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mi traducete queste frasi dall'italiano all'inglese?

da quanto studia in questo college? da due anni.

abbiamo perso il treno per londra? si,è appena partito

abbiamo gia magiato,ma non abbiamo lavato i piatti

viviamo a milano da vent'anni,prima abitavamo a londra

hai avuto molto successo

hai visto mandy la scorsa settimana?

sono appena tornata a casa da scuola

hai gia cominciato a fare i compiti? no,non ancora

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    How long has He/She been studying in this college? She/He has been studying here for two years.

    Have we lost the train to London? Yes, we have. It has just left.

    We've already eaten, but we haven't washed the dishes yet.

    We have been living in Milan for twenty years, we lived in London before.

    You have had a lot of success.

    Have you seen Mandy last week?

    I've just came back home from school.

    Have you already started doing your homework? No, not yet.

  • 8 years ago

    since when is she studying in this college? from two years.

    did we lose the train to london? yes, it just left

    we've already eaten, but we didn't wash the dishes

    we've been living in milan from twenty years, we lived in london before

    you had a lot of success

    did you see mandy last week?

    i just came back from school

    have you already started doing your homework? no, not yet

  • AleZ
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    How long have you/has he been studying in this college? For two years (usi you se stai dando del lei, usi he/she se ti riferisci ad una terza persona).

    Have we lost the train to London? Yes, it has just left.

    We have already eaten, but we haven't washed the dishes.

    We have been living in Milan for twenty years; we lived in London before.

    You've had a lot of success/you had a lot of success (dipende da quanto recente è l'avvenimento).

    Did you see Mandy last week? (Qua have you seen è errato perché si parla di settimana scorsa, un arco di tempo già concluso).

    I've just returned home from school.

    Have you already started to do your homework? No, not yet.

    Source(s): Studio lingue e conosco bene la grammatica inglese
  • 8 years ago

    How long has he been attending this college? For two years.

    Have we lost the train to London? Yes, it has just left.

    We've already eaten, but we haven't washed the dishes yet.

    We have been living in Milan for twenty years, before this we lived in London.

    You had a great success.

    Have you seen Mandy last week?

    I've just come home from school.

    Have you started doing your homework yet? No, I haven't.

    Source(s): Ci ho provato ^^
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 8 years ago

    from the studies in this college? for two years.

    We missed the train to london? yes, it is first started

    We already magiato, but we washed the dishes

    live in milan for twenty years before we lived in london

    have been very successful

    mandy you saw last week?

    I have just returned home from school

    have already begun to do their homework? no, not yet

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