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Why do you believe profit is evil?

All businesses have expenses and revenues. That's reality.

When they make more money then what they pay for their costs, that's what profit is.

Quoting from Wikipedia:

In accounting, profit is the difference between the purchase and the component costs of delivered goods and/or services and any operating or other expenses.

If a business doesn't make a profit, it would be broke, and go out of business. Fact!

Now when businesses do make profit's, they can spend that in a wide variety of way's:

1. Hire more people

2. Buy New Equipment

3. Repair Existing Equipment

4. Save for Rainy Day/Emergency Fund

5. Grow the Business

6. Etc.

Profit is essential to the growth of our economy.


Without profit, there is no economy, because no one could afford to hire or grow their businesses.

Now you may think that how companies spend or use that profit is unwise, or may not be the choice you'd make.


Unless, your a shareholder in the company/business, then you have some say, how they spend their money. And most companies that have shareholder's, spend profit by giving dividend's to the shareholder's to encourage them to keep investing.

Somehow in the last 30 year's, we've been told business and profit and money are evil. And that's really sad.

Because without those 3, we'd have no private job's, all employment would be at the beset of the government, which isn't perfect, and isn't incorruptible.

Now I'm not saying there aren't bad companies or poorly managed companies, or really dumb companies out there. But until they commit a crime or do something illegal, how they spend their profit or money is none of our business.

So let me ask you, why do you feel or perceive profit or money as evil?

Thank you for your time.


Fair answer, Chemist. I don't like it either when they outsource or break up companies. But that is really a sign, that government's local, city, state and federal have to do a harder job of encouraging business to grow and exist. When our taxes and policies raise costs too much, they will move or go elsewhere.

Other's: I didn't mean to imply that everyone believed profit was evil, Was just asking those who did, why they did.

Everyone: Thank you for your answers.

P.S. I love Dexter's Labratory, funny cartoon :P

12 Answers

  • N
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're right, "they can spend that in a wide variety of way's" However, they don't.

    Corporations are setting on record profits while slashing wages and cutting benefits.

    The problem isn't the profit, it's the greed, the lust for excess profit.

  • 8 years ago

    4. Save for Rainy Day/Emergency Fund

    Many corporations take their profit and stash it away. Think apple which had like a $100b+ emergency fund at one point(they weren't the only one with crazy emergency funds).

    This in itself is not necessarily bad but it's not how the system was built to have that amount of capital sitting on the sidelines. Years ago when we setup a capitalistic society computers and globalization that we see today didn't really exist. Over the last few decades you've seen single individuals take small ideas and make them billion dollar a year world-wide companies in less than 5-10 years(facebook,twitter, MS, Google, etc).

    In the past you could create big companies as well. But the scale of a google with those profit margins would be impossible without hiring a ton of people. eg if google gets a million more customers they need some more servers to handle traffic but that's it really. If somebody selling a physical product had a million new customers it'd create a LOT of jobs AND the profit margin of the company selling physical items would be way less. Extrapolate this out over tons of companies and you have a lot of companies, making a lot of money, not creating a lot of jobs, at huge profit margins that they aren't reinvesting back into the economy.

    I'm not saying profit is evil. But the move to automation and huge profit margins that aren't getting reinvested is why we have an unemployment crisis. There's a simple solution, we just tax the profits more and spend it through the govt or through tax breaks. Many people see this as anti-american dream but part of the american dream is the ability to get a job as well. We have millions of people sitting around unproductive not benefiting society when there's things they could be doing

  • 8 years ago

    Why is it that any criticism of the system today is being construed as an attack on the very idea of capitalism?

    I don't think profit is evil. I don't think surgeons should make the same salary as garbagemen.

    What I don't think is right, or sustainable, is that profit margins should increase, while salaries remain stagnant.

    I don't think any executive is worth in an hour what their average worker is worth in a month.

    I don't think it's sane that a single family in America (the Waltons) can accumulate as much wealth as 30% of the population.

    Not to mention the endemic corruption in the system as money is now a tool to buy and sell politicians

    Yes, by all means. You have an idea, you market it, you work hard. The system should rewards you for that. No problem.

    But that shouldn't entitle you to the whole damn cake and it should especially not entitle you to decide how the whole system works for the guy who comes after you and tries to do the same thing.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No one says profits are wrong, let alone evil. Thats a false belief of the right.

    As to it being none of our business...well not so much, it becomes our business when we give them tax breaks or subsidies to take certain actions that benefit the country in general, like increasing employment or keeping their facilities in this country.

    The cost of doing business is a tax deduction.

    If we keep giving them the subsidies or deductions when they aren't doing what we gave them those subsidies and deductions for, then they should be removed. If they want to sit on their profits and not invest in either people or machinery, that's fine, but why continue to plump up their cushions at the expense of the public? If they don't take our money, they can do whatever they want, then it is none of our business. Till then it is.

    But no, its not evil, its not even bad, money is money in and of itself its not got a morality.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Lib here - profit is good

    But profits based on breaking up companies and shipping jobs to China like Romney did are not good.

    but new products that people want - cool

    Much rather work at a profitable company than one not making money

    I hope this was of use

  • 8 years ago

    You aren't going to get any answers from people who actually believe profit is evil. This is because strawmen only exist in the minds of the people who made them up. There are no real strawmen out there on Y! answers who can answer this question. They only exist in your mind and the minds of other delusional cons.

  • 8 years ago

    I never understood people with this argument. If you don't like being low on the food chain, then go work your way to the top. That's why capitalism works, because it creates competition, and forces people to strive and go up.

  • 8 years ago

    Simple, you say that I believe that I perceive profit or money as evil? But I don't therefor your argument is invalid. Good day sir.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Profit is bad because it does not allow for spreading of the wealth. I blame Bush personally for America being so greedy and racist.

  • 8 years ago

    I view companies as dangerous, not evil...

    Because the ones that commit atrocities get away with it, why?

    Because they're rich... no other reason.

    The absolute worst capitalism has to offer.

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