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Lv 7
11UN asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

What makes the Tories assume they'll win in 2015?

"The Telegraph understands that senior commanders fear the quality of Britain’s world-class special forces could be undermined if defence spending is cut again in 2015.

"In 2011, Brigadier Richard Dennis warned that the SAS was struggling to recruit enough high-quality entrants because troops did not have time to train properly for its gruelling selection process."

It seems the government wants to slash our Armed Forces to a size similar of other European countries, whilst still projecting our power worldwide. A bit paradoxical.

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Up against Miliband and Clegg, Cameron has more than a good chance of leading the Tories to winning in 2015. All leaders are subject to venomous criticisms whilst in office - Thatcher in particular - but voters aren't stupid enough to trust Miliband in difficult times.

    Remember he was a Cabinet minister under Gorgon Broon, got elected as Opposition leader with help from the Unions (defeating his brother) and THEN claimed his evolving policy strategy would

    start with a clean sheet of paper !

    I wouldn't trust him to post a letter, never mind look after Britain's interests.

  • 8 years ago

    As long as they arrest enough paedophiles just before the election, it'll be a doddle. Nobody cares about anything else as long as there are paedophiles in the headlines.

    Thatcher once summed up the principle of Tory Government thus "There Is No Alternative".

    Imagine if New Labour had won the 2010 election. Do we think the policies would have been any different than they are under the Coalition, or indeed were under John Major? That fat cats would still be getting fatter on what's remaining of the cream ration, whoever is presenting this fait accompli to the electorate. The poor bloody infantry would still be expected to carry the can, while paying for their own boots, relying on some royal landed in it at birth to pull something out of the hat.

    At the moment, there is no indication that Miliband's party will be any different either, and therefore Cameron expects to win by default.

    I would love to think there were some brains in this well-reward think tank of consultants our rising taxes (and don't think we haven't noticed how they slipped in a 10% rise in Council Tax this year, to be met by the poor) are paying incentive bonus packages on, but I fear their intelligence goes only as far as maximising the payoff for themselves, as Thatcher's backers decreed should be the new business morality. We are all Americans now.

    The only way to avoid more of the same in 2015 is for us, the people, and anyone reading this, to come up with an alternative the stupid X-Factor plebs will vote for that is not David Beckham or Rihanna.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Whoever is elected in 2015 we can proceed to stick to the regulations laid down by using the Banking elite who administration governments and coverage by using controlling the money furnish. lower back interior the Eighteen Eighties Margaret Thatchers government created the 1985 commerce Union act. You undergo in strategies, the act that stated union individuals ought to take delivery of a secret pollfor strike action. whilst Labour stated this exchange into undesirable law they did no longer repeal it. people say Margaret Thatcher misplaced her management for introducing the pollTax. it ought to now be stated as community value in spite of the undeniable fact that it nonetheless must be paid. Goverments do no longer run international locations. They do as they are informed by using the Banksters who carry the handbag strings.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    If the British people cannot see what D CAMERON and his millionaire cabinet are doing to this country ,then yes they will win .But i believe the policies they are pursuing will not go down well with the ordinary voter,[@ NEMESIS if all you can come up with is insults and no sub stance.of policy you need to listen carefully to what is happening in the country.the biggest collapse of our social structure ,triple dip recession, attacks on the weakest in our society,bankers who caused the whole collapse .then the ordinary guy has to pay for their balls up.

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  • 8 years ago

    That, is easy to answer the reason is they have the same way of thinking that indicates to the tories that their policies are right,as we can see from the state of this country, those policies have done much to bring this country on the downward slippery slope.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    England is projecting its power worldwide?

    are you serious! What power, the power of being Americas batty boy?

    The empire is well dead and truly buried.

    England stopped being relevant to anything when it lost the Suez crisis.

  • 8 years ago

    Cos everyone old enough to vote remember what liebour did and aren't stupid enough to vote libdems so it's Tories or ukip

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Even if they don't think they'll win in 2015, they're hardly going to admit it publicly.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    They won't and they probably won't win anything at all for a decade...until another generation who've forgotten how evil they actually are accidentally vote for them.

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