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Lv 6

Am I responsible for the actions of my father?

If he sins, am I to be punished for it?

Of course not.

So how can I be guilty for the actions of Adam and Eve?

It seems like a tool used to force guilt onto the masses.


But that doesn't make me responsible for his actions.

Just because you keep using the word "Sin" doesn't change the fact you are referring to an individual's actions. And you cannot blam a descendant for an ancestors actions. especially if the former is born after the latter dies.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    Im not sure if this will help or not but two points..We are not held responsible for the sin of Adam. Instead we are accountable for our own sins..However there is a big difference between our sin and Adams sin..Our sins may be forgiven us due to the ransom sacrifice..however Adam may not be forgiven..Also to illustrate how sin was passed on to adams descendants...consider a cake pan...if a cake pan falls and now has a dent in it..everycake make from the pan will have the dent in it...likewise as offspring of Adam we inherit sin...however..It is also noteworthy to know the first prophecy in the Bible at gen. 3:15 (symbolic language of course) this was prophecied right after their sin and is meant to be our means of being saved from sin...anymore questions..or if anything intrigued you..just email me at lamarr0711 and we can discuss matters one on one

    Source(s): Bible Knowledge
  • 8 years ago

    Of course U R!!!

    1) Tell me R U legally protected to receive ur father's wealth (Though U may not earned a single penny of that)? how about the financial Liabilities?

    2) R U enjoying a goodwill of your father's deeds among society? have u ever faced that a gud or bad character or health condition of ur father following exactly in you?

    3) The conscience and Spirit in you are also from ur parents only...!

    Lemme say in this way... If the genetical characteristics can be transfered from generation to generation, Y can't the Spiritual bondages or virtues also can't be continued?

    See Genesis 9:21 and 9: 24. (For the sin of Ham, his son is getting cursed.)

    Source(s): Bible: Genesis 9: 21- 24
  • 8 years ago

    According to God, we all are "imputed" with sin because of Adams fall in the garden. We are each responsible for our own sins because we are the ones who commit them. The bible says that "all have sinned"......"imputation" is the reason we sin. We sin because we are sinners by nature.

  • 8 years ago

    I know, stupid isn't it? What's even worse is how religious leaders are the ones who particularly enforce this guilt onto millions of people while sitting on billions of wealth. It's a pretty sick world when you think about it........

    Source(s): Atheist
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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Good question, but you wont get an asnwer from Christians, they will write why they have recited which does not make sense.

  • 8 years ago

    "A cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree."

  • 8 years ago

    qxzqxzqxz: BEST ANSWER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    but seriously tho, that whole story... ain't nobody got time fo dem fairytales

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