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  • How can I live life more fully?

    I have a life long history of reading books, playing with computers and video games, and basically staying inside, being anti-social basically all my 50 years of life.

    I am alone, unemployed, but want to rebuild my life, I want to have experiences that make my life fuller.

    I live in Minnesota, and hope to find way's to live life, meet more people, and make my life more worth while.

    Thank you to everyone who answers.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why not remember the word's of MLK? And be a unified nation again.?

    I am not saying there aren't hateful or rude people on any side of any party.

    But why do the democrat's viciously attack anyone who disagree's or doesn't support their belief's?

    I personally am rather sad at this situation.

    It is so tiring this endless vicious attacking each other.

    Is individual liberty so unrespected, that they can not tolerant people's right to disagree?

    Is what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's word's so unlistened to?

    MLK is known for his words and dream's of us being unified, and free, and brining love.

    Instead the Liberal Democrat's have done more to divide our nation, to help identify and weaken us as one nation.

    I am not saying any of us are perfect or flawless.

    But when oh when will we find a middle ground, and make America a nation that can fulfill all our dreams and hopes?

    I honestly think there are great and good people in both parties.

    We do have real problems, but so many lies are made up, viciously attacking each other, we only make ourselves weaker for our enemies.

    And we do have enemies...

    But here are some of the word's of Dr. King's speech that I have always found so moving.

    Thank you for your time.

    And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream.

    I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."

    I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

    I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

    I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.

    I have a dream today!

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why do you believe profit is evil?

    All businesses have expenses and revenues. That's reality.

    When they make more money then what they pay for their costs, that's what profit is.

    Quoting from Wikipedia:

    In accounting, profit is the difference between the purchase and the component costs of delivered goods and/or services and any operating or other expenses.

    If a business doesn't make a profit, it would be broke, and go out of business. Fact!

    Now when businesses do make profit's, they can spend that in a wide variety of way's:

    1. Hire more people

    2. Buy New Equipment

    3. Repair Existing Equipment

    4. Save for Rainy Day/Emergency Fund

    5. Grow the Business

    6. Etc.

    Profit is essential to the growth of our economy.


    Without profit, there is no economy, because no one could afford to hire or grow their businesses.

    Now you may think that how companies spend or use that profit is unwise, or may not be the choice you'd make.


    Unless, your a shareholder in the company/business, then you have some say, how they spend their money. And most companies that have shareholder's, spend profit by giving dividend's to the shareholder's to encourage them to keep investing.

    Somehow in the last 30 year's, we've been told business and profit and money are evil. And that's really sad.

    Because without those 3, we'd have no private job's, all employment would be at the beset of the government, which isn't perfect, and isn't incorruptible.

    Now I'm not saying there aren't bad companies or poorly managed companies, or really dumb companies out there. But until they commit a crime or do something illegal, how they spend their profit or money is none of our business.

    So let me ask you, why do you feel or perceive profit or money as evil?

    Thank you for your time.

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Athiests, I respect your desire to not be proselytized, however you are also proselytizing.?

    No one like's to have other people rudely push their ideas, way's, belief's onto other people.

    Proselytization, I believe is very wrong-headed and rude approach to solving social issues.

    If you wish to have your right to live your life as you wish to live it, respected. Wouldn't it be considerate and nice to also respect other people's right's to live as they wish?

    I am not saying that there hasn't been a lot of religious persecution out there, and it wasn't right, and it isn't very nice.

    However, I don't think pushing atheism onto people is right either.

    I think all people's have the right to believe as they want, and other people should respect their differences, and mostly don't bother people who they differ with.

    What I see, in Yahoo Answer's, isn't an approach by many to seek wisdom and understanding.

    Mostly it's a, anyone who disagree's with me, I am rude too, and it get's kind of offensive on all sides.

    You do not have to support or agree with anyone else's point of view, but why not provide some common decency?

    I myself was raised jewish, and at age 50 I am not that religious, but mostly I just feel sad at all the hatred and disrespect that I see.

    It's kind of sad.

    As a jew, I am used to being irrationally persecuted, and maybe because of that I am sensitive to other people being wrongly hurt or punished.

    I know this isn't an ideal world, but why can't we try once in a while to just show common decency and some love and kindness.

    Isn't that preferable to the endless fighting and arguing, that really is just very pointless and goes nowhere?

    Thank you for your time.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How to keep shirt collar's stiff without ironing?

    I'll admit I never learned to iron, and I never liked to do it. So I haven't.

    However, I am getting sick of my shirt's being so curving, and getting out of shape.

    Is there some spray or something you can put in the collar's when washing them, to get them to stay stiff?

    I am unwilling to iron, so there has to be a solution for us bachelor/lazy guys :)

    Thank you.

    5 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • I am tired of Minnesota and wish to move, any suggestions best places?

    I have lived in Minnesota most of my life, and I just want to find my own place, away from relatives.

    But I can't stand hot weather, deserts, or high taxes.

    I want to find a new state, with low taxes, friendly people.

    I also want a place that has a lot of book stores.

    And has some tech industries in it.

    Atm I am considering: Wyoming or Alabama.

    Both sound good, but I worry about the weather in Alabama, and the loneliness of Wyoming.

    Sadly, I am too much of a hermit, and is hard for me to go out and meet people.

    So I want to sell my townhome and move to a state that has a good community, good job growth, bookstores, and low tax rates.

    I know I am being picky, but I would value any suggestions.

    Thank you for your time.

    7 AnswersOther - United States8 years ago
  • Does anyone want to work together to solve actual problems?

    We do have a wide degree of real problems in America and the world.

    But me personally, I'd rather work with you all in the ways we do agree, instead of all the arguments.

    Are you more interested in: Proving your right or Demanding other people agree with you.

    Isnt that very unproductive?

    Cant we as people find some common grounds to be civil and start the work of solving our problems?

    Thank You

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Why cant' we discover our commonality vs our differences?

    I'm truly saddened watching the endless atheism vs religious arguments, because it goes no where.

    It's become more about proving who's right, then having a better society that has room for all sides.

    And instead of being about let's make a better world, it's become about tearing down the next guy or gal because they don't agree with you.

    Atheists have a solid beef, because most organized religions are about proselytizing which is very rude and disrespectful of people's right to believe as they wish. And if you want to believe the moon is full of cheese, i really don't care and it's really no one's business.

    Religious people tend to want to respect their values, their families and preserve the kind of communities they grew up in, and they want to preserve their heritages passed on to from their own parents or teachers. But many religious people have been severely persecuted through the ages, and so while there are some really bad apples out there most 90% are just normal nice people who want to have a safe, friendly and happy life.

    There's good and bad in both sides, no one's perfect.

    That's one of the things I loved about the i loved about American Schoolhouse Rock.

    Watch that...

    See we are all welcome to live our lives in freedom and happiness, if we can get along and give each other common decency.

    I am not asking you to pretend that evil or badness doesn't exist, but goodness also exists, and it's really time for us to grow up and grow the goodness and stop dwelling on the bad.

    Live free...

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why is do people act without grace or civility anymore?

    I admittedly love to discuss a wide variety of topics here on Yahoo! Answers.

    But what sadden's me, is that people can't disagree with one another without using vulgarity or cursing.

    How can we earn each other's respect, if we can't respect our differences.

    If we can't communicate with grace and civility, to show that we can get along even if we disagree.

    Voltaire said it best.

    "I may disagree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

    I am not expecting people to be perfect or not real, but isn't all this angry divisiveness a sign that our culture has lost touch with those common bonds that unite and unify us?

    Is there no room to acknowledge our mutual respect and love and kindness?

    Thank you for listening to my weird question :)

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Can we ever be a unified America again?

    I admit, I love discussing politics, as much as the next person.

    And I am not asking that you agree or disagree with any of my points.

    But it is just sad that there is so much hatred and anger, there are a lot of amazing people in America, amazing places.

    I wish sometimes that there was a way for us to remember those thing's that unify us, and make us greater.

    9-11 was on my birthday, so i suspect I will never forget it.

    But I was also rather proud of how we became a nation united again.

    We are all people, prick us and we bleed, we have far more thing's in common then what we will ever have uncommon.

    Is there any room in your heart to love America, and to find common ground?

    John F. Kennedy gave his great speech, about what you can do for your country.

    I ask, are we not healthier and happier a unified country instead of one that is always bickering and arguing.

    Is there no room for civility and manner's?

    Thank you.

    12 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Democrats, what famous right-wingers do you respect?

    I really liked the question asked of conservatives, who they liked or respected. So I am asking all of you, which of the republicans/right wingers do you like or have liked?

    I wish i could mention a good republican comedian, but I couldn't find anything other than this 1/2 hour new's show that was on Fox in 2007.

    Here is a link to the other question.;_ylt=AvHWU...

    10 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How can I find hope and find a reason to live again?

    I am 49 year's old, and have had a very not so happy life.

    I was born with several birth defects, ear/jaw disformity and a form of dwarfism called hypopituitarism.

    At a very young age, 5, I was told I would never be able to have kids, that I would die young and probably be mentally retarded.

    I was always the shortest kid in school, and when I got into Junior High School life got really hell like for me.

    Because while everyone else was going through puberty, I wasn't, and wasn't able to, because of my pituitary problems. So I felt more and more alien-like to those people who I wanted to be like.

    And because of this I attracted my share of bullies.

    In the last 5 years of my life, thing's have gotten worse.

    4 years ago, broke my leg and got carbon monoxide poisoning.

    3 years ago, my cat died, after being with me for about 11 years.

    2 years ago, my girlfriend died.

    1 year+ ago, I lost my last job.

    In some ways my life has gotten better, I have really worked hard at getting more friends, and improving the relationships of my family.

    But every day, I feel so little drive to do anything, I need to get a job, but I feel it is so pointless and hopeless that I don't bother trying.

    Every day I wish I was dead, because there's nothing left for me to live for.

    No woman would ever look at me, I'm not ugly, but neither am I the tall, muscular hunk that is the only type women seem to seek.

    I don't mind working, I just don't want a crap job working for people who don't care about the quality of their work.

    I do have 1 friend, but he's in worse condition than I am. And I am the one who tries to cheer him up.

    I am in therapy but I still don't feel like there is any hope that my life will ever get better.

    I have to feel like there is a real chance that I can find a good job, a good woman. But I just don't see those as ever happening.

    Every day I can barely sleep or get up, I have no drive, I barely take care of myself.

    I am very ashamed of myself, because the values I stand for, and how I live my life are in extreme contrast.

    What can I do? How can I feel that there is any hope for me?

    3 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Is there any room for respect?

    I am really sick and saddened by all the vitriol in the religious discussion area.

    You are entitled to think and believe or not believe as you wish and like.

    But why have so much hatred and anger? Your free to think what you want.

    No one is forcing you to agree with anyone else.

    How can you expect anyone to respect your free right's, if you can't or won't respect anyone elses?

    What about focusing on what we all have in common, instead of that which divide's us.

    This approach of attacking anyone we disagree with, is very self-destructive and sad.

    Please stop.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why does it matter that much who is right, science vs religion?

    Personally I don't need other people to agree with me.

    But it is so sad and sickening to see all the people being rude and disrespectful to each other because honestly they can't tolerate people not being the same as them....

    Religious people have to respect people's freedom and choices and let them live their own lives, you will get more results by being good role models, then in telling people what to believe.

    Secularist, if you want your freedom and respect, than you should demonstrate you deserve it by respecting other people's right to believe as they want.

    We are all people, what we believe really doesn't matter...

    But honestly all this bickering is really a sign that we just aren't good people anymore, if our ego is so stuck in being rude and disrespectful...

    If secularists are good people, then demonstrate it be good role models, encourage good behavior.

    If religious are good people, then demonstrate it be good role models, and encourage good behavior.

    Why is it so important that people agree with you? I find it honestly very infantile.

    Thank you.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Is Representative Democracy a failed concept?

    I personally see that our political process is an utter failure. On one hand we saw elective/representive democracy as a better alternative to monarchy.

    We wanted to ensure the freedom of the majority and the minority.

    How can any elected official ever truly represent the needs or wants of the individual?

    It may have been logistically possible, back when it was 1 representitive per 100-1000 people, but 1 person representing millions is just not responsible or wise or ethical.

    I just want to know, do you feel electing people, works or if it is a failed concept?

    11 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Do we citizen voters have any culpability or responsibility for our own governments?

    Basically as I have gotten older, it is clear that as much as we fight and argue over governments and politics, really it is us the citizen/voter who has voted in consistently bad people.

    Regardless of your political affiliation, do you feel any responsibility for the consequences of your vote?

    Or do you feel, once they are elected, what they do is up to them and not your responsibility?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Can people who disagree still respect each other?

    I am honestly really saddened by all this vitriol on both sides or any side or all sides of politics.

    The ideal politics is a method for solving problems without resorting to force. Yet honestly, I think of politics as a definite force for corruption.

    But all that aside, can you disagree with someone and be respectful?

    I am not asking you to agree with me, just respect my right to disagree with you.

    Is there any room for civility? Any room for remembering what is to be a united country of people who stood by each other?

    Or is all that we have left, the really sad constant arguing and fighting.

    We are all people, prick us and we bleed, we all have feelings, we all have good days and bad days.

    I really would love to see the day where we can remember all the things we have in common, more than what divides us.

    What do you think?

    9 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Why are beliefs more important than values or character?

    I have been browsing the Yahoo answers for more than 5 years, and again and again I see the endless arguing over what people believe or not believe.

    And I personally see that as pointless and unimportant.

    Let's say you are a religious person, does it matter more to G-d how strongly you believe, or whether you are a good person and live a good life?

    Let's say you are an athiest, does it matter what you believe or not believe?

    The answer to both is, No!

    In the end, religious or not or any variety, being a good person, and living a good life is far more important than anything we believe.

    What do you think?

    Are your beliefs more important than your values?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How to look older and more masculine?

    I happen to be 49 years old, and for most of my life have looked very young, and feminine. This is because of pituitary problems.

    I usually keep my red hair short, but I still get mistaken for being female.

    I wear jeans, shirts, suit w/tie, leather jackets, yet i still get mistaken for being female.

    I am working on growing a moustache but that may take a long time considering my pituitary issues.

    So what kind of hair style, clothes style would help me look more masculine.

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago