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How big is the foothold that socialism and/or Marxism have in American politics today?

13 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The fall of the Soviet Union ~1989-90 caused a big cut in subsidies going to American communists, like CPUSA, and a dwindling in American communist activity - no money = no protests.

    With the collapse of Soviet funded communist activity in the USA came the rise of the Neo-Marxists and the NEW LEFT. The biggest funding of the NEW LEFT is from George Soros who backs Neo-Marxist Prez. Barack Obama.

    The New Left is very active in 21st century America. So active they had a New Left President elected (Obama) and he is legislating every piece of left-wing ideology possible.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Zero! In a world where 95% of all the means of production and distribution are in the hands of an ever smaller number of trans national corporations the idea that there's some space there for government ownership of the means of production and distribution is absurd. This charge of 'socialism' is a part of the current GOP/Tea/Fox/Jesus parties propaganda machine to create an 'inside enemy' where no enemy exists. No matter how hard you try you will not find a single person of any authority that has any interest in 'marxism'....none!

    All suggestions from the non right wing spectrum only make the case for better pay, better education, affordable HEALTH INSURANCE, and decent old age pensions. None of that is 'socialism' no matter how hard the right wing radio dummies and FOX massage these ideas.

    Source(s): case
  • 8 years ago

    How big of a foothold? Just look at the US Democrat Party and then you'll understand.

    The end of America is upon us. Democrats are really enthusiastic about the Death of America too!

  • 8 years ago

    Second trimester pregnancy foot "foothold". Conservatives see communism and marxism in every dark corner. J Edgar Hoover spent hundreds of millions of dollars and man-hours infiltrating every activist movement searching for financial ties to "International communism." He finally came to the startling conclusion that "despite certain similarities in ideology, there is no connection to communism."

    Conspiracy theories abound.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    actual, one hundred% communism has never been tried everywhere contained in the international. i imagine the nearest we've lengthy gone to at least one hundred% communism in cutting-area circumstances is in Zapatista managed Chiapas. actual Communsim might want to be trouble-free in one day. it's going to be a lengthy attitude of social, most economical and political evolution. clone of the Capitalism develop into born from Feudalism, it is going to take generations. maximum human beings imagine what develop into tried in u.s., China etc. as Communism, through the undeniable fact that is what they have been fed by technique of the Capitalist media and propaganda. What develop into in prepare in those countries is a Socialist device (yet not like the so stated as Socialist platforms in Europe, those platforms were attempting to bypass in direction of Communism ), not Communism. P.S.: Kim perhaps a "little intense", yet Castro is a remarkable guy. He switched over Cuba from a backward exploited u . s . to an autonomous proud u . s .. it somewhat is outcomes.

  • 8 years ago

    Very small. So small that anything that isn't unregulated, free market capitalism is mistaken for Marxism. (The truth is that Marxism begins as unregulated, free market capitalism. Marxism happens when wealth disparity grows too much and the majority of people feel violent revolution is the only way to keep their families from starving.)

  • 8 years ago

    Huge. It started about 40 years after the Constitution was written, when all of the founding fathers had died or retired.

    Did you know that there were no taxes until that time? Remember the excuse for the American revolution used was all about taxes, so there were non until those who felt it was hypocritical to charge taxes were gone from the decision making process.

    On the day that the decision that taxes would be charged, that is the day when it the government of America claimed, without saying it, that everyone in America was a slave required to produce voluntarily or go to a labor or prison camp and produce, involuntarily.

    . And, on the day that the made it law that people must pay land taxes was the day that the government claimed, without ever saying so, to own all property because anyone who didn't pay the tax, according to whatever the government decided they must pay, would have their property confiscated by the government.

    On that day when land taxes were required was the day when the government claimed ownership of everyone's property. Just as in communism. If you didn't pay the 'tax' which was in reality a rental fee, the government could confiscate it, or, take back property you weren't paying rent on... which can only mean the government actually owns all property. You can call an apple a banana if y ou wish but it will still be red and roundish. Same thing with taxing the people, which says that the taxpayer lives under a feudal lord, and must pay a portion of their production, be it money, sheep or pumpkins. That says that the feudal lord, in this case the US government, owns you and if you don't pay the required percentage, you go to prison where you receive no income, in other words, you are clearly a slave of the state. So, if you voluntarily pay up you are rewarded by only paying a percentage as opposed to being thrown, as a prisoner, into a work camp generally referred to as a Federal Penitentiary, punished by limiting your movement and behavior.

    Taxes handed over to elected (temporary and changeable) feudal lords and kings basically gave them the power to vote themselves their own wages and create the most comfortable lives using other people's money. They also could name the buildings as they wished, after themselves, place them where they voted to put them if it needed to be voted upon or if they were given full authority over specific funds, they could, for instance, build the roads up that went to the homes of their friends and families first and that so the government could enjoy the use of funds to pay themselves wages, treat themselves with public-secured money to do as they pleased with it. Of course they wanted to build public roads, schools, and most importantly (to them) luxurious political meeting halls, food during those meetings, and whatever amount of wages they decided to vote for themselves.

    Of course before there were taxes people were expected to donate their time and resources instead of money, and only those who wanted to do so were required to do so. The few who built the roads and schools and public meeting halls may have felt it was not fair that some people chose not to contribute but still got to use them. So, the truth is, in a society that is totally free, there is communism naturally, but when some do not contribute, then taxes are required to enforce contributions.

    But back in the old days when we were truly free, the people who were poor, for whatever reason, had to humble themselves to beg and be beholden to their donors. As Obama's Auntie expressed, with a welfare system that requires people to pay a tax, the persons feel not obligation or gratitude to the donors because the donors are tax payer- slaves of the state. One does not feel oblilgated or grateful to a slave, rather the slave must feel obligated to their master, the state. And so we say the Pledge of Allegiance, to reinforce the loyalty to masters who subjugate us to whatever they decide, be it that we must give them our children to use as cannon fodder or find away to confiscate any land they want. Even if a person's great grand parents left to them, the government takes it either by rezoning it and raising the taxes so high that the owner must either sell it or suffer it being taken from them with no compensation, when they can't afford the taxes officials who want their property have smacked on it.

    And, if they do figure out how to pay outrageous tax increases when the property is zoned to become 'city' and not farmland zoned, an elected or appointed official may assign what they consider to be a 'fair market value" and pay for the property with collected taxes - by force, or 'eminent domain'.

  • 8 years ago

    It is fully entrenched in every facet of our lives. Simply listen to this former KGB agent talk about the tactics employed by Marxist ideologs. It is about 30 years old.

    Obama, and his cronies fit the bill of a youth poisoned by Marxist ideology. Not only is the American public completely demoralized, we have people in positions of great power that subscribe to a radical ideology.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    It is getting better, but not enough until every capitalist is in prison.

    My professor says communism only failed because capitalist pig countries like AmeriKKKa discriminated against it and lied about it, so it never got a fair chance.

    I did the research and I believe my professor. We need to ditch our capitalist pig founding fathers (I call them the founding slaveholders), and throw rich people in prison for stealing the wealth of the proletariat and keeping them in poverty with America's nazi cops and fascist military.


  • 8 years ago

    no foothold whatsoever. That is a purely Republican manufactured talking point designed to discredit one of the finest Presidents elected in the last 30 years.

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