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Husband and I are separated, should I continue being friends with him?

My husband and I have been separated for three weeks.

We had a huge fight (about his ex-w), he said he wanted a divorce, packed his things, and moved out (into his parents home).

We still text each other every day, and he calls every night like he always has, to talk about our day and say "Good Night".

Two weeks ago we went to a fesival together, and next weekend he wants to go to take a day trip to the beach, and there is another festival the next weekend that he wants to go to with me.

He has not mentioned coming home at all. He just wants to keep hanging out and be friends.

-and no, I will not sleep with him as long as we are separated.

Do you all think I should continue our daily conversations and go on outings with him?

8 Answers

  • Kas-O
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Y-yes you should.. he's still your husband. seems as if he's still trying to be your husband, but in joying a little free time to himself.. that's not a good enough reason to divorce him. God put you two together for a reason.. you need to have a talk with him, ask him when are he coming home.. and give him a time that you think he should come home..

    i don't think he's seeing another woman, because he still wants to be out with you.. don't let his ex win the fight dear.. the both of you should be bigger than that..

  • peat
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    No you're no longer, and he's is not any longer your husband. you have Biblical grounds to divorce him, and if any guy could lay with you at this element - the two you and he would be to blame of marital unfaithfulness. seem, it rather is often noble to forgive previous the trials in marriages, yet this one, different than for forgiveness, you shouldn't settle for - that's what you're doing. you are able to shrink all marital ties with him as we talk, what's this going to coach your little ones? - distinctive companions. there is not any such ingredient as 'dedication' with distinctive companions. no longer to indicate, separation isn't Bilblical the two, yet as Paul suggested "basically for a time to make your recommendations as much as prayer, and the two could return to one yet another with the intention to no longer be tempted via the devil" - Paul became no longer touching on months-long separation. he's talking a pair of day or 2 here and there in a similar kin. God Bless you, so sorry on the subject of the themes, yet do the best ingredient here.

  • Ranger
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I think the daily contact etc is fine to a point...

    But he needs to define his intentions for the future by carrying on this way. This is no way to continue a marriage but can be a way to heal wounds, reconnect and then proceed with the marriage. If that is his ultimate goal then I see no harm. If he only plans to take you on occasional "dates" and nothing more then it's time to cut the ties.

    So, after 3 weeks, it's time for a frank discussion. Get it out in the open as to what it is you want out of this arrangement and find out what he's thinking. If he's just fine with this arrangement then you'll know that he has no intention of staying in the marriage.

    My ex suddenly moved out on me in a similar fashion in Jan of 2005. She kept telling me how much she loved me but that she just couldn't live with me anymore. She wanted to talk on the phone and see me for lunch occasionally much like your husband is doing. I learned she joined a dating site a few days after she left and was just stringing me along so that she'd have a plan B if the new life didn't work out. She'd been planning her move for months by cleaning out bank accounts, signing a lease on an apartment, getting a PO Box etc etc... It wasn't a heat of the moment thing like she initially made me believe. Was all VERY calculated!

    It took me a few months but I finally woke up and realized what she was "really" doing and I cut all ties. Best move of my life! I know it's hard, but this may be what you'll ultimately have to do.

    Sounds like he may be keeping you in his pocket "just in case". I may be wrong but something about all of this sounds fishy. In my mind, if he loves you, he'll be back right away and has a plan in mind to make that happen. Otherwise he's just stringing you along until the next best thing shows up in his new life.

    Hope this didn't sound too harsh and that what I've said here is helpful in some way. Good luck to you!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    What type of separation is this? Are you intending to divorce, or to reconcile? If you're hoping to reconcil, keeping communications open is a good idea. If divorce is in the future, then you don't need to have any communication with each other, unless it's for matters pertaining to the divorce.

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  • 8 years ago

    If you are comfortable and planning on rekindling your marriage, then yes.

    Separation does not mean your marriage is over. And even if you did divorce, you can still get back together.

    If you're confused tell him. Ask him his intentions. Sometime separations can be a good thing.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you love each other you love each other! Maybe you can't live together, maybe you can, but the separation should be viewed as a time to make a decision of divorce...stay friends!

  • Mai C
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Separating means you are not friends. the longer you stay like that the harder it will be to get back. Tell him to either come home or cut ties. No in between.

  • Lock
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Yes if you enjoy one each others company. Why not

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