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Have you noticed that here on YA......?

Have you noticed that here on YA that the usual liberal response to something said by a conservative is to attack their character, or intelligence, or parentage. No attempt is made to explain why their liberal ideas would be better than those submitted by conservatives Why is that?

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    The conservative belief that liberals want wealth equality is a self-induced hallucination. Liberals want a true equality of opportunity.

    The conservative philosophy of government was best stated by President Coolidge: “The chief business of the American people is business.” He was wrong. The business of our nation is exactly and only that found in the preamble to our Constitution: “to... promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessing of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”

    Times change but the Founding Liberals can’t change with them. They wrote what they wrote, and the most important word in the preamble to the Constitution is “Posterity”. The Founding Liberals understood why we are here on Earth: survival of the species is the motivating force of life.

    A nation without a thriving young generation faces its doom. Care of the young is the highest priority of all the creatures on earth - except Conservatives. Care of our young must not end at birth. Post-natal care must also be the highest priority of federal, state, and local government.

    Government must provide children with health care, education, and homes in a secure neighborhood. Children, from conception through university, must get all the health care, food, shelter, and play they need and as much education as they can absorb. Care of the young is a civilization’s wisest investment.

    A thriving young generation must include all children regardless of the wealth or poverty of their homes. Providing excellent care only for children of the rich will not produce enough brilliant leaders in technology, industry, and government. If you want all the cream, you have to milk all the cows. (Ninety-nine percent of all discoveries are found by one percent of all scientists.) A level playing field and equal opportunity from the moment of conception are the liberal’s core beliefs.

    The health, education, and shelter of the young are more important than the leisure activity of the rich. Tax the tax havens! Eliminate tax-free municipal bonds and loop-holes for hedge-fund managers and their money-changing brethren in the temple!

    Support for children by local taxes inevitably results in deprived areas, from Watts to Mississippi. To be equitably distributed, care of the young must be financed by progressive federal taxation. Commensurate with their means, all Americans, together as one, must share the load. Fairness and cooperation are the liberal’s core beliefs.

    Conservatives hold the opposite view. They believe children should be rewarded or punished depending on how well or how poorly they choose their parents. They want the care of the young to be financed by local taxes so that school quality varies with class and so that science education is stunted by fundamentalist school boards. Is it a wonder that, according to the National Academy of Sciences report, while half of GDP growth depends on technology, the US is rated 48th in science and math education?

    Instead of taxing wealthy estates, consisting mostly of untaxed capital gains and municipal bond interest, conservatives would endow the least productive segment of society: children of the rich. Since Congress can be bought, wealth is power and inherited wealth is inherited power, aristocracy, the exact opposite of democracy, the exact opposite of meritocracy. This is dishonesty and corruption. Conservatism is a crime against Nature.

    The human race succeeded only because evolution gave it enough intelligence to understand the value of community: the solidarity of the clan, the tribe, and larger groups that does not exist among other primates. We succeeded only because we took care of each other through fire and flood.

    Conservatives want to destroy that social solidarity. While the economic burden of disease far exceeds that of weather, does it make sense that we help communities struck by a tornado but not individuals struck by cancer? Now, Conservatives want to defund FEMA! Come hell or high water, you're on your own! Conservatism is a crime against Nature.

    Conservatives believe the tax burden should be shifted from the rich to the middle class, from capital to labor. They would create a polarized generation: a small aristocracy and a large underclass — a lost generation. Conservatism is a complete betrayal of Posterity and the Founding Liberals.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Both Liberals and Conservatives have had their chances at government. Neither has stood out in my mind as great like the founding fathers. The only one-as of recent, that even would have been entitled to kiss the founders' boots is Reagan and the GOP tried like hell to keep him from getting nominated.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's kinda hilarious that as I sat down to type this, I've spilt milkshake down my top! Anyway... reality has a conservative bias....... Well George B, I hope this answers your question!

  • Di
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Hate drives them because many voters didn't buy into the Obama nightmare for America. We therefore must be punished accordingly because Obama told his base to vote for "revenge."

    Visceral works best for them. Thinking clearly on the issues, doesn't.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's called a distract and scare tatic. Obama has perfected it, and it has rubbed off on his cult like followers.

  • 8 years ago

    It's very hard to argue rationally when one's whole philosophy is based on platitudes.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    An ad homimen attack shows that the responder can't think of anything else to say.

  • 8 years ago

    Well it is either George Bush or Global Warming`s fault.

    ( I wonder if the majority of liberals know that liberal propaganda is man-made bullshit or if they are in soooo deep that the BS has covered their ears, eyes and noses and they are "left" to blindly follow the piper?)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    yeah I've noticed.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I've never found that to be true, it seems much of the libtard, commie comments come from the right.

    Along with the many accounts who block people.

    Tsk tsk, such nastiness.

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