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Difference between Life Air, Soul and Consciousness?

One who, at the time of death, fixes his life air between the eyebrows and, by the strength of yoga, with an undeviating mind, engages himself in remembering the Supreme Lord in full devotion, will certainly attain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Update 2:

@DN -- Thanks for giving beautiful answer. From where you get this translation can you provide me source?? and i cannot understand what you wanna say in these lines -- "God does not have a personality and there is no Godhead, since there is only one God."?? you mean there is no God or There is only one God??

7 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    [Citation] needed of the original verse. How will one remember anything without seeing it?

    Added >> Let me translate this for you first.

    prayāṇa-kāle — at the time of moving forth; manasā — with mind; acalena — Unmoving ; bhaktyā — with devotion; yuktaḥ — United ; yoga-balena — by the power of yoga; ca — and; eva — only; bhruvoḥ — off two eyebrows; madhye — in middle; prāṇam — life-breath; āveśya — having fixed; samyak — perfectly; saḥ — he; tam — that; param — Supreme; puruṣam — Being; upaiti — reaches; divyam — Divine.

    What is quoted at Vedabase is an incorrect translation. In the quoted verse, Krishna does not ask one to remember anything. There is nothing about Supreme Personality of Godhead in the verse. God does not have a personality and there is only one God. Let this be understood clearly.

    ' At the time of moving forth, with steady mind and devotion, united by the power of Yoga and only by fixing the life-breath perfectly in the middle of the two eyebrows, he reaches the Supreme divine being.'

    Now in this verse and the previous verses, Krishna is asking one to engage in meditative methods to seek the divine. The verse describes a stage when the seeker crosses over from his terrestrial experiences to divine enlightenment. Prayaan'kale does not mean time of death. It means 'time of leaving' or 'transcending' or 'Going forth'. Who is leaving where? A person in fixed in meditation is leaving from mortality to immortality. This is the giant leap in Yoga; from the Ajna Chakra (third eye) to the Sahasrara (Bliss).

    Most of the Hindu scriptures constantly emphasize the importance of preparing the mind for meditation and realization of the Supreme. They have always placed the accent on calming the mind first. They direct the seeker to render his mind as Acala (unmoving) before he can get fixed in meditation. A mind that wanders, wavers or vacillates does not qualify for internal seeking. A mind becomes unswerving and steady through the practice of Yoga of Action, Devotion and Knowledge. Thus with the mind controlled and available for higher meditative practices, the intellect fortified through the practice of Yoga can direct the minds concentration to a point perfectly between the eyebrows. With consistent single pointed meditation on the Third eye, the seeker is transcended to the spiritual world. He / She reaches the Brahman.

    What ever myself or anyone else would say about Soul and Consciousness, it will remain only textual and not factual. You will clearly understand the difference between the two through meditation. Prana is the elan-vital or life force of the body. Air that we breath is the container. What we actually absorb is the Prana.

    Added >>

    I mean there is only One God. Sorry, that's a type error, thanks for pointing it out. It should have been 'there is only one God'. (Edited it). God does not have a personality like human beings. We give aakaar to the niraakar. But that aakar is only confined to the one who gives that aaakar. Niraakaar remains niraakar. That translation is mine. I understand Sanskrit well and using it since the last 3 decades. That is why i said that the Vedabase translation is incorrect. You may check with any Sanskrit scholar and not with a religious teacher. Teachers have just have been teaching whats been translated years ago. A few words mis-interpreted here and there, changes the meaning of the entire verse, like in this case.

  • 9 years ago

    I think, life air is the oxygen or prana in the air that one inhales,

    soul is the consciousness and awareness of the being along with the mind and the body

    and consciousness is the ultimate existential truth of the being or the self or the primordial source

    that provides energy to the entire being.

    Source(s): self.
  • 9 years ago

    Hi Hare Krishna, what you have pointed out is absolutely correct. Life is everywhere. Atom too have life. Life is the one which is always in action. Spirit is a field in free space. Soul is beyond that space. You are soul and me too soul. The insects, plants, atoms and molecules are all souls. But one and the same soul. But it is not easily realized as we are bound with the five senses. We are always engaged with the impulses sensed by these senses. So we have come to the abrupt conclusion that we are only the body. Our body is made of atoms and molecules. Hydrogen bonding is there even in our skin, blood, bone and tissues, organs etc. Hydrogen is the simplest atom in this universe as it has only one proton and one electron going around that proton. In free space assumed to be vacuum there are hydrogen molecules with least density. These hydrogen atoms get collected as a ball and therefrom star is born. Our sun is also a star. So as we dive deep within this materialistic science we come to spiritual level. This spiritual field could be sensed using the same material brain as we activate the hidden cells within. Pure consciousness is the soul.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Consciousness is dharma of soul.

    Regarding wonderful aspect of life air , U have quoted divine verse from Gita.

    It is actually highest form of meditating on GOD through one's mind, breath and soul.

    Source(s): Here meditating on GOD means meditating on NAAM(name of God) . It does not mean atheistic type meditative practice only being spread by rascals.
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  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Look to Christ.

    John 3;16


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    soul is the christian version of consciousness

  • 9 years ago

    is it.

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