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Lv 5

Silent treatment again?

I have done everything to deal with spousal (parenting) issues with my wife. I had managed the finances when we first started dating 2007 til 2011 all on my own she had child and county support i had a full time job. I pay for insurance for the vehicles. I pay for our health care i pay for and maintenance our vehicles on my own can't afford to send the vehicles to the shop. I was forced to learn it. But i did gleefully to keep us financially secure. She hides mail from me. Didnt even inform me that the garbage wasnt going to get paid ..electric was getting shut off and gas was over 550$ behind. Wont talk about finances. I warned her the last 2 times we bounced a check beforehand that we had x amount of dollars and she always exceeds that amount and then when i cautiously approach her..about this gets pissed off at me. Won't allow me to be mad at her she always wins i always give in..

Am i just being a ***** or am i handling this like an adult .. it feels like she walks on me and i forgive her too much when she has the knife to my throat.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, sounds like she has some issues, but to be honest. It sounds more like you posted this, not to get answers, but to vent to the internet community. So, I won't bother really answering, and instead just nod politely.

  • 8 years ago

    I do not want to judge too much because I do not know you personally, but if what you say is true it seems to me like she is being very childish. If you cannot communicate financial problems with your spouse than I cannot imagine that she would be very good at communicating other important issues as well. I think you might need to step and and address this with her without backing down. Just have some confidence in yourself. You're the one who is in charge of the finances and you have every right to know what is going on. I think that you seem to be handling this like an adult, but sometimes you have to be aggressive with someone who is unreasonable. Be aggressive in the sense that you will not drop the topic, but at the same time do not lose your control over yourself if you get into an argument. Being persistent, firm with your point and under control will establish you as the adult and be your best chance of producing results. I sincerely hope your issues are soon resolved.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Make her come up with a budget and maybe do it together. Figure out what the expenses are every month and stick to paying them. Put her on a cash only diet, no cheques, bank cards or credit cards until she can figure out that she cannot blow money. She needs to learn to save for things she wants from the monthly budgeted income. You'll have to teach her how to budget, too bad if she gives you the silent treatment, give it back in turn.

    If you want savings, a vacation, money saved towards things its the only way. She will have to be shown how to do it, or told how to do it. If she doesn't like it too bad, you'll need to talk about what your goals and her's are. Things you want to do, buy, and work towards. You'll have to be the adult here, because its obvious she's not.

  • 8 years ago

    Checks are so 1980's

    Noone uses them anymore. So whether you like it or not . Continuing to use checks, means you accept whatever results or outcome there is.

    In a world of direct debiting, instant transfer and scheduled electronic transfers .

    Checks should have been eradicated years ago. They are an obsolete method of banking.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If that's how you feel, than quit pretending like it doesn't bother you. Guys like you have problem setting boundaries. So women walk all over you because they know they'll eventually get you to cave. Grow some balls and be a man!....Not an asssshole... but a man!

  • 8 years ago

    Try talking to her about it in a nice way if she refuses then tell her you are giving her one last chance to get it together and if she doesn't you are taking over the finances.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    grow a spine... simple honest answer

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