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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Why are all my Questions towards Libs be flagged?

I'm not sh*ting you all, yes ALL of my questions have been deleted that have been towards the Lib-Rats.

Can they not take what they dish out?

Is it do to a weak mind?

Are they trying to protect their poster boys lies?

Or hell is it all the above?


I know you Liberals and Democrats wont believe this but all my questions have been in good faith and respect.. I guess im asking to controversial of questions.. I don't come on here to bully the opposition just to either get a point across or to gain understanding as to how they think. Nothing more..

Update 2:

Lib-Rat= Liberal and Democrat not as the RAT as a rodent..

Update 3:

@_ Krista.. So you are telling me by using your logic that Liberals agree with Cons as well. and dont only want in your words "their opinions regurgitated"

Update 4:

Hey Libs so your telling me not to act like your fellow "Lincoln Was a RINO" by the comment he left me. right?

Update 5:

Again.. Lib- Rat is short for the Liberal Democratic Aligned..... Not an insult of a rodent.. Same way you guys call us Cons

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because it's All the above

    Source(s): yutsnark is basically chatting which is also violating the community rules lib rat is not permitted but tea tard apparently is.liberal hypocrisy right here
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There are some that can't take what they dish out, But you just asked this question and you are calling them Rats and rodent, So what do you expect, I personally don't flag anyone no matter what they say, I'm a man and I can Take it.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    the corporate media has not focused on this:

    John Harrison was halfway to a bachelor’s degree but financially strapped when Marine recruiters began calling him in 2007.

    His wife, Amanda Harrison, recalls their pitches: “Hey, there’s all these different ways to finish your degree and you don’t have to go into a lot of debt to do it.”

    That was perhaps true until last week, when the Marines told Sgt. Harrison, 26, that his college tuition would no longer be paid.

    “I was furious,” Amanda said. “So many of us cannot afford to pay out-of-pocket for our service members to go to school.”

    The Army, Air Force and Coast Guard followed suit by also suspending tuition assistance to tens of thousands of active-duty troops. A Navy spokesman told Yahoo News on Wednesday that possible changes to its tuition program would be announced by the end of the week.

    The plans reimburse service members $250 per semester hour, up to $4,500 a year, for off-duty college tuition.

    The military immediately blamed $85 billion in sequestration spending cuts that went into effect March 1.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Liberal trolls. Be sure to answer their riddle before crossing their bridge next time..

    In all seriousness, I have had a question removed then put back on and was emailed that whoever reported would have less influence the next time. It is a hassle to go through the repeal process and you are in danger of losing another 10 points but whoever reported your question won't be able to do as much damage the next time.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you call someone a Lib-Rat then you are completely out of line. How do you think Hitler justified murdering so many people? He and the country of Germany dehumanized Jewish people to such a degree that it became acceptable to destroy them.

    You should be punished for dehumanizing people the way you obviously do.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Maybe it is your disrespectful language.

    I am a Con but I don't resort to ad hominem name calling.

    My questions are almost never deleted.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Stop whining. I don't report or block anyone, but MANY republicans seem to only want to hear their own opinions regurgitatated back to them.

  • 8 years ago

    Many of your "questions" are not questions at all, but rather arguments and insults. Those violate community rules.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You are just another paranoid TeaTard.

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