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Lv 7
? asked in Social ScienceGender Studies · 8 years ago

Why do some men have such a strong negative reaction to "50 Shades of Grey", and they are like?

practically foaming at the mouth when someone mentions it? When in real life, many men spend a significant amount of time on porn sites, really nasty ones too.

Are the men who have this really strong reaction to "50 Shades" somehow intimidated by a little book? Do they not understand why so many women have read it? Why the double standard?

And...AND...I have seen so many make such bizarre statements about it that aren't even true. They don't know the plot, they don't understand the basic characters, they haven't READ the book, yet they (some) viciously trash the book as if it's a great affront to them.

Why are these men so offended by the book?

(no, it's not great literature, but neither is Penthouse)


@Sanscorp/The Man - YOU are the exact type of person I had in mind. YOU have never read the silly little book. If you had, you would know it is not about "anal porn". Next time, have the brains to actually READ a book (instead of watching your precious YouTube hate-clips) before you comment on it. Look at Sara- she READ the book, she made her points. You can learn from her. mkay?

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that you have no idea of what most men do with their free time. Most of us don't spend a "significant amount of time" on porno sites. We spend it here on Y!A, of course (or playing violent video games that make us want to buy assault weapons with high capacity magazines). Believe it or not, most people are not into BDSM, either. They find it perverted and scary, and they don't understand why such behavior is accepted by women simply because the main character in the book is supposed to be rich. Even guys who are into regularly watching porn often find violent kinds of porn to be just too much to take, and they avoid, or view with suspicion, people who do. There is no doubt that this book has been characterized in the mainstream media (such as "The Washington Post", "Newsweek" and the "Huffington Post") as BDSM porn for middle aged women, and let's face it, BDSM isn't exactly mainstream acceptable behavior for either gender.

    And it probably doesn't help that author Melissa Febos stated that "...[Fifty Shades] might actually be a sign of progress that millions of women are so hungrily pursuing sexual fantasies independent of men." Isn't this exactly why women hate men's porn? That it is just a substitute for real relationships with real people? Is it any surprise that men get just as annoyed at being replaced by fantasy as women are? of course it is "threatening" to find that your SO is more interested in some fantasy than you.

    Besides, most women who read "Fifty Shades" and drool over it would probably run away screaming if they met a perverted Christian Grey in real life at the bar, and he described what he wanted to do to them (until they found out that he was a millionaire, of course). Apparently women will accept perverted behavior as long as the man is rich, but any blue collar guy who shows any interest in her is shamed by being labeled as "creepy" simply because he isn't rich. Most men are probably annoyed at the memory of a woman who rejected him in the past because his stated fantasies were too "dirty" or too "demeaning" for her (or so she said), only to find out that his EX is now reading this book. I guess that at least some of them find that double-standard [irritating].

    Besides, the book, perhaps, creates the impression that women who read it have gold digging fantasies, and if you spent any time on GS, you know how much men hate and fear gold diggers who only care about one thing.

    As far as "Penthouse" articles are concerned, I was going to mention "Audition", also, as it was first published as installments in the Japanese version of "Penthouse" before it became a book and then a (R-rated) movie that is a cult classic among certain groups of nerds, but the "FKingTroll" beat me to it. Apparently they publish more sophisticated articles in men's adult magazines than they do in women's. The story is about a relationship gone horribly, horribly wrong, and since it is a horror movie, it gives you an idea how most people view BDSM (they see it as "torture" - literally - that is practiced only by messed up people). The story is also an allegory about how our emotional baggage tends to hurt the ones that we love. On a side note, so is "Noriko's Dinner Table" (speaking of J-Horror cult classics) if you read between the lines, but I digress. You didn't ask for movie reviews, after all. You just wanted to hear from a book critic.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    6 3 0 8 6 9 2

    Attachment image
  • 8 years ago

    Well, as you said, it's not great literature, and frankly it is little more than another silly piece of exploitationist rubbish. It just annoys real men when women are so shallow that they slavishly follow such rubbish and even swoon over it.

    Really makes you wonder WTF goes on in their minds sometimes....if very much at all sometimes (not you of course - just saying)...

    I have absolutely zero expectation of ever even wanting to be anything like the man portrayed, and I feel it gives us some more ridiculous bad press to even consider that we want to be 'domineering' etc (not dominant - you are a dominant human - so am I - nothing to do with tyranny and bullying) with our chosen ones..

    It's a partnership of equals for Christ's sake....and why any woman would even consider such crap is frankly perverse of them....and lowers them beneath the position of true equals - a result of their own doing.

    Footnote:- I'm still wading through the equally dismal performance of 'Hunger Games' - and this is 'studied' as 'literature'? It's crap, I'm fending off snoring all the time.....

    ADDS:- Porn sites? What are they?

  • Sara
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Reasons as a woman why I don't like it:

    It IS poorly written. So much so, I had to stop reading at times to stop an attack at anger.

    It IS a blatant Twilight rip off (I have skimed through them) Same characters, same traits, same situtions just take out the vampires and location. That's fraud.

    It's main characters are dispisable. anna is a wet fish to the extreae and Christian is borederline phycopath.

    Secondary also. Only the bad one's are unnattractive. In real life most people are average at best, good or bad.

    The sex scenes are stupid. You can't orgasm on command, you're first time hurts like hell, and most men can't orgasm then do it 5 more times right after.

    That's not even the half of it. I think most of these men who dislike it actually understand it's anti woman-anti men too see point about man being an all night god-and THAT's really why they don't like it!

    Source(s): Woman who likes porn, even mild s+m, and read all 3 books. Only half decent thing is for some reason it's addictive-prob cos you hope she wakes up one night and calls the cops.
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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Some people become angered when they are sufficiently confused.

    And it is confusing when a trashy, soccer mom BDSM, rape fantasy written at the 5th grade level is heralded as a great literary work my so many millions of women. I don't know of any one man, let alone millions, who fawn at the masterful works of photographic art which are display in Penthouse.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not mad. I'm just shaking my head in disappointment and, yes, confusion.

  • 8 years ago

    It's like Justin Bieber, or Nickelback, or...wait, why do all these terrible things come from Canada?

    In any case, it's one of many mediocre works of entertainment that it's become trendy to hate as much as possible. (Twilight! There's an example that doesn't come from Canada.) In reality, they're just crappy entertainment that got more attention than they deserved. Then some comedian makes a crack about how they're worse than cancer, and then every idiot with an inkling of pop culture decides that THEY'RE great comedians if they ALSO rage at these things.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I’m not totally certain. Maybe it has to do with the incongruity concerning the type of man they are, the type of man they think women say they want, and the type of man the BDSM billionaire is.

    I’ve listened to some dramatic readings of that book on youtube. It’s actually funny. How anyone could take it seriously is completely beyond me.

  • 8 years ago

    It's a reaction to a lot of womens hatred of porn.

    Women are always saying porn rots the brain,porn creates unrealistic beauty stands,porn is for pigs,ect.However when females read erotic literature for sexual gratification it is somehow ok.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago


    What I don't understand is why more women are not objecting to this vile book. Absolute trash.

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