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Spirituality - What do you think about the mode of manifestation of the false ego in an individual?

Do you find the false ego just as a reflection of the collective subconscious

or you find that it also has roots in the subjective consciousness?

What are your thoughts and experiences about it?

Thanks for your contributions about the subject.


SD and Poor one,

thanks for touching the subject in your own way

and providing your original thoughts.


thanks for analyzing the topic as per your own intellect, understanding, wisdom and awareness.

Nice to know about the original thoughts of a poise devotee.

Voice of soul,

your kindness is really noticeable.

Thanks for providing the link

that has analyzed the human consciousness and awareness levels in a unique way.


you have really touched the core of the subject

and i think,

your first two lines have said all about it.

Update 2:

Good luck,

i agree with you that the ignorance is the root cause.

Classic Healing, you are quite right that it is really difficult to experience the ego and the consciousness as two separate entities.

Thanks for sharing original thoughts.

Update 3:

Dear SD,

I highly appreciate your personal thoughts, perceptions and ideas.

But i think, the collective ego ( the word used by the monk ) that arises from collective subconscious

begins to induce a false identity into the child right from the time of the birth,

by providing him certain name, conditions, circumstances and social infrastructure.

This all subsequently becomes a part of the individual subconscious

and from individual subconscious arises the false ego.

Any how, we all are sharing our knowledge, experiences and perceptions to arrive to a conclusion which is more positive, conscious and true.

I thank you once again.

Monk with the squares,

Thanks for providing excellent spirituality.

Update 4:


Thanks for enlightening us about the vedic view.

I agree with your perceptions about the difference

between the false ego and the real or the permanent ego.

But i think,

it is not easy to find the demarcation between the false and the real ego

at an ordinary level of consciousness,

anyhow, it is altogether a separate topic.

Your contributions are highly appreciable.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    False ego is our collective ego....gathered from ages...of desires...and unfulfilled desires...karma and...karmic bondage...etc...which are all interlinked...When this collective ego...falls...I as an individual falls...our imaginative and calculative mind drops...then it is only reality...or what we call 'Brahman' is inexplicable...Adi Sankaracharya says....'That' is 'Satya' everything is 'Mithya'...

    "O Rama, there is no intellect, no consciousness, no mind and no individual soul (jiva). They are all imagined in Brahman." - Yoga Vasishta

  • 5 years ago

    Some excellent answers already! Yes, dissolution of the Ego is a prerequisite for Liberation.It's the Ego that separates me from the God, ego usurps its possess identity/doership which is utterly legendary,we have got to cast of all illusions of individuality and if we would like to arrive God, quit ego for,Moksha is getting into God or at least light Divine-Brahmajyoti of the Lord. A South Indian King ask the people in his courtroom is there anybody right here who can acquire Moksha. One and all assembled there say" no, no one right here can obtain that".The King appears at his humble mystic saint. The saint replies: " If i go i will go"(in the vernacular it comes even better).Every person assembled there have been shocked as how dare this small fellow can utter that.When asked in anger,the saint replies that" Sirs, I handiest meant that if 'I'(ego),goes it is easy to reach Moksha". Bewilderment,mirth and laughter filled the courtroom!

  • Monk
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Dr pushpinder k,

    Yes, the mode of self idea is separation from totality of existence manifested through programming and conditioning beginning at birth by parents; society and religions. I am in here and all else is out there unconsciously and subconsciously. There is no such thing in existence, it is an idea.

    Contaminated self consciousness only reflects instinctual unconscious perceptions that can’t hear; it is deaf. Intellect will hear but only philosophizing creating ripples on the surface of consciousness. Pure consciousness, like the surface of a clear pond, reflects its own true nature of intuitiveness from the oceanic consciousness of which we are small islands or better said, icebergs, because we melt into it and become one with it. One mode comes from the outside and the other from inside. When intuition speaks, lesson to it with awareness.

    Fire and light are one and the same like kundalini and consciousness are; one cannot be without the other. In this One’s experiencing following a few years of various esoteric practices and in deep meditative state the awakening of the sleeping serpent power at the base of the spine in the astral body happened. As the fire of kundalini rose up from the Sacrum Bone and into the Chakras through the Sushumna within the spine the fourth state of consciousness came into the light of being. It is called Cosmic Consciousness; all inclusive. It remains awake in the waking; dreaming and deep sleep stats of consciousness. That was this One’s first step in the practice of Vipassana, inner vision. All seven levels of consciousness available must be secured on the path to enlightenment. Please don’t get the wrong idea; this One is but a beginner still in practice.

    Note to Voice of Soul:

    The Vedas’ concern is with the three gunas. Be without the three Gunas, O Arjuna Krishna spoke, feed from duality, ever firm in purity, independent of possessions, “possessed of the Self.” (Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2 verses 45)

    Much of the link concerning levels and qualities of the soul are copied from the awakening levels of consciousness as each charka is opened up in the charka system.

    Take a look/see

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Collective subconscious would also essentially mean collective conscious as there is nothing like SUB at that level....and everything being part of it......and there is no ego there and so no reflection of it.

    False ego has to be a reflection of subjective subconscious.

    Anyone who has volunteered in any humanitarian work knows that there is an unknown source of energy that gets pumped in while working and one may work or make efforts which are normally not possible. With source of energy being collective conscious.

    At the end of this work, one is dead tired when subjective consciousness kicks in.


    Child is all part and parcel of this collective and when false ego manifests is not very clear.......perhaps happening before first year and gradually. As discussed in another question of mine, I do not believe in esoteric ideas which are difficult for common people to understand.....however that does not mean I would ignore what I see and sense. Humanitarian work offers a window of opportunity at advanced age to peep into same collective conscious which one was part as a child and could possibly become part of again with removal of ignorance. That is possible with one remaining YOGANISHTA while doing KARMA. Otherwise not....and just pumping one's false ego.

    And it is same what VIPASHANA or other meditations would contemplate to achieve.

    What Monk has said from his own experience has to be true as I have experienced a smallest artery or arteriole pulsating in my little finger like a heartthrob and almost separation of self from body and looking at self atop my body. These are just windows to look into what one has forgotten as a child and then possibly becoming one. I agree with Monk that being TRIGUNATIT is a hallmark of being a part of that collective consciousness....though not so easy for others to recognize.

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  • 8 years ago

    Certainly... We cannot “see” electricity but when we see an illuminated light-globe we can see the symptom of the presence of electricity.The presence of the soul in any living entity is indicated by consciousness. Although we cannot actually see the soul, we can see its symptoms. Similarly when we see consciousness we see the symptom of the soul.

    and check this out..... The various levels of the soul...;_ylt=Aq...

    Edit -- Moreover, I think, the false ego is the reflection of deep illusions, not the collective unconscious and relates to subjective consciousness directly...

    @Monk ji -- Thanks for sharing the words of ... Bhagavat Gita and your opinions about the soul ...

    @Pushpinder k ji -- I think, the false ego was manifested in our soul.. in the "Spiritual world", not this temporary materialistic world. So, God has sent us on the earth.... only for self realization.. as our souls are not as pure as, they have to be .... and He has given us human life where our body feels happiness as well as suffers pain. (human body is like a prison for our soul)

    Therefore, we spiritual souls are here... to achieve, the level of purity....

    Moreover, the eternal nature of our soul is..... to love God...

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    in my opinion.. ignorance is root cause.. extreme selfishness (i,me,mine).. for some money and power is a Catalyst.. gain of experience/knowledge .. one slowly start to shed the ego..

  • Gaura
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    This false ego is characterized as the doer, as an instrument and as an effect. It is further characterized as serene, active or dull according to how it is influenced by the modes of goodness, passion and ignorance. From the false ego of goodness, another transformation takes place. From this evolves the mind, whose thoughts and reflections give rise to desire.The mind of the living entity is known by the name of Lord Aniruddha, the supreme ruler of the senses. He possesses a bluish-black form resembling a lotus flower growing in the autumn. He is found slowly by the yogīs. By transformation of the false ego in passion, intelligence takes birth, O virtuous lady. The functions of intelligence are to help in ascertaining the nature of objects when they come into view, and to help the senses. Doubt, misapprehension, correct apprehension, memory and sleep, as determined by their different functions, are said to be the distinct characteristics of intelligence. Egoism in the mode of passion produces two kinds of senses: the senses for acquiring knowledge and the senses of action. The senses of action depend on the vital energy, and the senses for acquiring knowledge depend on intelligence. When egoism in ignorance is agitated by the sex energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the subtle element sound is manifested, and from sound come the ethereal sky and the sense of hearing. Persons who are learned and who have true knowledge define sound as that which conveys the idea of an object, indicates the presence of a speaker screened from our view and constitutes the subtle form of ether.

    SB 3.26: Fundamental Principles of Material Nature

    From the total energy, the mahat-tattva, I have manifested the false ego, the three modes of material nature, the five material elements, the individual consciousness, the eleven senses and the material body. Similarly, the entire universe has come from the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

    False ego means accepting this body as oneself. When one understands that he is not his body and is spirit soul, he comes to his real ego. Ego is there. False ego is condemned, but not real ego. In the Vedic literature (Bṛhad-āraṇyaka Upaniṣad 1.4.10) it is said, ahaṁ brahmāsmi: I am Brahman, I am spirit. This “I am,” the sense of self, also exists in the liberated stage of self-realization. This sense of “I am” is ego, but when the sense of “I am” is applied to this false body it is false ego. When the sense of self is applied to reality, that is real ego. There are some philosophers who say we should give up our ego, but we cannot give up our ego, because ego means identity. We ought, of course, to give up the false identification with the body.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    False ego equals false pride, false pride is a killer.

    False pride is striving towards superiority that is contributing to strife.

  • 8 years ago

    Inability of self to become able to know and learn about, and to work for gaining the benefits of the results of yoga of self; especially with the help of wisdom, understanding and powers of knowledge of sacrifice; results in creation and working of the reasons, objects, activities, actions, nature, and self of false ego in self;

    When a person is driven with false ego he is entirely dependent upon the wisdom, understanding and powers of the abilities of the reasons, objects, activities, actions, nature, and self of knowledge of the material world only; as the true savior of the self; instead of those of the powers of goodness of the actions of patience, contentedness, tolerance, ease, clarity, success, etc .

    Doing as above; i.e to work for gaining the benefits of the results of yoga of self; especially with the help of wisdom, understanding and powers of knowledge of sacrifice; helps the self; to not only become sensitive to the actions of the nature of the knowledge of fears, doubts, and delusions; but to also find out ways, means and methods of own to either handle them or to go beyond them; wisely; with wisdom; both in self and others alike; which in turn; STOPS the self to perform with the knowledge of false self worth, false self confidence, false self esteem or false ego.

    The Shreemat Bhagwat gita; advices us to continue to gain the benefits of the results of yoga of self; with the wisdom, understanding and powers of knowledge of sacrifice; through the medium of the powers of supremely profound words, the sacred and hidden truths, and the secret gospel; as was imparted to shree arjuna; later; by the lord of yoga, SHREE KRISHNA; (CHAPTER 18 VERSE 63- 67); which helped him fight the root causes of false ego; the qualities of the nature of hypocrisy, arrogance, pride, anger, sternness, and ignorance.

    We can do as above; i.e gain the benefits of the powers of supremely profound words, the sacred and hidden truths, and the secret gospel; merely by continuing to visit one particular sacred place of worship of either the liking of ours or of the religion of ours; at prayer times; continually, consistently, and regularly.

  • 8 years ago

    Ask Lord Krishna.....

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