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Natural selection is god anyway...?

So Darwin claimed to invent evolution by natural selection. But what he denies is that god is the natural selector. The bible is supreme truth of god as the ultimate judge of what lives and dies, how can Darwin avoid this obvious point and pretend natural selection 'just happens' ?


King of Hearts - really ? Have you not read his book ? or heard about his work ?...

8 Answers

  • Fitz
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Darwin discovered evolution, not invented it. His beliefs on god are irrelevant to it. Unless of course you have empirical evidence showing that natural selection is divine?

    Whether you believe in god or not, evolution is about observations backed by mountains of evidence. There's no shortage of theists that accept the reality of evolution.

    Natural selection occurs without invoking god. If you believe the laws of the universe were designed by god, then that is your belief. Those that don't believe that still see how natural selection operates in the same exact way. They just don't share your belief that it's operation was divinely designed.

  • 8 years ago

    I call Poe!

    As you are well aware, Darwin made no claim that a god could not have been involved with evolution and natural selection (and neither does modern evolutionary theory).

    There is no possible way to prove that a god is NOT responsible for the genetic changes that lead to evolution, but with genetic mutation and natural selection direct 'tinkering' by a god is unnecessary (and since there is no evidence for the existence of any god, there is no reason to assume that one does play a part).

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Darwin never claimed to invent evolution.

    Evolution was hypothesized about as far back as the greeks. Research Anaximander.

    Darwin's genius was suggesting natural processes for evolution.

    He never denied god. He was educated as a minister.

    It does irritate some people that we can explain evolution without the use of supernatural being.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Let me try something here may not work, might need a few attempts and help getting it right.

    So you believe in a god - a god that gave you FREEWILL. So you agree god simply allows you to do as you wish without interfering at all. Hoping you will make the right decisions.

    So with that freewill you choose your own wife - you have a family. Now by your own belief that was your FREEWILL and choice.

    So now with your OWN BELIEF intact, you should realize YOU CHOSE The partner. When you mate, the offspring are a product of you and your partner.

    Thus i rest my case: With your own free will you make the next generation, and with their freewill they make the following one - natural selection.

    Source(s): Me Atheist.
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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't think you understand.

    Dna codes for everything an organism is. If dna changes slightly, the organism changes slightly. If that change gives that organism an advantage over other organisms, (a selection pressure is competition), it is more likely to survive and mate, passing on that advantages dna sequence. There is no being who decides whether that mutation was advantageous or not.

  • 8 years ago

    Darwin didn't invent anything...

    EDIT: Really. He discovered the process. I've heard of his work, I'm not a retard. He gave the concept a name and discovered the basics of how it worked.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    got proof?

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