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Lv 4
Jean asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Did anyone watch scottish question time yesterday?

the first minister Alec Salmond seemed to come over as if he had a sudden chang of personality there was no humph humph shoulder raising tittering triumphant ridicule indeed i thought he should have been nominated for an oscar, now i know the question of the long waiting lists is very serious The point is so should they ,since they did not heed the warning bells people have suffered greatly due to their mishandling of the scandal it is no good blaming others it happened on their watch


The ignorant trolls are out in force What they will do for an easy 2 points What brainpower that must have take The 3 answers already given ,go lie down you myst be exhausted

Update 2:

The ignorant trolls are out in force What they will do for an easy 2 points What brainpower that must have take The 3 answers already given ,go lie down you myst be exhausted

Update 3:

Andrew 87 so you didnt understand the question which was the change in A S the first minister.s posture Now if that is going to be the his stance, maybe he will be worth listening to then you go on to defend the grave error the Scottish govt on waiting times by blaming everyone else for being far worse. the warning signs were there but no action was taken .You say i want confrontation ,i only say what i truly see.

Update 4:

Andrew 87 so you didnt understand the question which was the change in A S the first minister.s posture Now if that is going to be the his stance, maybe he will be worth listening to then you go on to defend the grave error the Scottish govt on waiting times by blaming everyone else for being far worse. the warning signs were there but no action was taken .You say i want confrontation ,i only say what i truly see.

Update 5:

Andrew 87 @ you say i didnt answer your question I have counted 5 question marks in your reply now which one do you want me to answer.remember you should be answering i was the asker i believe you should not answer a question with a question but it all adds to the confusion.and that way the readers will stay ignorant.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feel that Andrew 87 is just out of his depth in answering this question posed by Jean.

    Andrew,Why don't you answer Jean's question in a responsible manner instead of making a juvenile attempt to 'brow beat' her into your line of thought.

    You yourself have criticised Salmond and his approach and double standards such as European Union applications and a non nuclear approach and yet wants to enrol in a nuclear club North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

    Jean is correct in what she says.

  • Yorrik
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Ah the great art of the politician who arrives late and claims all the credit.

    I sometimes think that Alec Salmond is a bit like a shepherd, who having got lost in a fog on the mountain, is now busy trying to find the sheep he lost.

    No, I do not under estimate him: he is a very good public speaker at best and a poor leader at worst. But then it's not up to him. Because in the end the Scottish people will decide. Their future and their choice.

    London UK 020313.0859

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    ''the first minister Alec Salmond seemed to come over as if he had a sudden chang of personality there was no humph humph shoulder raising tittering triumphant ridicule indeed i thought he should have been nominated for an oscar,''

    No I didn't see it but I wish I had :)

  • 8 years ago

    I really don't understand you, i'm beginning to think you are an alias on here, only thing that hasn't confirmed it is the range of questions you answer.

    What is "Scottish question time"? do you mean First Ministers questions? you claim only people who have answered are ignorant trolls but your the one asking a question and isn't capable of asking it properly, what does that say for you?

    Then to the actual waiting time, just be glad you don't live in England Wales or Northern Ireland where their waiting lists are all longer than Scotland's, it always gets me why people, mainly unionists have one rule for Scotland and another for rUK, its the AAA mess all over again.

    Overall the SNP have REDUCED waiting times since being elected something that gets ignored, due to them misleading the public. Its not the waiting time that's the scandal here, its something you seem to have completely overlooked/ignored, they made up a figure of by how much.

    Overall NHS Scotland is more efficient than the rUK, it has improved over the last 5/6 years, NOT got worse. I've got areal question for you, with a higher demand placed on the NHS with funding being cut by Westminster how do you expect the SNP to maintain low waiting time lists when they are having to cut jobs thanks to austerity measures, what can they do when their hands are forced by their masters?

    None of what I've said matters as you aren't open to anybody who hasn't got your viewpoint, your wanting condemnation here and not looking at what the SNP has done for the NHS, at least it isn't being privitised through the back door and wards are becoming dirty as cleaning is now contracted out, what happens when they don't turn up? nothing that's what

    @ English cheese, you live in a country called Great Britain? funny no country in the world is called that, you must be one of these ignorant people Jean was referring to, you live in the UK and we are not one country and never have been, the act of the union clearly states that, "A union of countries working towards a common goal" or did somebody rewrite it and not tell Scotland?

    Edit: I'm not defending them you must be seeing things or you can't understand plain English, you've also ignored my question. This demeanor defiantly reminds me of somebody else on here, making things up, putting words in my mouth to try and dismiss me when my point is valid. The warning signs might have been there but not much they can do when their funding is being cut by another Government who is actively trying to sabotage Scotland

    Edit: with a higher demand placed on the NHS with funding being cut by Westminster how do you expect the SNP to maintain low waiting time lists when they are having to cut jobs thanks to austerity measures, what can they do when their hands are forced by their masters?<<<<<this question, no matter who was in government as long as spending is controlled more things like this will pop up and i'm scared for Scotland that this is only the beginning with no way to prevent it.

    You question isn't a question its an observation any political observer can make Salmond usually laughs in the face's of opposition as they never have any real point but when something serious gets brought to the table he does take it seriously.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Funny, we don't get that channel in the USA.

    But we all know Obama refuses to accept the blame for ANYTHING that happens on his watch.

    Source(s): It seems to be the consistent theme of western politics these days. Everything is always the bankers' fault or something....
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My personal view is that we shouldn't have devolved politics. We're one country. At any rate, yes, it's better he's changed this way.

    Source(s): Great Britain, keep it great!
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


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