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Why is it that in movies or tv stories, women are rarely shown carrying a handbag?

In the real world, we don't go anywhere without one -- but not in the movie/tv world. Is it because so many of these are made by men, who would not realize how important women's handbags are? What's your opinion?

20 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most directors are men, but a lot of wardrobe people are women. Then again, the director has the final say. I can think of a couple of reasons...

    1. A kind of Chekov's Gun - if the script doesn't call for the woman to take anything out of her handbag or put anything into it, in terms of the story, it doesn't make any sense for her to be carrying one.

    2. One item fewer for the props or wardrobe department to find, and one item fewer on the budget.

    3. One thing fewer for the continuity girl (who usually is a woman) to worry about - did the actress have the bag in her hand in the last take, but now she's got it hanging from her elbow? You can't use both takes in the edit without creating a continuity error. Sometimes shots are flipped left-to-right in post-production, and anything the actors are carrying on one arm or in one hand will appear to jump from one side to the other.

    Source(s): I've made a few short films (low budget and no budget) and of those with women in, I think only one of the women had a handbag. Guilty as charged...
  • 5 years ago

    I even have questioned approximately this, too. a number of them seem to navigate by way of scenes without keys or perhaps wallets. The exceptions are television classes consisting of "The closer" the place Brenda continually has her huge tote bag obtainable. i think so as that she will dig around finding for stuff or specifically cases only emptying it on any available table or table. She has to have her grant of chocolates obtainable and, of direction, the cellular telephone. Then there are the scenes wherein some thief grabs a woman's handbag and runs like the wind. handbags are mandatory in any different case it does no longer paintings.

  • 8 years ago

    Good call. I would never have noticed that, because I don't carry a purse if I can get away with it. But you're right, most women do. Have you ever noticed that when people talk on the phone on TV or in movies, they never say goodbye? They just hang up when their end of the conversation is over. Especially on soap operas. Watch and see if this isn't true.

  • 8 years ago

    There aren't that many women that carry handbags anymore. Most carry a clutch purse/wallet in their hands.

    The real world :a lot of it is due to violent purse snatchers. It's not just a big city problem anymore.

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  • 8 years ago

    I remember in the old TV serials, Alice & Trixie on the Honeymooners always had purses, so did Edith Bunker and Louise Jefferson on "All in the Family," but none of the women on TV today so either, although I have seen some men with them, just like in the subways.

  • 8 years ago

    I disagree!

    In "Days of Our Lives" they never go anywhere without a big handbag to dig into when the mobile goes off.

    Marlena has even had one under her arm around the house!!

    But as most viewers are women...... maybe there is a reason for it............. to make us feel they are real !!.

  • 8 years ago

    while movies and tv stories are just that, stories, I haven't used a "purse" in over 20 years. It's really very easy to do without. And I do live in the real world and I am a senior citizen. Why carry around all that stuff, it gives you a backache and makes you vulnerable to thieves.

  • Jodi D
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    When I was in high school, every girl had a purse of some kind. When my now-19-year-old was in high school, I noticed that almost none of the girls carried purses. I assumed their bookbags did double duty, but now I see that she and her friends still don't take handbags along when they go out. (Where do they keep their combs, tissues, etc.?) Maybe bags are just out of style these days, but somebody somewhere must be using them. I see racks full of very expensive designer bags when I go shopping.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I've noticed that and wondered the same thing. Robin is correct though - Sophia on Golden Girls carried that same handbag all around the house.

  • 8 years ago

    Because people in movies and tv are ALL rich. Rich women have their personal assistant carry their purse for them.

    Except for crime drama shows. ALL the women cops carry a purse. The victims, do not.

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