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Lv 5
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 8 years ago

How would you disprove God, Religion, and Christianity? (please no stupidity)?

I want your opinions! Back it by as many scientific facts as possible. I want every possible loophole a christian could throw at me, shattered. lets hear it then :)

15 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Before you can disprove God you have to prove God is a reality that you can disqualify as unreal, right?

    So how do you prove God is a reality? What scientific basis is there for God's existence based on weight and measurability? Once you have established that fact you can then throw disclaimers and deny it. Well, that doesn't sound too practical, sorry to say. We are still faced with the fact that you cannot prove or disprove God.

    To disprove religion, we have only to realize that all religions are man-made. They are changeful just as humans are, nor are they perfect for humanity itself is not yet perfectly developed. This leaves us with a confusion of beliefs, rituals, ceremonies, and so on which might be meaningful to some but not to all people. To me religion is like cutting up the pie, which is one whole to begin with, and dividing it into individual parts that are claimed by this or that group as being the one and only truth. It would be wise for all concerned to find the Oneness of humanity and do away with divisions. My opinion only.

    Christianity is just a name for one more belief system. It is followed by many yet the origins are shrouded in dubious events such as borrowed dates of Roman occasions, certain rituals. When the Master Jesus walked this earth he wasn't considered a Christian because he was of Jewish heritage. It was only later that a religious system was established and believers were required to accept it. I can only say that religion was a cause for power struggles, for coercion, for conversion, for destruction of other peoples in the name of their Christian belief, and this to me is all wrong! But I don't want to get into another topic just now.

    I don't know where you'll find scientific facts in all this. Perhaps if you study the histories of the nations at the time of Christianity's dawning influence in the world, you'll then get a clearer picture.

    In closing I want to add that heaven and hell are states of mind, not a place.

  • 8 years ago

    Look at this world, and the atrocities, i could list them but there are to many to list, things like kids being forced to murder their family's, stuff like that, shows me there is no god, obviously not that alone, but just thinking about the fact that there is over 1,000,000,000,000 planets in the observable universe, i know that its very unlikely that people back in our history managed to figure out how we got here and its almost definite that any higher being would not want to come to a planet where people are committing such atrocities.

    Back in the day most religions would preach about doing good & then murder and torture people who would not believe them, its clear that they just used it as a way to control people, otherwise, they would just let them live in sin and go to hell, but they had to make people follow them before people would voluntarily believe such fabrications, & now thanks to childhood indoctrination mostly, its still around today.

    I doubt we could shatter every possible loophole but if i was to claim that there was a flying spoon god that created the big bang and made evolution happen, you couldn't really prove me wrong but most people would just know from common sense, but if i had started saying that thousands of years ago when people didn't have as much knowledge, & i claimed that they would spend eternity in a hell type place if they did not believe me, i am sure enough people would have followed me for there to be at least a couple of believers around today..

    People who used to believe in Apollo & Zeus etc, i bet they had no doubt in their minds whether they were real or not at the time, nobody could just disprove them, even now they probably couldnt, but look, after enough time, now they are just myths..

  • 5 years ago

    Begging the question (Latin petitio principii, "assuming the preliminary factor") is a sort of casual fallacy wherein an implicit premise could right now entail the top. Begging the question is between the classic casual fallacies in Aristotle's previous Analytics. some modern authors evaluate begging the question to be a species of circulus in probando (Latin, "circle in proving") or around reasoning. have been it no longer begging the question, the lacking premise could render the argument viciously around, and on a similar time as on no account persuasive, arguments of the style "A hence A" are logically valid[a million][2][3] via fact putting forward the basis on a similar time as denying the self-same end is an on the spot contradiction. usually, validity purely ensures the top ought to persist with given the reality of the premises. Absent that, a valid argument proves no longer something: the top could or will possibly no longer persist with from defective premises—in spite of the reality that throughout the time of this actual occasion, that is self-obtrusive that the top is fake if and on condition that the basis is fake (see logical equivalence and logical equality).[4] -I contend that we are the two atheists. I purely have faith in a single fewer god than you do. once you realize why you push aside all the different obtainable gods, you will understand why I push aside yours.- Steven Roberts. ‘“Rational arguments don’t often paintings on religious human beings. otherwise there could be no religious human beings.” - Gregory homestead, M.D. Season 4 Episode 2 the astonishing Stuff.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I suppose God is the word that people have chosen in order to express their understanding, innate feeling and intuition that life and the universe is clearly no accident. Many mention the state of the world as being adequate proof that God doesn't exist, yet the state of the world only highlights how insane mankind can be without God. Belief or disbelief in God is irrelevant as God is not a part of this world, the evidence is clearly obvious. The insanity of mankind is his/her own doing, and it is the result of a lack of truth.

    Any attempt to prove or disprove the existence of God will always be in vain, this is why throughout history many have come to the conclusion that it is beyond our ability to do so, hence faith or a lack of faith.

    Can you prove or disprove your experiences?

    The only way to know of God's existence is when God chooses to be experienced.

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  • Jesere
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I would not try to disprove that which exists...

    Just because there are those who do not believe

    in God, Religion and it seems Christianity in particular

    in the case of "Your" question...

    because of the need for Irrefutable Concrete Proof

    doesn't mean it isn't So...

    There are many of us who have had experiences

    which Prove to Us God exists...

    As for convincing others we don't try...


    There are studies going on at this moment at several Major Universities which are actively studying Death and the Afterlife, they have confirmed there is Life after Death or Life after Life as those who have experienced NDE's usually call it.


    The Book:

    The Afterlife Experiments :

    Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death

    Gary E. R. Schwartz

    About the Author

    Dr. Gary Schwartz is director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health (formerly known as Human Energy Systems Laboratory) at the University of Arizona. He is currently a professor of psychology, medicine, neurology, psychiatry, and surgery at the University of Arizona. He is a graduate of Harvard University, and has taught at both Harvard and Yale, holding the positions of professor of psychiatry and psychology for nearly three decades. He has published more than 400 academic papers.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    Trying to apply logic to a situation that is based on psychological needs among the majority is fruitless.

    If you seek out people who are looking for rational ways to approach life, then you address those people with information about how to live well, and leave ultimate questions to those who are seeking escape.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I love science and I believe in all the facts it has to provide. But then, I love my god and I have all my faith in him. Science has no proof to disprove God's existence. Though Science is very powerful. I do not know about Christianity, but I know God exists because faith in him does. My faith in him is reality, and so he is reality.

    Einstein, considered as one of the greatest scientist ever, believed in God. Science and belief in God can live at peace if we let them to.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Look at this world, no sober self respecting God would ever create such a mess.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I would not even try. God is a big part of my life. Scientific fact means nothing where God is concerned. Praise be to God.

  • 8 years ago

    It is said that god loves all his children. At the same time he hates homosexuals. How can you say you love everyone. Then hate.

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