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What should I get: A desktop or a laptop?

I'm concerned about the durability of laptops vs desktops...I'm about to go buy a Samsung NP350 notebook, but I'm having second thoughts. Maybe a desktop might be a smarter choice?

8 Answers

  • Regwah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I always buy desk top, however I am using my girlfriends laptop right now, it's ok so long as I use a mouse, that pad thing drives my crazy.

    Happy Valentines day (((Starjumper)))

  • 8 years ago

    I'm not an Apple fanboy or anything, but MacBooks are made of aluminum casing, and can withstand a good beating... I've dropped mine from 2-3 feet up, multiple times, and it still works perfect. Also once I dropped a hot light bulb on it, from about 7 feet up right onto the section where the hard drive is located. Left a small dent but otherwise no damage.

    On the flip side, I've had both an Acer Aspire 15" laptop (some model from 2010) and a Toshiba Satellite laptop from 2007, dropped them a foot from the ground and the hard drives instantly gave me the click of death.

    Source(s): My own experience.
  • 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    Samsung laptop running Windows 8, get ready for problems. Not because of the laptop, it's windows 8

    Source(s): I just read some serious bricking issues with Windows 8 and Samsung laptops on G+ today. So consider your self warned
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  • 8 years ago

    If you are going to use for everyday purpose (light - medium use) than a laptop is good .

    but if you're going to play games a laptop won't stand near a pc even of same configuration

  • 8 years ago

    if you are in to playing games a desktop is a better experience than a laptop

    Source(s): RN, Minister, Tech, & Author x 30+ yrs
  • 8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    laptop, since its portable.

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