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Gay question for the religious community?

Before i get into my question I just want to let those know that I'm a christian.. I'm not for gay marriage but im not against it either.. I'm sitting this one out. Also i can't stand those Bible thumping, self righteous, finger pointing type of Christan's

So what is more morally corrosive to society to kill someone or to be a homosexual?

Bible never mentions that if you are gay that you can not go to heaven. So were do christians get the idea that they will go to hell for their actions but the Bible does mention that murderers cannot enter the kingdom of heaven..

Is the real reason that most overly religious christians outcast or ridicule gay people is because they are a more easy target?

I see no christians picketing a prison for all the murderers inside.. Nor do I see the overly Christians community openly outcasting gangs, thungs or other violent people. or is that the reason they don't openly "attack" those type of people is because they think they are to scary. While a gay person carries around a rainbow

So whats worse in reality for society, Stan the gang banger or Stan that gets gang banged.


Yes i did just ask this but i reworded some things..

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you are absolutely correct. I myself I not gay and I don't support nor degrade people for being gay. I am still a sinner and being gay is a sin but we all sin. However are God is a richus God and if we ask he will forgive us for I sins

    Source(s): Christian
  • 8 years ago

    In your question, you ask what is more morally corrosive to society, killing someone or to be a homosexual? You also state that you are a Christian and indicated that you are not against same sex marriage. I say this without malice toward you, but the thing that is most morally corrosive to society is saying you are something and come out with a statement that is contrary to what you say you believe in (In the bible it's called a hypocrite). A Christian could not be for or ambivalent about gay marriage. Civil unions are another issue. Caesar can do what he wants regarding the civil law, but God defined what marriage is.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    In California the state I live in people have voted down gay marriage more than once but each time it is brought back up and they are trying to force it on us against the people's will. It is clear the people have decided. IMO, Marriage is not about getting inheritance rights, marriage is not about taxes, marriage is not about any of these legal things. Marriage is not about homosexuality any more than it is about adultery. It is between a man and a woman.

    I DON'T hate homosexual people; I think they need to repent and be saved as we ALL do if we have not already; but people constantly bring the subject up and expect some kind of response. So, I'll just be honest and consistent and say it is still wrong as it was 2000 years ago. For people who hate me for speaking my mind; oh well ...

  • James
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    In Leviticus 18:22 God calls homosexuality an abomination. Pretty straight forward there. In Romans 1:20- 32 God goes into more detail about it. And in verse 32 plainly tells us that those who do such things are worthy of the death. I Timothy 1:10 and I Corinthians 6:9 pretty plainly tells us that they shall not inherit the kingdom of God -- which means, by deduction, they will go to hell, if they do not repent.

    It is a very serious issue in the eyes of God -- so serious that he destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament because of their religious/political corruptions and for their sexual perversity. This is why they call the act of two men having sex together sodomy. God does not change -- He is eternal. His ways are eternal. This will never change, no matter what social progressivism/liberals try to do to this country.

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  • Liz
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    A lot of Christians back it up with Adam and Eve. God made Eve for Adam because he was lonely. God also says to be fruitful and multiply many times. In the new testament, Apostle Paul mentions the wife submitting to the husband.

    I think the real question is, are we true followers of Christ? Are we loving people even though we may not agree.

  • 8 years ago

    I am a very devout Christian and I have dedicated my entire life to God. I don't gays, I just believe that they are living outside of God's plan for his people. The Bible says that we are all guilty, hell-deserving sinners who need Jesus Christ to save us. I'm a sinner, just like every other born-again Christian, but Jesus saved me, so my sins are washed away. Homosexuality is no worse that lying, stealing, pre-marital sex, etc.. The Bible nowhere states that a saved person must stop sinning, because that is impossible. If you had to stop sinning to be saved, then every human being would have to go to hell. That's why Jesus died on the cross, because of his Passion and death, all that is necessary for heaven in belief in Jesus Christ.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What would picketing a prison for murderers inside solve? Their crimes are already illegal. I'm a gay person but your argument is very poor. You should refine your arguments before you go about defending homosexual rights.

  • 8 years ago

    I didn't know a question could be gay.

    Does the question become gay by nurture or by nature? Does the question choose to be gay?

  • 8 years ago

    You asked this already -_-

  • 8 years ago

    Didn't you just ask this?

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