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Bible have alot of versions is it like playing with Absolute Truth?

Whats your view of different version of bible? is this Good or Bad? is this help in improving the people's faith & understanding or it will loose the faith of people in God...

8 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every ancient text has various versions...translated as per understanding of a few different people...

  • SH
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Depending on how one distinguishes a different Bible version from a revision of an existing Bible version, there are as many as 50 different English versions of the Bible. The question then arises: Is there really a need for so many different English versions of the Bible? The answer is, of course, no, there is no need for 50 different English versions of the Bible. This is especially true considering that there are hundreds of languages into which the entire Bible has not yet been translated. At the same time, there is nothing wrong with there being multiple versions of the Bible in a language. In fact, multiple versions of the Bible can actually be an aid in understanding the message of the Bible.

    There are two primary reasons for the different English Bible versions. (1) Over time, the English language changes/develops, making updates to an English version necessary. If a modern reader were to pick up a 1611 King James Version of the Bible, it would be virtually unreadable. Everything from the spelling, to syntax, to grammar, to phraseology is very different. Linguists state that the English language has changed more in the past 400 years than the Greek language has changed in the past 2000 years. Several times in church history, believers have gotten “used” to a particular Bible version and become fiercely loyal to it, resisting any attempts to update/revise it. This occurred with the Septuagint, the Latin Vulgate, and more recently, the King James Version. Fierce loyalty to a particular version of the Bible is illogical and counterproductive. When the Bible was written, it was written in the common language of the people at that time. When the Bible is translated, it should be translated into how a people/language group speaks/reads at that time, not how it spoke hundreds of years ago.

    (2) There are different translation methodologies for how to best render the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek into English. Some Bible versions translate as literally (word-for-word) as possible, commonly known as formal equivalence. Some Bible versions translate less literally, in more of a thought-for-thought method, commonly known as dynamic equivalence. All of the different English Bible versions are at different points of the formal equivalence vs. dynamic equivalence. The New American Standard Bible and the King James Version would be to the far end of the formal equivalence side, while paraphrases such as The Living Bible and The Message would be to the far end of the dynamic equivalence side.

    The advantage of formal equivalence is that it minimizes the translator inserting his/her own interpretations into the passages. The disadvantage of formal equivalence is that it often produces a translation so woodenly literal that it is not easily readable/understandable. The advantage of dynamic equivalence is that it usually produces a more readable/understandable Bible version. The disadvantage of dynamic equivalence is that it sometimes results in “this is what I think it means” instead of translate “this is what it says.” Neither method is right or wrong. The best Bible version is likely produced through a balance of the two methodologies.

  • sonu
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Any Scripture to be believable should be free from Errors.Contradictions,Mistakes etc.Not only has the Bible Hundreds of Mistakes,But it has Many Versions and Believe me NO TWO versions are the same ???How Come ??? If this was a perfect word of Almighty God why these versions and Changes and who is authorised to change Gods word ???This only causes confusion in peoples minds and causes many people to loose belief in God because No intelligent Mind can believe that God makes Mistakes.!!!

    Islam confirms that There were scriptures Given to prophets before Like The Old testament Given to Mooses[pbuh] and the Gospel to Jesus [pnuh], But the Holy Quran makes it clear that the Present Bible has been Changed By Human Hands and therefore it does contain some words of God But It contains more of Changed scriptures and those that changed the scriptutes to formulate the Christain Doctrine will be punished in the Fire Of hell as will those who reject the Truth Brought By The Holy Quran which is present in the original till today,Which has NO VERSIONS and Where a Single word has not been changed since 1400 years of its revelations and the Holy Quran challenges mankind to Find a Single Mistake in it and asks mankind to come forward and Prove That the Quran is Not from Almighty God !!!!

  • 9 years ago

    Check out The Book: A History of the Bible by Christopher De Hamel

    He has done extensive research into the history of the Bible's creation and sheds an eye-opening look at how it has been sculpted throughout the ages, plus its impact on our world of books.

    As for me, God has always been in my heart and sometimes I've had to remember this the hard way by not listening to His inner guidance. Conversations with God is the only book I've found that I can always turn to and find answers that ring true in my heart and bring me peace. It's as close as I get to having a Bible of any sort, when I can't find the answers within.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    the mandatory information of the Bible are a similar, there are minor adjustments in various of variations even though it truly is marvelous how precise the Bible is pondering it got here from medieval texts and then compared to the quite present day useless Sea Scroll (written 2 hundred B.C. to sixty 8 C.E./A.D) unearths. The Isaiah Scroll, discovered quite intact, is 1000 years older than any earlier common reproduction of Isaiah. in reality, the scrolls are the oldest crew of previous testomony manuscripts ever discovered. The Scrolls have revolutionized textual grievance of the former testomony. curiously, now with manuscripts predating the medieval era, we detect those texts in significant contract with the Masoretic textual content besides as exceedingly version varieties.

  • 9 years ago

    The Bible and all its translations are derived from a common source of ancient manuscripts, diligently compared by scholars to arrive at the most reliable original text and then translated to the best of the abilities of the translators.

    The main breakdown in communication of the word of God as contained in the Bible and received by men is in the hearers.

    The word of God is as something alien to most of mankind, because they remain in spiritual blindness and death because of sin. When the Gospel of Jesus Christ is proclaimed and received by simple faith, God performs a change in the hearts of men and women, making them children of God, who begin to see spiritual realities and enter into the Kingdom of God.

    listen what God can do:

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    theres many versions of the bible. people search for the right one when in truth theyre all false. christianity is man made, im not saying their isnt a god though. theres nothing spiritual what so ever about christianity. its a program. to enslave the masses.pope leo admitted it pretty much as he said" this myth of christ it has served us well"

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    yes it is.

    bible was not written by jesus himself but by many people from which one was selected (which looked nice) and all other were burned by that time government. so they forcefully created that religion. christ was holy but madeup stories which include the name of christ can never be holy but lies.

    i see christian organisations all around paying money to poor people for changing their religion to christianity. that is not the way of god.

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