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Why is the first commandmant ...?

Why is the first bible commandment "You will have no other Gods BEFORE me." I thought Christians had one God and one God ONLY. I think, and this is probably the case, that it was worded that way as a way of converting others. "See, praise OUR God first and you can still praise whatever other Gods you want to." I especially see it this way as it wasn't until later, when they had nearly complete control over large areas, that they started persecuting other religions (including off-shoot branches of their own).


@jcsaves How so? Please elaborate. Oh, you just wish to name call because you HAVE no explanation, Okay, then, continue sulking.

@Liddel What "misunderstanding"? Pray tell, what else does it mean? How does adding that "before me" NOT mean that you can also worship other gods (or things as gods, i.e. money) as long as you acknowledge him first?

@starlight And? Does that change anything?

Update 2:

@witness the psalms one does acknowledge other gods, but, IMO, again, in a way as to help in converting others, by first saying "God" rules over the others and then by "pumping their ego" and calling THEM gods. As far as Genesis and rev "like gods" is not gods and rev never says he will make them gods, only that they will be allowed to "join" him.

Update 3:

@Mike: That is essentially what I said. But to what purpose? Christianity HAS only ONE God.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    actually, it is talking about idolatries and satan,

    the bible calls idols as gods made of wood and gold and silver

    but it also calls satan the god of the earth.

    of course there are inventions of man and imaginations. these too are false.

    but did you know, the book of genesis also says that Adam and eve had become like God, to know good and evil

    and did you know that in one of Pauls epistles he said there are gods many both in earth and in heaven. if one is talking about idols only it would be fair to say only in the earth. but to include heavenly deities, that a different matter of translation and interpretation.

    clearly in psalms 82:6 and rev 3:21 and 21:7 there are references to men being gods. and specifically jesus is inviting his sons to sit on the throne of God if they overcome.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    That might mean the you will have no God's in front of me.

    Just a thought.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You are a moron. Cold hard brutal fact. John 10:10 God Bless

    Source(s): Jesus saves
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God is the God of rightness. If you don't put rightness first, it doesn't matter much what else you do.

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  • 8 years ago

    It also means not to worship or feel attachment material objects of wood, metal, stone ect. but we do a lot of that don't we.

  • Liddel
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Interesting misunderstanding.

    Peace with you,


  • 8 years ago

    it is that because it is one of the biggest sins in the whole world that he hates

  • 8 years ago

    astute observation, fine fellow! accolades will be showered upon you and your estate.

    Source(s): atheist, i daresay
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