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Where do Catholic monks come from?

Priests and Bishops and other men of the cloth choose their path. Where do monks and nuns come from? What is the typical scenario that leads to one entering monk/nun - hood, and what ceremonial rite-of-passage inducts them into monk/nun - hood?


OK: Less ambiguous question: Why do males choose to be monks... vice priests?

5 Answers

  • Dave D
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A monk would be a member of a religious Order..... for example Jesuits, Franciscans, etc. A monk is a term that would actually apply to any member of an order whether or not they are a priests. Unlike Diocesan priest which take the vows of Chastity and Obedience, monks also take the vow of poverty. Some still live a secluded life dedicated to prayer, while others are engaged in various activities such as teaching or hospital work. A monk who is NOT a priest is called "Brother". A monk that IS a priest is called a "Friar". Being a brother is not being a "vice-priest". It is a dedication to a task different from priesthood.

    Typically the training consists of a one year as a postulant which is essentially an introduction. A one ynovitiateiate dedicated to religious education. During this time he may leave at any time that he decides to. After novitiateiate the Brother will take vows for the first time. There will be continuing education as well. In most religious orders the brother will take annual vows which are renewed if he so wishes for six or more years. After the period of annual vows then the Brother may take his final vows which, like marriage, is supposed to be a lifelong commitment.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    In the Catholic Church you have Diocese Ordained Ministers and Religious Ordained Ministers, the Ministers are Deacons and Priests. But the thing is Bishops can not belong to a Religious Order like Deacons and Priests. A Bishop can come from a Religious Order but once they are Ordained a Bishop they will no longer belong to that Religious Order.

    Religious Orders are part of the Sacrament of Holy Orders they were established for virgins and widows. Now all Monks are Brothers and all Nuns are Sisters, but not all Brothers are Monks and not all Sisters are Nuns. The Brothers and Sisters that live cloistered lives inside of Monasteries and Convents are Monks and Nuns. The Brothers and Sisters that live in the community of society are not Monks and Nuns. The other thing is that not all Brothers are Ordained Ministers they are called by their fellow Brother Ordained Ministers as Lay Brothers. A cloistered Monk who is also a Ordained Minister is called a Choir Monk, while a Brother that lives in the community of society and is also an Ordained Minister is called a Friar.

    You want to know about the Catholic Church ask a Catholic.

    Source(s): Catholic
  • 8 years ago

    They (both future monks and nuns) enter a monastery or convent to receive training to become a monk or nun. It is a choice they make. They aren't "born" to be a monk or nun.

  • 5 years ago

    I gave Jon M a thumbs up for getting the basic answer right, but I notion i might offer a little elaboration. To comprehend how the word "Jehovah" happened, there are two tips you must be aware of. First, the Jewish persons regularly do not write the identify of God. This is considering the fact that they have such profound respect for His name that they would no longer want to write it down best to have that writing be destroyed at a later time. Second, the Hebrew language didn't at the beginning have vowels, and even now they're used particularly as a teaching support and are often omitted. Accordingly, the word that we most likely see translated as "Yahweh" is more thoroughly represented as YHWH, or JHVH. What's more, vowels in Hebrew aren't high-quality letters, but are marks that appear slightly like the accent marks we use in the Latin alphabet. So some Hebrew scribes, when copying the scriptures, got here up with the idea to preclude writing the title of God by way of attaching the vowels of the word "Adonai" (which means "My Lord") to the identify, to create a nonsense word "YaHoWaH" that might be easily deciphered by the reader. This used to be then transliterated into Latin via Raymundus Martini, and from there made its manner into German for the period of the Reformation, and from there to English.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Monks are priests, brothers and non permanent deacons(deacons working to become a priest).

    They belong to a order and depending on which one the level of monasticism varies. Some live in heavy seclusion, eat little, social contact is mainly daily mass, confession and any other sacrements and days of obligation.

    Others work like the trappists and half the day in prayer.

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