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The Tories class people like this as skivers, what do you think?

It kind of makes a mockery of we're all in this together and that people out of work are skivers and therefore deserved to hammered into the ground.


Other things the Mirror said before the last election.

The Tories will raise VAT to 20%

Cameron in talks with Nurses For Reform a group who wish to privatise the NHS.

Tories to attack the disabled.

That's just a few things and they were spot on.

Update 2:

Kit Fang, this is not the first person with cancer that ATOS has deemed fit for work. As for the 50p tax rate not making any money, the reason for that is simple. When new tax rates are put in place, wealthy business people can defer their tax for a year, which is what they did. If the 50p rate was kept in place then we would now be benefiting. It can also be said that if it wasn't making any money, then people were using tax loopholes, therefore the loopholes should be closed. The final point on this is if people were avoiding the 50p rate, the same people will avoid the 45p rate, or do you think that all of a sudden they will say, whoppee do, only 45p now, I don't mind paying that. Don't think so some how.

Update 3:

me again. No doubt there are people that work the benefit system, but the vast majority don't. We have a duty in this country to give help to those that clearly need it, the person in the article clearly needs it. For the Tories to band everyone not in work as skivers is disgusting as the vast majority want to work and others (as in this case) are unable to work. It should be remembered that this disgusting coalition is responsible for hundreds of thousands of people losing their jobs, so they've creating many of these so called "skivers".

12 Answers

  • Jas B
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nothing changes with the Tories, they have been saying the same thing for decades:

    "I couldn't live without work. That's what makes me so sympathetic towards those people who are unemployed. I don't know how they live without working. This was from a Tory Prime Minister who saw unemployment rise to 3 million" Margaret Thatcher

    We are told we must work and use our talents to create wealth. “If a man will not work he shall not eat” wrote St Paul to the Thessalonians... Any set of social and economic arrangements which is not founded on the acceptance of individual responsibility will do nothing but harm. We are all responsible for our own actions. Margaret Thatcher 1988 speech to the Church of Scotland General Assembly

    "If higher unemployment is the price we have to pay in order to bring inflation down, then it is a price worth paying." Norman Lamont, former Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer

    "The homeless are what you step over when you come out of the opera," Cameron's former Conservative cabinet minister Sir George Young

    Cameron spelt it out during the Conservative conference last October when he said "there is only one real route out of poverty and it is work" spelling out clearly that if you happen to be one of the 2.5 million who are out of work then poverty is all you can expect.

    Maybe if we had full or near full employment the comment would not be so distasteful. However as one of that 2.5 million, who for the first time in my life find myself unable to find a job after 2 years and hundreds of job applications, very many for minimum wage, it sickens me that they show such contempt, but it does not surprise me.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I feel the government should create business opportunities and jobs. People cannot physically get a job in their town if there aren't any! However people can commute yet refuse to because it means more hassle. Some genuine people on benefits want to work but can't and there are the skivers who want everything for nothing. When all said and done we will always need the wealthy and the poor to make the world go round. If everyone was rich, no one would work and if everyone was poor the benefits would stop as no money would be generated for tax etc.

  • 8 years ago

    There has clearly been a mistake made with the lady's claim - someone with cancer, especially those receiving treatment, can not be classed fit to work for obvious reasons. That is unfortunate and obviously should be rectified, but that doesn't mean we should continue to pay out hundreds of pounds a week (more than many workers earn) to those who think having a bad back is an excuse for not working. And clearly as someone who has worked most of their life, this lady is not who Osborne refers to as "sleeping off a life on benefits" (though I must say I lived on less than £60 a week, and the tv licence/new clothes were the first things to go, so my sympathy is a little reduced for this lady). I would also say that she has been badly advised - she should be able to gain a number of benefits, such as carer's allowance for looking after her mum, not just disability living allowance, but seems unaware of this.

    The article is also purposefully missing the point of the tax cuts for the richest. The 50% tax rate wasn't earning any money - people who know what they are talking about (economists and mathematicians, not journalists) predict that cutting the top rate of tax will actually increase the amount of money the government earns from the richest, who anyway already foot the majority of the tax bill. Encouraging rich people to come to this country will also help everyone, as it is rich people who start businesses and employ people, and pay the majority of the taxes.

    To say ordinary people did nothing to cause the financial crisis is also populist nonsense. Ordinary people are just as much to blame as anyone else. Ordinary people voted in politicians who promised increased spending without corresponding increases in tax. Ordinary people lived their lives on the gamble that tomorrow would be better than today, taking out mortgages they couldn't really afford, buying everything on credit, not keeping money set by for a rainy day. And that is why the financial crisis won't really ever be solved until ordinary people change how they live - we need to live within our means both as a country, and as individuals. We need to make cuts, unfortunately sometimes mistakes will be made and there need to by systems in place to rectify those mistakes, but that's no reason to abandon any attempt at sorting out our spending.

    And the dig at the Queen is just irrelevant.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I have to say, some people answering on YA are either stupid or they are deaf and blind.

    We have the indisputable fact - millionaires and Billionaires have quadrupled since 2008 - the start of the credit crunch.

    Today Barclay's announce - £40 million bonus pay to its top 9 pigs. If we did not bail out the banks Barclays would crash. I know we didnt bail out Barclays but by propping up the other banks we prop up Barclays.

    The bankesters caused the economical crash putting millions of people out of work ...........

    yet you still get people who concentrate on slagging off people who draw Benefit money ???? WE need bankers in jail - corrupt politicians busted, shamed and jailed and the officials in the EU - Lagarde and her crew wages halved or shut the EU down.

    There are people who live in luxury who do not earn or do anything contributing to society but they have the power to set their own pay and bonuses - these are the ones to start hitting.

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  • 8 years ago

    Are you surprised? These poisonous moneyed filth have not merely not changed since Thatcher, they have not changed since the Industrial Revolution. Ebenezer Scrooge is quite clearly alive and flourishing.

    This reminds me of the despicable 'relieving officers' of the inter war years, who were known to tell First World War veterans to sell odd treasured souvenirs and bits of trench art before they would grant them ten bob a week to live on, and the sadistic genius who had the idea of deducting the cost of the blanket or hammock a serviceman was buried in from the balance of a bob a day due to their next of kin.

    We will not make this country a fit place for the majority of its people to live in until we have buried Toryism so deep, and with a stake through its evil heart, that it can never rise again.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Another nasty Tories story. This feature is designed to make it impossible for the reader to reach any other conclusion. One thing that never ceases to baffle me is how the media finds people who are genuinely hard done by but in REAL LIFE I know people on the sick who think nothing of frittering a hundred quid a week on fags, alcohol, takeaways and other pointless things like the latest gadgets.

  • 8 years ago

    Like the Sun and Daily Mail the Mirror only publishes nonsense.

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Typical Tories, bash the poor and cosset the rich.

  • 8 years ago

    There are jobs out there if you go and look for them, so yes a lot of people are skivers and scroungers.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The MIRROR would say that, left wing.

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