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Lv 7
? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPoetry · 8 years ago

Will you read Poem #2 of The Time Machine; The Fugitive, and help improve my poetry?

All C.C. and/or comments are welcome. This is Poem #2 in The Time Machine Series, written in a narrative prose. My intent is to also give clues on the tie-in to the Sir Thomas de Charney series, as both stories move forward. Note: Any religious references are part of the experience of John Taylor and are not meant to convert anyone to a certain faith. Thanks for your input. Thomas


The Time Machine series

Poem #2

The Fugitive

I have been at large now for over two years, on the run

From not only the United States government, but the world

Includes every major corporation interested in wealth and power

Is due to my invention, what I have; It is called - The Time Machine

I would tell you who I was, but it will only put you in grave danger

When a nobody insofar as my inventing prowess, I changed who I was

For protection, myself and loved ones; I became inventor John Taylor

Originally, The Time Machine was a prodigious success; you may know?

Invented to do good for the world, others wanted it for evil and power

More than just contrivance and puffery, this was reality; time travel

The past two years have been entrancing, original plan was scrapped

The Time Machine no longer philanthropic; will still change the world

Some modifications and profound improvements have become manifest

I can now travel alone if needed, but also by an arrant ulterior tunnel

A.D. 2525

I have known adventures you would not believe unless seen for yourself

Attack ships on fire off a shoulder of an inselberg on the coast of Tripoli

I’ve watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gate fortress

Moments lost in time, tears in rain, absconded by The Time Machine

A.D. 31

Off the coast of the Sea of Galilee, I had attested a man named Jesus

I saw miraculous healing of the sick, He changed me; for another time

Once, I saw him talking, he said he was saving a sick and dying man

Jesus did not heal his illness, instead saved him of Eternal separation

From The Kingdom of Heaven ! Why did Jesus say he saved the man?

Then he does not cure him of the disease the man was dying from

I approached the afflicted man, who showed joy but was clearly ill

I gave the man penicillin to see if this might ameliorate him

Within hours the man, named Patricus, was cured, cheerful and exultant

Subsequent to this astonishing event, another amazing thing bechanced

Jesus of Nazareth welcomed me and invited me to join them for supper

Fellowship with he and his disciples? No, but advised I must exit forthwith

I told Jesus that I would return again soon and eat with him – I now regret

Jesus handed me a sealed scroll or parchment, smiled and walked away

I got back to the Time Machine; was hidden in brush about a mile away

This scroll; I must read what Jesus wrote, the one they call The Messiah

I broke the seal, opened the sheepskin and looked at the message

It was in Latin, yet, I could read the words that Jesus had scribed

“Thomas, by faith you have been saved in accordance of my Father’s will

I filled you with the Holy Spirit and you were used to save Patricus

Soon I promise the Holy Spirit will indwell in you until I lift you up

All of these things will be in due time Thomas. I love you. I Am

Stunned, I was blown away by this note still in my tenure to this day

I hopped in the TM, Switched to On, Present Time, then July 12, 2069

As I was looking at a constant change of scenery, my thoughts changed

Impulsively I gave thought to a descendant that I have been studying

Captivated by research I conceived- I may pay this time period a visit

Reading tales about him in the Holy Land were incredible, even heroic

This Mission and use of TTM was never to change course of the world

Rather, to help people in dire need and change the hearts of man

My descendants name is:

Their enemy, a tribe known as the Saracens, knew him as “Al Thom”

A religious order I now recall the Christians knew him as:

Sir Thomas de Charney

(To be continued)


Authors note:

The third stanza was inspired by Roy Batty in his

last scene before he died in the movie Blade Runner.

TTM = The Time Machine



Meg: Thank you so much for your answer. It means so much. Please consider the thumb's down a blessing. The thumb's up are rewarding, but the TD's speak so much of those who administer them. I hope to see you again. :) Thomas


Update 2:

Peter: Thanks so much for you answer, very concise and to the point. Glad to see you poems more frequently.

Elys: Thanks for answer and book reference. Will check it out. TLM today? Average down?


Update 3:

Awe..Roann, thanks for reading this. Yes, your are most correct...He. Many thanks Thomas


Update 4:

Echo: Thanks for your answer. In this world one will pay if they stand up for righteousness in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He even said "Because of my name you will be persecuted (suffer)" - there is no getting around it, unless one is the kind of Christian that hides from the truth and lives by worldly standards. I choose to follow His Eternal Light, and if it means being a target in this life, so be it. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13) Thomas


Update 5:

Echo: Thanks for your answer. In this world one will pay if they stand up for righteousness in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He even said "Because of my name you will be persecuted (suffer)" - there is no getting around it, unless one is the kind of Christian that hides from the truth and lives by worldly standards. I choose to follow His Eternal Light, and if it means being a target in this life, so be it. "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:13) Thomas


10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have read all 3 and am suitably impressed Thomas.. You have a gift and in my mind i can "see" what you have written, by the way you have written it. This one in particular, speaks volumes to me. I love the concept of Time travel. I imagine where i would visit myself if only.. I love the adventure of this poem and the reality of what such a machine would do to society. Some would use it for good... and some... well... perhaps not... lol. I guess in Time.. we all meet Jesus. (-:

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Time Machine Poem

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You need to send these to a publisher

    I enjoyed the read and think this would make a great book.

  • 12345
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Wonderful story.

    It's always better to stand by what you believe in - although you may end up as an outcast.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 8 years ago

    I like the story. You could write that you found some mention of yourself in the Bible, after you met Jesus, and then returned to your present time.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Well, I have not read all your previous poems from either series but I love what I read here. It kept my interest the whole time. It's strangely believable too in a way, for instance where you mentioned others wanted it for evil and power. I believe if there WAS a time machine, then that would really be an issue.

    Edit: I don't understand the thumbs down! Ha ha. I am giving my honest opinion.

    Source(s): You are gifted.
  • 8 years ago

    Then you must read Michael Moorcock's "Behold the Man"...this book remains one of my all-time favorite about what you have just written.

  • 8 years ago

    You, Sir Thomas, are a man of faith and I salute you.

    I would only change "he" to He" and "him" to "Him"...

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    FAR OUT! Love it!

  • 8 years ago

    i think i like this sounds good title for movie,,,,A

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