we can talk.

    3. A Jewish teaching is that we pray not to change G-d but to change ourselves. That definitely works.

    4. No requirement for belief in Judaism. No hellfire or eternal punishment either.

    5. This is as much a question of what's been preserved as anything else. We just have MORE of Judaism's ancient stories than its contemporaries. Your criteria is another red herring. Especially since Judaism isn't actually dependent on our sacred texts being literally true.

    6. Have you been to Jewish services or study groups? We debate and disagree a lot. It's cool. We value and preserve different points of view. Have done for millenia - as Torah and Talmud prove.

    7. No punishment. No dogma. Belief not required.

    Congratulations. You've just proven that Judaism isn't a hoax. :-)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well A Canadian Atheist, I'd have to answer like so:no these are not true guidelines on how to tell if a religion is a hoax their just your bias hateful opinion on religion I'm now off to audition for a role as a burger flipper. wish me luck y'all!

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  • 8 years ago

    The first question should be: "Does the religion have a deity or deities?"

    If the answer is "no", the first four questions on your list are irrelevant.

  • 8 years ago

    well all religions fall under this category except maybe Buddhism and Baha'i but those religions follow around modernization they believe in a deity but they also believe in science and if a scientist proves them wrong on something they would have to change their own faith rather than ignore the scientific evidence

  • 8 years ago

    None of these points apply to Pentecostal Christianity, which I pertain to.



    (I answered this all before, but my stupidphone wiped everything out.)



    1. Does God have to "make an appearance" for our sakes, or for your sakes?



    God created this and seven other Universes, which He actively feeds with Living Energy from beyond these Universes. Only the most powerful seers can glimpse this process without dying instantly, becoming deranged, or becoming Immortal, immediately.



    To manifest to the stupid mortals, God has to disconnect His Clone Body from the Power Feeds- basically separate Himself from everything that shows that He is God.



    Naturally He puts on a scaled-down appearance, so that all there is to see is the appearance of a man. SO, WHAT WOULD THERE BE TO SEE?



    Suppose He put on some MARVEL COMIC BOOK appearance- Michael Korvac psychedelic solarization- Kirby dots, or whatever, WHAT WOULD THAT PROVE?



    YOU have never seen Telekinesis in your life. You have never seen a Telepathic Illusion in your life. You wallow in ignorance, and are not ashamed of it.



    What would special-effects or none prove? No Atheist has ever sensibly answered what God should manifest as, to justify their believing in Him.



    Once you specify God's Mode of manifestation, THE ENEMY WILL LEAD YOU IN CIRCLES WITH HIS COUNTERFEITS. What THEN?



    IF YOU DO SEE GOD, what then?



    Assuming you could serve God- not that you even agree He should be served by such as the GREAT you- are you going to be superior, equal, or inferior to those who JUMPED to serve in God's Kingdom?



    You will always be LESSER than THEM. YOU CALLED GOD A LIAR, AND THEM, FOOLS.



    That will hang over you FOR ETERNITY!

  • Cirrus
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Religion is a large coroporate industry exploiting human emotion for money.

  • 8 years ago

    That is good.

    The only remaining conclusion: there is NO real religions at all.

    No wonder, since there is no god. But then again, we knew that already.

  • 8 years ago

    Christianity is the one true religion.

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