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How to start believing that we are not this body but soul?

how to get up from this bodily concept of life and start living in real self, we are falsely identify ourself as this body form so long and due to this we are subject to material miseries and rebirth. How to start living life in concept of soul?? And to what extent we get free ourself from material pangs??

9 Answers

  • Boss
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aadi Sankara has said that Brahma Satyam and Jagat Mithya. However, to feel that you are the self you need to remove maya(ignorance) from your self. Maya is some times more powerful than self. Of course, you can get free from material pangs, but it is very difficult to get out of attachments, as maya binds you more and more with attachments. Removal of ignorance, reveals your self.

  • Pi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    According to ancient tradition, the "soul" is essentially the equivalent to a "living body guided by a mind." Modern psychology refers to this as the mind-body phenomenon.

    The "spirit" is not the mind nor the body but rather a state which must be activated by some form of enlightenment, "quickening" or "spark" via true self realization, activation, "rebirth" experience.

    This is compiled from ancient religious teachings spread over thousands of years.

    Often called the "Platonic" view because Plato distinguished between the mental and the spioritual as two different and distinct human realizations.

    Source(s): Independent graduate level studies in theology--DTS (Dallas Theological Seminary)
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    not sure what this has to do with politics but uh.. i was informed eons ago that the soul enters as the head is crowning as well. But during said conversation, i was also informed that the things you do while pregnant has an impact on the type of soul you can attract if that makes any sense. i guess i spoke to soon.. in retrospect, i see the political aspect.. it's just it seemed more religious than political once you added the specific jewish aspect. i came back to add something else i remembered.. There is also something about reincarnation exists because there are life lessons to be learned. Should you pass on before learning what you were suppose to, you may be "sent back" in which case your soul tends to look for the parent, parents, family, etc.. who can help them with whatever lesson they need to learn. (unfortunately, nobody knows these lessons until they return back to whatever your version of an after-life is).

  • 8 years ago

    Hello Speaking Soul, we have body and mind. Perfect harmony between these two would give total freedom for the soul.

    As far as consciousness is concerned, we have pure consciousness which is the base for this entire creation

    But due to stain in the consciousness we feel as if we are bound to this body

    There are different states of consciousness




    These three states are very common for all of us

    But there lies one consciousness which is the link of these three. That is known as Transcendental consciousness. This is FOURTH state

    As we start living through the first three along with the fourth round the clock then it is known as FIFTH state and named as COSMIC consciousness

    When you reach this stage then you realize that you are not the body and this body is only a tool to perform whatever the soul feels to do

    Then another state ie SIXTH state known as NATURE consciousness

    Finally you become one with it. So SEVENTH state declared as UNITY consciousness.

    Now you have to do a practice which would take you beyond thinking process. This practice is named as Transcendental meditation. Better meet one initiator and learn that technique to transcend. All the best.

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  • 8 years ago

    When you say

    This is my house

    This is my son

    This is my body

    All the above three are apart from you that is the reason you said they belong to you but not you. Then who is that "you". That you is athma (soul). You never believe that you are the house or son. Then why for the body?

  • 8 years ago

    As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead. ~James 2:26

    Ecclesiastes 12:7 - Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

    Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

    Matthew 16:26 - For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

  • 8 years ago

    Our catholic Church teaches man is not a false dichotomy of body mind soul and spirit as if these were separate from one another as different things. Man is one unit with these aspects as integrated elements of our whole one being. The key to getting free is to detach the heart's affections for things in order to focus and center all desires and affections and thoughts and willings to God instead.

    Jesus shows the way how to do it perfectly in love. No one else in other religions has ever done this because he was sent from God coming from God to us to bring us into eternal union with God in perfect love forever.Everybody else seeks something else not as good.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    well if you turn atheist then your heading in the wrong direction

  • 8 years ago

    Dunno bout you, but, I eat souls all the time!

    *burp* all the evidence you need!

    Source(s): Man that soul was tasty! wonder if i can find anymore gluttonous ones? those things are the best! *picks teeth*
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