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Speaking Soul

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The Working Senses are Superior to Dull Matter, Mind is higher than the Senses, Intelligence is still higher than the Mind,and Soul is even Higher than the Intelligence. If, Therefore, The Mind is directly Engaged in the Service of the Lord Constantly,Thus knowing oneself to be Transcendental to the Material Senses, Mind and Intelligence. Whatever you do, do it as a dedication to God. This will bring you the tremendous experience of joy and life-freedom forever...

  • God knows everything of Spiritual World or Material World or both?

    BG 7.26: O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come. I also know all living entities; but Me no one knows.

    When God say like this it means he is talking about material world or both??

    if God knows everything than it means there is no past, present and future in reality?? or if it so then we are like watching movie or playing game with different roles?? which is temporarily in material world

    But in spiritual world there is no concept of time even... does it mean we play game for eternity or watch same movie till eternity??

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How to start believing that we are not this body but soul?

    how to get up from this bodily concept of life and start living in real self, we are falsely identify ourself as this body form so long and due to this we are subject to material miseries and rebirth. How to start living life in concept of soul?? And to what extent we get free ourself from material pangs??

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Astrologically what is the significance of Ekadashi eleventh lunar day?

    Why this day consider auspicious for Spiritual Progress

    11 AnswersHoroscopes9 years ago
  • Religion is Quest for Immortality or Love for God?

    If Love of God then why to say don't do this or that?? And if we loose our love towards God then we again fall down this mortal world?

    And if Immortality then what is meaning of our creation by God if we don't serve him?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Bible have alot of versions is it like playing with Absolute Truth?

    Whats your view of different version of bible? is this Good or Bad? is this help in improving the people's faith & understanding or it will loose the faith of people in God...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is Jesus is God Himself or Son of God?

    As its very hard to understand the activities and appearance of God.

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Name the different version of Gita or Different commentaries on Gita?

    If possible please provide the link... or quote some detail about commentator

    which is the first Hindi translation of Bhagvat Gita??

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Bhagvad Gita 15.10 - how a living entity can quit his body?

    utkrāmantaṁ sthitaṁ vāpi

    bhuñjānaṁ vā guṇānvitam

    vimūḍhā nānupaśyanti

    paśyanti jñāna-cakṣuṣaḥ

    utkrāmantam — quitting the body; sthitam — situated in the body; vā api — either; bhuñjānam — enjoying; vā — or; guṇa-anvitam — under the spell of the modes of material nature; vimūḍhāḥ — foolish persons; na — never; anupaśyanti — can see; paśyanti — can see; jñāna-cakṣuṣaḥ — those who have the eyes of knowledge.

    The foolish cannot understand how a living entity can quit his body, nor can they understand what sort of body he enjoys under the spell of the modes of nature. But one whose eyes are trained in knowledge can see all this.


    The word jñāna-cakṣuṣaḥ is very significant. Without knowledge, one cannot understand how a living entity leaves his present body, nor what form of body he is going to take in the next life, nor even why he is living in a particular type of body. This requires a great amount of knowledge understood from Bhagavad-gītā and similar literatures heard from a bona fide spiritual master. One who is trained to perceive all these things is fortunate. Every living entity is quitting his body under certain circumstances, he is living under certain circumstances, and he is enjoying under certain circumstances under the spell of material nature. As a result, he is suffering different kinds of happiness and distress, under the illusion of sense enjoyment. Persons who are everlastingly fooled by lust and desire lose all power to understand their change of body and their stay in a particular body. They cannot comprehend it. Those who have developed spiritual knowledge, however, can see that the spirit is different from the body and is changing its body and enjoying in different ways. A person in such knowledge can understand how the conditioned living entity is suffering in this material existence.

    From above --> Every living entity is quitting his body under certain circumstances -- What circumstances and how??

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • What is relation between 108, Astrology, Religion and Liberation?

    I am reading some article about astrology & liberation while researching my horoscope i come through a page of Revati nakshatra which is last nakshatra. All parts of Revati fall in the sign of Pisces ruled by Jupiter and therefore, this nakshatra comes under the influence of Pisces and Jupiter. Pisces is a sign known to be associated with liberation of soul.Lord Vishnu is considered as the final presiding deity of Revati.Lord Vishnu is also consider deity of Liberation.Also Divine Planet Jupiter is consider for Liberation. Now i multiply 27 nakshatra with 4 pada then i got 108. then i remember japa mala has 108 beads..then i search net by significance of 108 and got interesting results...

    Astronomically, there are 27 constillations in our galaxy, and each one them

    has 4 directions, and 27 * 4 = 108, In other words the number 108 covers

    the whole galaxy.

    The 27 nakshatras or lunar constellations spread over the 4 elements - fire, earth, air, water or the 4 directions - north, south, east, and west. This also constitutes the whole of existence. 27 x 4 = 108

    Planets and Houses: In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times 9 equals 108

    The distance between the earth and sun = 108 times the diameter of the sun

    Distance between the earth and the moon = 108 times the moon's diameter

    The diameter of the sun = 108 times the diameter of the earth.

    In one minute, we breathe in approximately 15 times, in 1 hour 900 times,

    and in 12 hours 10800 times, and in a day 10800 * 2 times. A day consists

    of 24 hours, and if we set aside half the day for our day to day routines,

    then one can spend 12 hours for recitation of one's idol. Therefore, the

    maximmum number of times that one can recite "mantra", or perform "Jap" are

    10800. If one wants to obtain 100% benefit of its jap, then performing

    jap 108 times will give you the benefit of 100%. That's why in a "Mala",

    there are 108 beads. It is written in Vedas, that 1 Jap corresponds to

    1 mala (which has 108 beads), therefore performing jap of 108 malas will

    result in 100% benefit.

    The number 9 represents wholeness and 108 when added together equals 9. 1+0+8 = 9. Interestingly, if you multiply 9 times ANYTHING, the answer is always 9 when you add the numbers together. Try it! 1x9= 9. 2x9=18 1+8=9. 285x9=2565 2+5+6+5=18 1+8=9. 8543x9=76887 7+6+8+8+7=36 3+6=9 The logic behind this is that 9 represents wholeness or God and God times anything is always God since God is all there is!

    According to Indian scriptures, letter 9 corresponds to Lord Brahma (the

    creator of universe). Mathematically, the interesting property of 9 is

    9x1 = 9

    9 x 2 = 18 (8+1 = 9)

    9 * 3 = 27 (7+2 = 9)

    9 * 12 = 108 (1+0+8 = 9)

    Powers of 1, 2, and 3 in math: 1 to 1st power=1; 2 to 2nd power=4 (2x2); 3 to 3rd power=27 (3x3x3). 1x4x27=108

    In Hindu religion, number 9 is very important. Keeping the importance of

    number 9, Rishi Vyas has created 9 Purans, 108 MahaPuran (Upnishads).

    Mahabharat has 18 chapters, Geeta has 18 chapters, Bhagavat has 108000

    Shloks (verses).

    River Ganga: The sacred River Ganga spans a longitude of 12 degrees (79 to 91), and a latitude of 9 degrees (22 to 31). 12 times 9 equals 108.

    Gopis of Krishna: In the Krishna tradition, there were said to be 108 gopis or maid servants of Krishna.

    Heart Chakra: The chakras are the intersections of energy lines, and there are said to be a total of 108 energy lines converging to form the heart chakra. One of them, sushumna leads to the crown chakra, and is said to be the path to Self-realization.


    Followers use 108 beads in their malas. They implement the following formula:

    6 x 3 x 2 x3 = 108

    6 senses [sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, thought]

    3 aspects of time [past, present, future]

    2 condition of heart [pure or impure]

    3 possibilties of sentiment [like, dislike, indifference]

    Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 is 108.

    Meditations: Some say there are 108 styles of meditation.

    The number 18 is holy because there are 18 Puranas and 18 chapters in the Bhagavad Gita. By adding a zero we get 108, and 2 zeros gives us 1,008.

    The addition of digits of number 108 is 9, and number 9 is related with

    Brahma, that's why 108 is very important, and came into lot of Indian


    According to Indian mythology, there are 4 Yugs

    Satyug - consists of 172,800 years (1+7+2+8 = 18 == (1+8 = 9)

    TretaYug consists of 1296000 years (1+2+9+6 = 18 = (1+8 = 9)

    DwaparYug consists of 864000 years (8+4+6) = 18 = (1+8 = 9)

    Kaliyug consists of 432000 years (4+3+2) = 9

    1, 0, and 8: Some say that 1 stands for God or higher Truth, 0 stands for emptiness or completeness in spiritual practice, and 8 stands for infinity or eternity.

    Smaller divisions: The number 108 is divided, such as in half, third, quarter, or twelfth, so t

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Difference between Life Air, Soul and Consciousness?

    One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and, by the strength of yoga, with an undeviating mind, engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord in full devotion, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Devotional Service(Bhakti) is more hard than Meditation(Gyan Marg)?

    Bhakti is not easy as it looks... Once God Consciousness goes and we are back again on same track...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago