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what are the pros and cons of growing squash on a trellis?

Also, what varieties have more heat tolerance (routinely upper 90s, occasoinal 100s)

and what varieties turn the fastest from green to an attractive color?

(for ornamental purpouses)

3 Answers

  • XTX
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    === these photos will give you some ideas == == and this will also help you === == another site is garden that has good info .......

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    squash grow fast anyway and they usually dont have a long productive period especially if the fruit isnt cut off young and on a regular basis almost daily .. .. the pros are it can save space and look nice .. the cons will be your going to have to give it constant attention to train it on a trellis and also in some cases, depending where your at and time of year ect, getting vegetables up higher on a trellis means more things will find them to eat them and bore holes into them ...

    ..with the heat, squash plants i dont think mind heat itself, the problem is once it gets hot and humid fungis and mildew will set in very easily on squash, so early season is better when its not full heat and wet .. depends where you live and your climate im sure plays into that ..

    .. look into trombetta squash .. they do well naturally on a trellis or support ..

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    One pro is the fruit is off the ground, and out of the reach of slugs.

    One con is the weight of the fruit will cause the stem to get pinched and stop water/nutrients from reaching it. The fruit must be supported as it grows. (I've used a ladies nylon shocking to do it with some success.)

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