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Do people in America need to be armed at all times to be safe?

if so, when did this happen.

21 Answers

  • Mike S
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To get people to spend money, fear is the easiest button to push.

  • 8 years ago

    Not at all. I've carried a concealed weapon for many years. Not because I'm in the least paranoid, but because I want to be prepared if a need arises.

    In all the years I've carried, only twice have I ever had to pull my gun. Once while my son and I were camping in Colorado a van with three guys rolled up to our campsite. I sensed they were up to something, and as soon as they started to flank me I drew down on them. Whatever they had in mind, they reconsidered instantly and left the area.

    Another time, my band had finished a gig and were loading equipment into the trailer when a couple guys drove up. As soon as they did I stepped to the other side of the trailer to keep an eye on them. One indicated he had a gun and demanded our money. When he heard me chamber a round he started making excuses and apologies. The fact he hadn't seen me was worrying him, so he loaded up and left.

    Had I not been armed, either of those situations could have turned out VERY differently.

    Source(s): Liberal/Moderate. Gun owner & carrier. Ex-Army. Expert marksman. I support the 2nd Amendment, but I also support common sense & reason.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    America is a big place. It depends were you live. It is also at the discretion of each individual how much protection they need.

    EDIT: Roxy may live in a nice suburb with her parents, or a college dorm. What about the ranchers on the Mexican boarder? I work in Gary Indiana, and the south side of Chicago.

    As I am on here. My wife a 5'1" 110lb, blond girl is going to pick up two black kids in Gary, and take them to visit there drug addict mother. She is a DCS case worker. Damn right she is armed!

  • 8 years ago

    Complete misconception there. Being armed doesn't make you safe. It just gives you one more option should danger arise.

    Hard to pin down exactly when that happened. It was somewhere around the time that one living creature gained the ability to prey upon another.

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  • 8 years ago


    Its a simple concept. Some may feel the need for it legitimately.. Others do not. Its all about personal liberty, and responsibility. Neither a free society can afford to loose.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Being armed doesn't make you safe, it make you less likely to suffer from being victimized during an attack such as an attempted robber, rape or home invasion. Unless you are a " I wish a ************ would type " then you are at an advantage as to being unarmed.

    @ John Wayne fan you associate black with being criminal, you're a disgrace to non-racist gun owners and your type really pisses of law abiding black gun owners such as myself.

  • 8 years ago

    If more guns and being armed at all times made us safe, we should be the safest nation on Earth. We're not, by a long shot. America has one of the highest rates of homicide (often gun related) of the civilized nations.

  • Joint operations bw military and police closing off sections of Miami. DHS stockpiling 450 million rounds. FAA allowing 6 sites to launch drones on US soil. A president who is using a stolen social security number from Harry J Bounell and who's circulated birth certificate has been proven to be alterable via a simple photoshop program. Patriot Act allowing detainment and torture of US citizens without trial. Now an attack on our second amendment rights specifically designed to protect us against our elected officials.

    I would say yes, we need guns to not only be safe, but to turn the tide on tyranny.

  • 8 years ago

    No moreso than leftists need to be taken of from cradle to grave....

    I realize you are unable to use logic and reason for they do not exist in your narrow minded bigoted world, however the word need is not the issue, the word right is. Perhaps you should read the actual US Constitution sometime rather than simply regurgitating the blather of your demagogues...

    Source(s): Reality, try it sometime...
  • I think a lot of these wild west cowboy obsessed itchy trigger finger individuals have deeply disturbing religious, (playing god) obsessions that appear to dominate the "in your face" open carry exhibitionist crowd.

    Judging by the detached recordings of stand your ground murderers who were told by 911 operators over and over again not to confront potential murder victims with "I wanna kill worthless people"gunfire.

    The fact that a lot of these stand your ground type incidents go unpunished emboldens serial killers to murder/kill again.

    Just like the accusations war-mongers made when they claimed that any deviation from maximum war support emboldens our so-called terrorist enemies.

    Whenever the "authorities" refuse to prosecute murderers using the strictest murder statutes vice the current trend of prosecuting murder cases using the NRA designed, ALEC distributed "right to kill"state laws which appear to nullify stricter federal murder statutes that I assume are still valid law.

    King Wayne of Gestapo headquarters NRA is playing god these days since he's convinced that only he can subjectively determine who is a "good guy" and who deserves to be a dead "bad guy".

    Meanwhile, a lot of ignorant people are seriously considering arming not to join a well regulated militia, but to contemplate murdering their fellow citizens if they so much as squint at them in an UN-American fashion.

    Of course a lot of these distraction narratives keep the vast majority of non-wealthy people worried more about their personal life/death safety while ignoring all the money being stolen from them in the form of artificially low exploitation wages.

    All this helps to divide us and keep some people on constant alert, but the biggest worry one might have is a legitimate fear of another gun-nut mass shooting by people who create worst case scenarios in their mind, then react locally as if their internal delusion is somehow playing itself out externally within our collective realm of shared reality.

    Source(s): Juxtaposition
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