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Religion is Quest for Immortality or Love for God?

If Love of God then why to say don't do this or that?? And if we loose our love towards God then we again fall down this mortal world?

And if Immortality then what is meaning of our creation by God if we don't serve him?


@TrueProber -- If we are God then who create everything? we don't remember anything?

And if Logically Speaking the world will end on the first self-realization but we are still here...

Upanishads say's -- Although the Super-Soul appear to be divided but it never divided it one...and we are part and parcel of Super-Soul.

9 Answers

  • Flute
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Question 1.Is Religion Quest for Immortality or Love for God?

    Answer 1:

    It is for neither. Its intended purpose only to dispel ignorance; the ignorance that we are independent of our Cause (named as God). Love of God is only to develop that ignored knowledge that all are already inseparable, immortal constituent of God. In other words, immortality is not a thing that is freshly to be achieved!

    As a matter of fact, the colour of religion enters into the picture only because, the manner of pursuit advocated by each differs. Otherwise, we will find that religion has little role.

    If the truth is imparted by the parents to the child, systematically in each family, the scope for religion can not arise. Only because the parents are lazy in acquiring the knowledge themselves and imparting to the child, some other person has to enter into and evolve a code and all trouble of fanaticism starts.

    Question 2. If Love of God, then why to say don't do this or that?? And if we loose our love towards God then we again fall down this mortal world?

    Answer 2.

    We have seen that religion is not for love for god, but to suggest various means to dispel our ignorance of not understanding the inseparable relationship with God and our immortality. One of the means to achieve destruction of ignorance is attempt to love our inseparable cause! The occasion for don't do this or that etc., arise only because of our inability to understand things properly. Because of our already existing status of immortality, the question of we 'again' falling down to this mortal world is also meaningless is it not?

    Question 3. If Immortality then what is meaning of our creation by God if we don't serve him?

    Answer 3.

    Since immortality already exists and only realisation is wanted, the question does not arise. The creation and destruction are not there because we always exist as part of God.

    What is then needed?

    Deep study of the scriptures, which are store house of knowledge in the form of experiences of great souls, analysing them logically without giving scope for superstition and realise the goal of acquiring true knowledge is that we are part and parcel of one single Cause. For this purpose religion, if it is found as an impediment, let us not give importance to it. A religion may serve a limited purpose of disciplining; if that disciplining crosses its limit and enters the area of fanaticism or superstition then let us ignore and concentrate on the pursuit of our goal. Let us not hesitate to take the help of science and logic also for honing our spiritual pursuit.

  • 9 years ago

    There are many religions that do not involve a "quest for immortality" nor affection for a deity, let alone center on these concepts, so your questions don't make any sense. If instead of religion you just meant Christianity, then say so.

    By the way, the verb is "lose". The word "loose" is an adjective and rhymes with "goose".

  • 9 years ago

    Hi Speaking Soul, attaining immortality is nothing but becoming God.

    Divine is within. But we search it some where or everywhere outside. Avatar is nothing but one who brings out his divinity fully exposed out. This becomes possible as at least one percent of the population realizes the divinity within. Religion is the way to attain immortality. But practically speaking religions themselves become a hurdle to attain the state of immortality. It is all in the game due to the ignorance ie sin.

  • 9 years ago

    Religion is a path. Immortality or the destination. Different religions have different destinations..Only spiritual practices and meditation can liberate you...Real service to god is service to world.

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  • 9 years ago

    It's a union with the Divine. You don't have to have immortality in a religion.

  • deveja
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    not of religion, or any form of formality or traditions of adult men or guy-made doctrines and commandments of adult men can saved us from the wrath of God; Eph 5:6 enable no guy lie to you with ineffective phrases: for via fact of those issues cometh the wrath of God upon the youngsters of disobedience. Col 3:6 For which issues' sake the wrath of God cometh on the youngsters of disobedience. So, the way i see your philosophy is you have confidence, God being a loving God will enable no one to pass to Hell. Is that what you recommend? Then how can a Holy, only and Righteous God will tolerate your philosophy? come to think of of it: how are you able to declare God is Holy, only and Righteous if he will tolerate criminals, muslims, and or others who don't think: His grace of salvation, the Lamb of God, Lord Jesus Christ to pass into His Kingdom? in case you're in God's footwear, are you able to tolerate people who're not deserving to have eternal existence? For you seems to judged our lord god maximum intense and making Him a liar; 1Jn 5:20 And all of us comprehend that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an information, that we might comprehend him it extremely is real, and we are in him it extremely is real, even in his Son Jesus Christ. it truly is the real God, and eternal existence. For in case you truly renounce to the potential of God maximum intense and letting Lord Jesus Christ be your Lord, Savior and King of your existence, then maybe you will see the fact not something however the fact; John 8:32; John 8:36. finally; it truly is extra effectual to be a minority interior the Loving hands of Lord Jesus Christ and a real Born back Christians; Mat 7:14 via fact strait is the gate, and slender is the way, which leadeth unto existence, and few there be that discover it. quite than with the full international who're carnally minded and think of they is familiar with the way of the LORD yet actually they're so silly in believing their very own righteous way; Mat 7:13 enter ye in on the strait gate: for extensive is the gate, and wide is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and various there be which pass in thereat. professional sixteen:25 there's a manner that seemeth good unto a guy, however the top thereof are the procedures of loss of existence.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    religion or dharma is for being one with the god. if our motive is immortality then we may fail but if we don't have any motive but just love then one day we will be one with the god.

  • 9 years ago

    Forget religion. Try self analysis, and that will help you to find God

  • 9 years ago

    If you speak how you write, I suspect no-one understands you.

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