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Lv 4

how did Jews end up in Africa ?

I was doing so bible reading and researching the curse Noah put on Ham, I started thinking if life began in Africa how did these pale white humans end up there in a region that is predominantly black and brown, the curse doesn't make sense, since everyone in the region would have been black to begin with ,so Adam, Eve ,and Noah would have either been black or brown skinned anyway so where did the white Jew come from?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    El Al airways.

  • 8 years ago

    Genetic studies have proven that the major Jewish diaspora groups (Ashkenazim from Central and northeastern Europe; Sephardim from Southern Europe, Turkey, and North Africa, Mizrahi Jews from Arab countries, Iran, the caucasus, and Central Asia; Italian Jews, and Yememite Jews) descend mainly from Middle Easterners from Israel/Palestine, not sub-Saharan Africans (unless you go back hundreds of thousands of years.) So I have no idea what you are talking about. Jews are middle eastern and related to Palestinians, Kurds, Druze, and other Mediterranean peoples.

  • 8 years ago

    They mainly came to Africa starting just before WW2 then continued to move there even after the war to escape persecution. African countries were some of the few around the world that allowed Jewish refugees. A lot of Jews also escaped to China and Japan for the same reason.

    Source(s): Jewish - I know a lot of African Jews.
  • 8 years ago

    The land given to the Jews was to the Euphrates River and to Wadi River

    When you actually look at a map that says Asia not Africa to me.. Egypt is in Africa.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    All of humanity started from Noach and his sons - whites, blacks, asians - everybody.

    Noach's ark didn't land in Africa. It landed in Harey Harrat which is close to modern day Iran/Turkey. And even if it were to land there, it has nothing to do with skin color.

    Jews ended up in Northern Africa only after the Assyrian exile (if we don't count the enslavement in Egypt as presence in Africa). There were Jews in Northen Africa since the first century (Philon). One part of my family came back to Israel from North Africa in the 1950's, many of them with blue eyes (we're Jewish).

    And btw, just for general knowledge, not all people in Africa are black (countries like Algeria for example).

    P.S. The comments here are web is hilarious..

  • 8 years ago

    The Jews of that time were not pale white skinned people. Adam and Eve are a metaphor, and presumed to be white because the story was adopted and made to fit the western european culture. Certain Jewish tribes were known to be nomadic and traveled, some claim as far as Ethiopia. History, as far as I know cannot determind whether Jews introduced Judeo-Christian teachings to the Ethiopians or the Ethiopian introduced it to the Jews.

  • az
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Not all Jews recruited to Isreal are from Europe, there are non-white Jews too who are discriminated in racist apareteit Israel.

    Jews? This came from the 11/12 brothers of Jacob, the 12 tribes, they were in Egypt after the famine when Joseph invited his family including his 11 brothers to Egypt. After they were taken as slaves then Moses took them out of there.

  • 8 years ago

    Jews went to Africa more than once. They wandered into Africa during droughts and famine looking for food. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. He ended up being second in power in Egypt and his father and brother joined him. Jews stayed and multiplied to the point that the Egyptians feared they would take over, so the Egyptians made them slaves.

  • 8 years ago

    A man cursing another man will not change the color of his skin. The idea that Ham was black is a bad theory.

  • 8 years ago

    the color of human skin is a product of evolution. it is one of the only parts of evolution which applies to human beings, skin color and differing physical features which evolve over time of people being in various climates and eating indiginous foods etc.

    adam and eve and noah were all from the middle east in the area around the euphrates river (no where near africa). prior to the flood of noah, the bible says that the earth was all one large land mass surrounded by water. after God flooded the earth and killed everyone except noah and his sons and their wives (which probably amounted to around 3000 to 5000 people in all) and the people began to repopulate the earth, it was still all one land mass.

    then came the events at the tower of babel where God confounded their languages and sent them all off in different directions. in genesis 10:25, it says that at the time of peleg, who was one of those people, the earth was divided. so what happened was that God confounded their language and the ones who spoke the same gathered together and went off together to various parts of the land mass then God divided the land mass up into continents and islands creating the earth as we know it. and the people on them evolved into whatever skin color and physical features became common to that area.

  • Lynn
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Only European Jews are white. The Hebrew race is of Middle Eastern descent and are darker skinned.

    Jesus is portrayed as white in Renaissance painting because the artists painted what they knew. The older paintings show him as olive skinned with shorter curly hair.

    As the Jews moved out of the Middle East, they intermarried with the locals. Those who moved to Africa became darker. Those who moved into Europe got lighter.

    Source(s): Christian then agnostic now atheist.
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