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  • White liberal racial hypocrisy?

    To anyone that partakes in social media. We've all seen the dissatisfaction of Trump as a potential president. So much so that ppl are threatening to leave the country if he becomes president. However I've noticed a growing trend among posts such as these.. All you race baiting, white guilt, "hate Whitie white liberals. Are saying the same thing. You'll move to another predominantly white country.. The posts that anyone can see will say this exact think.. Canada, U.K, or Australia are the top picks.. But why.... What's wrong with Mexico or any Central or South American country.

    3 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • IPhone 5s help?

    When I'm texting, Siri says what I'm texting.. How do I turn this feature off.. I do not Remember turning this feature on. And now I can't find how to turn it off..

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans6 years ago
  • Which countries did the British Empire establish from the ground up?

    Let me be clear, I'm not asking about a transfer of power from an already established government to the British Empire (e.g. India) . Basically what I'm wanting to know is there any land grabs the British gained. That were not under control of an established government thus making way for a British born nation. (e.g. Canada, Australia, U.S.)

    Please no comments about " do your own homework" This is no way school related. I'm getting rather frustrated because I cannot find any info online as to what I'm directly looking for..

    5 AnswersHistory6 years ago
  • Is there an app for that?

    I'm wondering is there a mobile app that lists every possible city, county, state and of course national election dates, times, place, and candidates within the U.S. I'm talking about everything from board of education to US president. If not it would be nice for one to be made

    2 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Why is my cat obsessed with water?

    Ever since my cat was a kitten she has been obsessed with water. Although it's only on her terms. She will try to drink water out of a glass or knock it over, drinks out of the toilet if left open, gets in the shower with me (gets wet) not just on the edge of the tub, plays with dish water, knocks her water bowl over to play with it, and even walks outside in the rain.. Like I said its on her own terms. If I place the cat in any of these situations without her "approval" I get the basic claws out and fear to get away. She has plenty to drink or available at her disposal but she does not drink out of her bowl that much.. I thought it might be her wanting fresher water but I put that to the test and poured a glass of water. Left it out of reach for a week the Placed it where she could get it and behold she's drinking from it..

    Does anyone have these issues from your cat?

    4 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • Affordable Healthcare Act Question?

    I researched the penalty for not having health insurance and for the 1st year its %1 of earned income. If my wife and I file jointly on our income tax but only I have health insurance. Will our income as a whole be penalized for the %1 or just her earned income seeing that only I have health insurance? Should we not file jointly until she has insurance?

    Any help to clarify this would be great?

    5 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Affordable Healthcare Act question?

    I researched the penalty for not having health insurance and for the 1st year its %1 of earned income. If my wife and I file jointly on our income tax but only I have health insurance. Will our income as a whole be penalized for the %1 or just her earned income seeing that only I have health insurance? Should we not file jointly?

    Any help to clarify this would be great?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Why are left wing Americans protesting another countries laws?

    First I have to say this is not about gay bashing but rather an argument of a Countries own Sovereignty. While I disagree with gay morality I respect them as people and have no bothers with them getting married. I respect the several States law legalized their rights of marriage. Thus I acknowledge them as married under the law of that state.

    For my question.....

    Do far left Americans really think that they hold weight on the worlds stage?

    I read an article that Americans are protesting Russia's Anti-Gay Legislation.While I completely understand why they are protesting I can also understand them protesting in America about American gay rights, but to protest another country over what they see as legitimate in their eye is wrong. While you may disagree with their policies you have to remember, They have their own sovereignty with different ideals thus the reason country boarders were created in the first place. I do not see this having any effect on Russian policy what so ever.

    So whats your take on this issue.. Remember lets act like adults and discuss this in a peaceful manner..

    8 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do Libs and Black Minorities agree upon this?

    Zimmerman is "white" dispite him being half Hispanic and half white

    Could Zimmerman being called just white be the racist black and white guilt motivated feeling that any slight against any black person by a non black is racially motivated. No matter how actual evidence points to that not being the case what so ever..

    Hispanics also play the "race card" against whites.. After all they are accepted by the black community because they share the same dislike for white people.. also notice how latinos are the only non black group that can get away with saying the "N" word in the Street sense. without any raised eyebrows..

    I'm white and grew up in inner-city chicago so i have seen this happen my whole life..

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why are Libs and Black Minorities agreeing that......?

    Zimmerman is "white" dispite him being half Latino and half white

    Could Zimmerman being called just white be the racist black and white guilt motivated feeling that any slight against any black person by a non black is racially motivated. No matter how actual evidence points to that not being the case what so ever..

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do they(black people) say they are still being put down?

    When you look at it Black people have a better chance over a white person to make something of themselves with all the "Black Only" organizational help they get..

    Below is a list of all the "Black Only" organizations

    A Better Chance, Inc. (ABC)

    A. Philip Randolph Institute & A. Philip Education Fung

    African American Museum Association (AAMA)

    Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society

    Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc

    Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc

    Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.

    American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)

    American Association of Black in Energy (AABE)

    American Bridge Association (ABA)

    American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education

    American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI)

    American League of Financial Institutions (ALFI)

    Amistad Research Center

    Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Inc. (AEAONMS)

    Associated Black Charities

    Associated for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development

    Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools

    Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)

    Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)

    Association of Black Psychologists

    Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)

    Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE)

    Association of Minority Enterprises of New York (AMENY

    Audience Development Committee, Inc.

    Black Agency Executives (BAE)

    Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)

    Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)

    Black Filmmakers Foundation (BFF)

    Black Psychiatrists of America (BPA)

    Black Retail Action Group, Inc.

    Black Unites Front (National Black United Front NBUF)

    Black Women's Forum

    Black Women in Church and Society (BWCS)

    Black Women in Publishing (BWIP)

    Black Women's Network (Los Angeles

    Blacks in Government

    Booker T. Washington Foundation

    Business Policy Review Council

    Carats, Inc.

    Chums, Inc.

    Coalition of Black Trade Unionists

    Conference of Minority Public Administrators

    Conference of Prince Hall Grand Masters

    Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)

    Congressional Black Caucus

    Congressional Black Caucus Foundation,

    Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management

    Federation of Southern Cooperatives Land Assistance Fund

    Frontiers International, Inc

    International Association of Black Professional Fire Fighters

    International Black Writers

    Jack and Jill of America, Inc.

    Jackie Robinson Foundation

    Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies

    Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.

    Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

    Leadership Conference on Civil Rights

    Minority Business Enterprise Legal Defense and Education Fund

    Modern Free and Accepted Masons of the World, Inc.

    Most Worshipful National Grand Lodge and Accepted Ancient York Masons Prince Hall Origin National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)

    National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE)

    National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE)

    National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education

    National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc

    National Association of Black Accountants, Inc

    National Association of Black Catholic Administrators

    National Association of Black County Officials

    National Association of Black Journalists

    National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc

    National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters

    National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice

    National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (NACWC)

    National Association of Health Service Executives

    National Association of Investment Companies

    National Association of Minority Contractors

    National Association of Minority Media Executives

    National Black Child Development Institute

    National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials

    National Black Media Coalition

    National Black Nurses Association, Inc

    National Black Police Association, Inc

    National Black Republican Council

    National Black United Fund

    National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc

    National Conference of Black Political Scientists

    National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives

    Operation PUSH (Rainbow PUSH Coalition)

    Organization of Black Airline Pilots, Inc

    Southern Christian Leadership Conference

    Southern Poverty Law Center

    Tuskegee Airmen, Inc.

    United ***** College Fund

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Tell me what you think about this?

    Read and tell me what you think...I'll accept any creative criticism

    Cold, bitter lives ways we live.

    as too much, take not give

    Of all the things we create

    Swaths of land, we dominate

    Can't save face or hold our tongue

    No one cares that's the way its done

    Politics promise this and that

    Promises come, tip their hat.

    Blind hope we follow man

    Belief in GOD we all ban.

    Love lost for one another

    Hateful words is all we mutter.

    Think not we'll ever learn

    Wonder if we live to burn.

    So smart, but cant think twice

    End so close we'll pay the price.

    1 AnswerPoetry8 years ago
  • PLEASE HELP with wifi question?

    How do i change the name of my WiFi router. I know I must have been dropped as a baby lol

    2 AnswersComputer Networking8 years ago
  • Ever miss that "dial up" noise?

    How many of you miss that dial up noise..

    When writing this ? also thought of this.. How many people born in the yr 2000 even knows what that is?..

    Honestly I miss that sound.. I now have it as my ring tone..

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Gay question for the religious community?

    Before i get into my question I just want to let those know that I'm a christian.. I'm not for gay marriage but im not against it either.. I'm sitting this one out. Also i can't stand those Bible thumping, self righteous, finger pointing type of Christan's

    So what is more morally corrosive to society to kill someone or to be a homosexual?

    Bible never mentions that if you are gay that you can not go to heaven. So were do christians get the idea that they will go to hell for their actions but the Bible does mention that murderers cannot enter the kingdom of heaven..

    Is the real reason that most overly religious christians outcast or ridicule gay people is because they are a more easy target?

    I see no christians picketing a prison for all the murderers inside.. Nor do I see the overly Christians community openly outcasting gangs, thungs or other violent people. or is that the reason they don't openly "attack" those type of people is because they think they are to scary. While a gay person carries around a rainbow

    So whats worse in reality for society, Stan the gang banger or Stan that gets gang banged.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Whats a good Protein substitute for meat?

    My wife has recently decided to become a vegetarian and I am supporting her in her effort. I'm going to cut as much meat out of my diet as possible till she is completely comfortable with her new diet. If I like this new diet for myself I would keep on with it as well..

    So my question is what is the best substitute for for meat when concerning protein? Also is there anything else that I should eat to make up for the lose of fiber or nutrients found in meat?

    I would only like comments from those that are vegetarians or if you are 100% on what you are talking about.. Could you please give me a list of everything you can think of. Maybe a few good vegetarian recipe websites. All the help i could get would be great and much appreciated.

    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Why does people have a problem with?

    Before you Atheist start to down me and leave negative comments please read all the way through..

    Why do so many people have an Issue with Jesus?

    I can understand the problem that people have with the church. I have the same round about opinion as an Atheist when it comes to the Church. I cannot stand the Church because of the mark they have left on the world. With the power the church once had and to some degree still has.. They make you feel worthless unless you belong to them. which no one should be treated like that. People should not be treated as secondary people due to sexual orientation or belief system.

    By no means am I wanting to push my faith on you atheists. Nor am I wanting you to stop being an Atheist that's what you choose to be.. I respect your decision even though I might not agree with it..

    Although Jesus is contributed to teaching about faith, I know most if not all Atheist say Jesus never existed which your opinion is acknowledged and respected. I know that all Atheists see no point in believing in a GOD(s) that could not show proof of even his own existence to people that doubt him.

    With all this said could I ask some Atheists to try something for me.. Ignore the Idea of a higher power in the teachings that Jesus is contributed to. think of Jesus as a normal person without any link to GOD.. Which shouldn't be to hard for atheists to ignore seeing they don't believe in a higher power anyways.. Ignore all the GOD talk but take in just what he said about us acting towards each other. Read what Jesus is contributed to have taught and you will notice that what he teaches brings no harm in peoples lives. As in the way to treat others day to day.

    Also on another note have you noticed that people that have came though out time that have taught about peace and harmony and equality have been killed by the masses..

    Please no immature or disrespectful comments I think I have been quite respectful to you while asking this question and talking to you.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Could I be fired from work if?

    I recently discovered a porn video of a fellow female employee.. would there be any repercussions if I told someone at work?..Could I be fired for showing someone at work or should I keep it to myself?

    My thought process would be, how could I get in trouble if she put it out there? If she didn't want people to know then why would she put it online. She acknowledges the camera so its not hidden.. BUT she might not know that it was put online.. Should I tell her just in case she doesn't know so she can have it deleted?

    What should I do?

    9 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Why do black people hold to the Idea to slavery so strongly but?

    Why bo black people feel so strong about slavery as if this generation was freed from slavery but they align themselves with the very political party that sought to keep them slaves at the time..

    And before people attack me on this cause i know they will.. follow my thought process please

    A black person gets angry over a conversation of slavery even though slavery was a long time ago.

    While slavery was along time ago so was the Ideals of the political party that sought to keep them slaves. But if a lot of black people fell so strong about slavery why not feel the same way about the political party..

    Please no stupid answers from both sides.. I'm just wanting to understand.. I would prefer to hear the opinion of a black person on this too..

    Now I know that I will get people that say "that was a long time ago"

    7 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago
  • Why are all my Questions towards Libs be flagged?

    I'm not sh*ting you all, yes ALL of my questions have been deleted that have been towards the Lib-Rats.

    Can they not take what they dish out?

    Is it do to a weak mind?

    Are they trying to protect their poster boys lies?

    Or hell is it all the above?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago